ActionScript 3.0 :: Resetting All Buttons To Original State?
Jan 27, 2011
I have the code below and am trying to set up a "reset" button that takes all the buttons back to its "up" state or original state. And I can't seem to get it to work. The last selected button remains in its "down" selected state.
This the code that sets up the buttons' up/down/over/out states:
var selectedButton:MovieClip = null;
setupButton( one_btn );
setupButton( two_btn );
setupButton( three_btn );
setupButton( four_btn );
[Code] .....
The title pretty much sums up what I am trying to do: I haven't started digging into using script in Flash yet, still being very much a beginner.
I created a simple file using movie clips nested in buttons so that when I mouseover a letter, it bobs up and down, but I can't work out how to make it return to its original "up" state *smoothly* when the mouse is moved away. If it must involve script please be aware I am a total noob!
Right now I am in the beginning stages and I have it set up so you can drag different sounds to the timeline (in the game, not in flash) and it'll snap in place which works perfectly.
But here's my problem: When I try to click the reset button the sounds snap to their original places (which sounds good right?) but then they tween back to where you dragged them on the in-game timeline.
I have put in various codes and no matter what I try, when I click the reset button, they always go back to where you dragged them to the timeline, making the reset button pointless.
Here's my code on the Flash timeline:
Code: function dragSetup(clip, targArray) { clip.onPress = function() { startDrag(this);
I know, I know, that whole s(N) thing is very beginner but I didn't know what else to use, and it worked fine.
I am making a presentation where the user can click and drag cubes around the stage. I was wanting some kind of reset function where the cubes would tween back to their original co-ordinates rather than just jumping back to frame 1 when they were all in order.
I have a movie clip for each piece of clothing that will be used to attach on the dog. These movie clips click and drag to add clothes onto a target and it automatically resets back to its original position each time you grab a different selection of clothing. All of my objects go the original position except for one. The "julyDress" movie clip automatically pops up to the top of the page and does not reset to the original position.
Below is my code: stop(); var startJulyXPos:Number = JulyDress.x; var startJulyYPos:Number = JulyDress.y;
I'm just creating a simple navigation bar. When you scroll over a button (in this case "cai_btn") the other buttons drop to the bottom of the screen. But when I try to run this script the items drop to the same place and overlap. They also don't return to the original state, they move in the right direction, just completely off screen. Here's a link to what it does now: [URL]
I am trying to have colorTransform work on MouseOver and MouseOut I can get it to work problem is I want it to go back to the original state of the button,
C // This line defines a variable of type ColorTransform and naming it colorTransform var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
I'm making an app with pages set out as classes which extend the MovieClip class.
What I've got are back buttons and different pages which go to the same page, however... If I end up going out of a page and back into a page (specifically one with drawn squares and dynamic text boxes called from a web service), it seems to have kept all of the original information.
So far I've tried killing all of the children with a while loop targeting the index and also using weak event listeners - neither is working!
the problem is that when i click on another link i.e. "Home"...i have an outro that is a mask that covers all the buttons and creates a wipeout effect. but you'll notice right after you click the link the buttons return to their original opacity. is there a way to have their current opacity stay so that they don't return to original when the wipeout occurs? the code is fairly simple. each rollover button(movie clip) has the following code.
Need to usually use actionscript to do alpha and tint fade? or Just use the properties tween control? Iheard that using actionscript will be better as it will not lag if the user's computer is slow. Here is to get a better idea what i'm trying to achieve using tweening. [URL]. To Alpha fade in, white tint fade in and then fade out white tint to original state. I know how to script the alpha fade in but I have problem with the tint fade.
i want to creat a script that if my movie clip is idle for 5 seconds (or some period of time) with out someone moving there mouse over it, that it returns back to the original state.
I have a form with two radio buttons for each question. Each question is in its own frame "Q1," "Q2," etc. I also have a btn_Reset created to reset the form, i.e. reset all radio buttons and return to "Q1" frame. All buttons work as they should, including resetting the radio buttons, however, once I reset the radio buttons and return to "Q1" to start over, the actions associated with each radio button upon clicking on them do not work. Here's my code:
//Frame "Begin" gotoAndStop("Q1") //I also define my variables in frame "Begin" //Frame "Q1" rbtn_YESQ1.onPress = function():Void
//Once I return to "Begin" frame, my variables are reset to their initial value since that's where I originally defined them, and I go to "Q1" because that's what the code in frame "Begin" says. Here is where I click on rbtn_YESQ1 again and even though the button does fill in, it does not attach btn_Reset to the stage as defined by rbtn_YESQ1.onRelease function.
[URL] I need to know the script they have used for the 'when , how' buttons. I know its controlling movie clips using buttons. How do the buttons come back to original place?
I have designed an interface and on one of the pages there are thumbnails of book covers which you rollover each cover and on the "up and down" states ive included the blurb which has some details about that articular book. However not all books appear correctly, the blurbs go behind the other book covers. All the books covers are placed on a single keyfame in the timeline, i have tried it on separate layers as well but got the same result. above the screenshot of the problem: Ive tried many ways to fix it and each time it is the same.
when a user rolls over a button, the button plays the "open" frame inside the button. When the user rolls off the button, the button plays the "close" frame of the button. When a user presses the button, the button goes to the "dock" frame of the button. Here's the problem : when a user clicks a button, all the other buttons go to their "close" frame when only the button that's previously open when the user clicks a differen button should go to the "close" frame.
More emphatically, a function is needed to check to see if any buttons are in the open state (not a frame 1) when a user clicks a buttons. The way the code is now, when a user clicks a button, all the other buttons go to their "close" frame when only the button that was open should go to their "close" frame. Thus, if any button is not open when a user clicks any button, then, that button shouldn't do anything.
good morning, does anyone have an idea of how i can get the buttons to stay in the over state after its clicked. so the user can tell which tab he is on...i have search for tutorials and i could find is AS2 and i need AS3?
I already made some buttons that I was planning on using as a menu for difficulty, easy,medium, hard. The buttons are already made with all the states and graphics, so I wanted to add an event listener so that when you click a button for example easy, if the medium button was at its hit state I would revert it back to up, eg:easyButton.addEventListenere(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:event) { mediumButton.gotoAndStop("up") or mediumButton.up
but then I realized there is no propertie or function in the simpleButton class to change the state of the button, I know I can make a movieclip, and do gotoAndStop at the up frame, but is there a way to make it work as a button???
What I thought was going to be easy was far from.I have several pages on a flash project that have buttons nestled in a movieclip.The seemingly simple question is how do I get one to stay in the down state after rolling off and retaining that state until another is clicked.This is the code I've generated so far that disables the button after clicked and enables when another is clicked, however it doesn't stay in the down state, after roll out they revert back.
Code: var buttons:Array = new Array("home", "portfolio", "contact", "about"); home.onPress = function() { buttonOver("home");[code]..........
I tried doing a search here and online. Most of what I found was buttons controlled via XML.I'm trying to make an "active state" button.I have 3 buttons. When a user clicks on the button it stays an active color. When the user selects another button the active color goes back and the current button stays on the color.Does that make sense?here's the code I have so far:
I have 8 buttons made from the same movie clip button with different states (up, over, out and active).Now I want to get the button stay active when the cursor moves to the next button to let the end user know where they've been.
I quite often have to create portfolio sites which have a list of projects on the lefthand side. When each project is clicked the relevent content is loaded into the main screen. I'm now moving towards creating such sites where the menu content is XML driven.
What I want to know is, what is the BEST way to do the old radio button style thing where the clicked button changes state (eg. colour) and the when another button is clicked, it returns to it's up state.
I've done this before, when I've created the buttons manually, by creating a 'clicked' variable that can either be true or false for each button, the value of which is changed when a button is clicked. The problem with this (I think) is that it relies upon me knowing how many buttons I have, and if this is driven by XML that is going to get messy.
What I'm after is a very simple, self contained method of setting a button's state when it is clicked (no problem), but then 'unclicks' when any other button in the menu is pressed.
So i have this bit of code that triggers a bunch of stuff on a buttons over/out/down etc... I also have a variable on the _root time line that declares a clicked variable so i can keep track of the buttons click state. Ok so now the trouble... Im changing my (working) buttons to movieclip buttons to take advantage of the MC properties (ie. goToPlay - etc.. ). But this screws up my working AS and im not sure why? In particular the "if" statement that keeps track of the clicked variable does not seem to be functioning. Is there a problem putting if statement on a MC button? How do i fix this? Here is the code i'm using on my MC button:
I am working on a Flash file and some of the buttons in the document are not working.When I test the movie the hand cursor appears when I hover over the buttons they don't change colour (as specified in the over state) and the actions don't work. Not sure what is going on here as I created other buttons in the same document the same way and they work fine.
I need to trigger the hover state of a Flex button programatically, so that it looks like the user is hovering over it. There is a flex page about "Manually dispatching events":
Which would work, but what I'd really like to do is change the style of the button without having to throw an event. How can I do this?
I am creating a tab menu interface with 3 buttons. I have got them working to where on the clicked state the button goes the rollover frame in the animation and freezes until the user clicks on another button tab. What I can't figure out is how to get the first button to load in the "rollover" state so it looks like the first tab is selected already. Attached is the fla file. In the main movie as I tried setting btn1 to the stop on frame 25 with: btn1.gotoAndStop (25); This works initially but when you click on the other buttons the btn1 stays in the selected state.
I'm looking for an AS3/XML parsing pro to help me with an issue I'm having. The following xml file loads 7 icons ("url") into an array. What I want to do is create an activestate using child ("activestate") that replaces the "url" icon when clicked. I have no idea what the best way to do this would be. I've tried everything. The reason for this application is if i decide to change up the content down the line I won't have to recode anything. Just update the icons.
xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <images> <image>
I have created an image gallery that loads from an XML file using mostly previous Kirupa threads. From Scotty's code (I think -- my head is moosh now) I got numbered buttons for navigating between the images.Each button is a movie clip with different labeled frames for "up", "active", "hover", and "down" states. I'd like to have the numbered button change color when its image is on view and then change back when a different image loads, and I can't figure out how to do that. I know part of the problem is that the onRollOut function overrides other changes, so I'm willing to give up the rollover effect if necessary.[code]
What i need is a series of pictures on a row that is mouse sensitive, if you move the mouse the gallery move in a loop, (no stop!)[code]This works but i would like to have unblur the last button pressed.I did some tries but i'm not a good programmer...URL...