ActionScript 3.0 :: Re-instantiating A Page Class In Original State ?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm making an app with pages set out as classes which extend the MovieClip class.

What I've got are back buttons and different pages which go to the same page, however... If I end up going out of a page and back into a page (specifically one with drawn squares and dynamic text boxes called from a web service), it seems to have kept all of the original information.

So far I've tried killing all of the children with a while loop targeting the index and also using weak event listeners - neither is working!

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include "amfphp/services/flashMe.php";
$session = true;


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$arr = array(CONSTANT_A => "foo", CONSTANT_B => "bar");

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var type:String;
public function Animal(t:String = "") {
type = t;


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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Code::Chapter/initialise()


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PHP Code:
public functionportGal():void {
this._images = new Array();


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Professional :: Make Buttons That Animate On Mouse Over Go Back To Original State *smoothly* On Mouse Off?

Aug 26, 2011

The title pretty much sums up what I am trying to do: I haven't started digging into using script in Flash yet, still being very much a beginner.
I created a simple file using movie clips nested in buttons so that when I mouseover a letter, it bobs up and down, but I can't work out how to make it return to its original "up" state *smoothly* when the mouse is moved away. If it must involve script please be aware I am a total noob!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Instantiating Multidimensional Array Of Movie Clips From Inside Of A Class

Dec 30, 2007

I am trying to set up a script that will generate a matrix repeating the same symbol X by Y times. For example, b(3,2); should generate...


...and after many days of being tested by this problem I have narrowed the location of my problem down to what can be seen up in the following.

for (a=0; a<4; a++){
for (b=0; b<4; b++){
var z:Number = ((a*4)+b);
_root.attachMovie("Light", ("L" + z), _root.getNextHightestDepth(), {_x:(a*45), _y:(b*45)});

For some reason, that loop will only attach one copy of my "Light" movie. I cannot seem to figure out why more are not added. I am putting that code on the first frame of my movie. There is nothing else in my project yet.

I have compared my array to [URL]

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I have a symbol named picHolder. In symbol properties under linkage, I chose "Export for ActionScript" and "Export in frame 1" and gave it a class name of picHolder.Normally, to instantiate a new instance, I'd say:

var tempPic:picHolder = new picHolder();
and I'd go about my way.


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Nov 3, 2010

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