ActionScript 2.0 :: Reset Bitmap ColorTransform To Its Original?

Dec 8, 2007

I am trying to reset the state of a bitmap back to its original state after I transformed its color.


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// This line defines a variable of type ColorTransform and naming it colorTransform
var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Bitmap ColorTransform?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset The To Original State Of MovieClip When I Addit Again?

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I added a child (addChild(myCllip) ) and then i change properties of other movieClips inside it then i remove it.

My problem is that when i addChild it again i remains the same when i removed it.

Its there a way to reset the to the original state of the movieClip when i addit again?

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I've googled and searched my books and can't find anything. Another option I could see is having the current flash reload, that would set everything back to the start but I couldn't find how to do that either.

Anyone know?

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Then there's a bitmap 'emptyBitmap' with bitmap data created - however; I never really added this as a child to the character. This is sized to the dimensions of my character. My level is created as a movielip, then it's drawn to a bitmap - when the level movieclip is changed, the bitmap redraws, and that's how this updates.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The BitmapData Property Of A Bitmap And Pass It To The Constructor Of A New Bitmap Object?

Aug 20, 2009

I know the topic of "duplicating" movieclips is a hot issue with the new virtual machine. Luckily, I understand the implications. I only am [currently] interested in duplicating a Bitmap. See, I load an image from an URL using 'flash.display.Loader.load', which is a non-blocking operation in Flash Player.However,I may use multiple copies of the loaded image (which is reported to be a Bitmap, naturally) in the display list at the same time.Hence, I naturally do not want to load the image from an URL every time, because I don't want to wait for a non-blocking call to complete. Nor do I need to - I mean one copy is already loaded, so it should be possible to just "duplicate" it, right?

My idea is to do use the bitmapData property of a Bitmap and pass it to the constructor of a new Bitmap object. I have not tried the following in action, but I want to hear whether any of you did and if the following would not work, what would:


var original_bitmap: Bitmap;
var copy_of_original_bitmap: Bitmap = new Bitmap(original_bitmap.bitmapData);

LiveDocs mention that the BitmapData being passed to a Bitmap constructor is "being referenced", which to me might suggest it cannot be used twice? There is also the BitmapData::clone() method, which I am not sure is applicable here or not.I know this is a lot of talk instead of just trying this out, but I test so much Flash Player code daily just to see "what works" (which should be documented instead by Adobe),

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Reverse A ColorTransform?

Feb 16, 2011

In a game I'm working on, I'm using the ColorTransform class to the turn the 'enemies' red as they fall off the screen after they've been hit by one of the player's 'missles' with the following [code]...

Can I somehow undo the ColorTransform to an enemy once it has been applied, or does he have to stay monochromatic thereafter?

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I'm working on a game, and to keep performance good, instead of addChild'ing 50 new sprites to the stage every second, I decided to have each player draw to their own bitmap, and then to the 'master' bitmap. This introduces an issue though: the second player would override all data the first player has put into to bitmap...My basic debugging proof of concept:

// bitmap test

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Bitmap;[code]......

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i am currently reading Learning Actionscript 3.0 A Beginners Guide and i'v stumbled on a code snippet tutorial that i hope you can explain to me, P.139. What i am trying to do is essentially create a particle system and the following code snippet i'm not sure about is the following


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ColorTransform For Another Class?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm trying to change the background color of my control panel but NOT the buttons using the function ColorTransform.
I have a feeling I'm doing something really silly so can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong here? Using the below code nothing happens...but if I change the line in bold to:

controlPanel.transform.colorTransform = cp;
Then the whole control panel does change colour! Here's the code...
var cp:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();            var controlPanelColor:uint = config.controlPanelColor;                        var red_controlPanel:Number = (controlPanelColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16;            var green_controlPanel:Number = (controlPanelColor & 0x00FF00) >> 8;            var blue_controlPanel:Number = controlPanelColor & 0x0000FF;                        cp.redMultiplier =


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ColorTransform With 2 Or 8 Digits

Jan 18, 2010

Strangely I compare two colorTransform, one from a static variable and the one directly from the object:

ActionScript Code:
var tempColor:ColorTransform=new ColorTransform() ;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Store Var For Colortransform

Oct 13, 2010

I get this error with the following code 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type uint.

ActionScript Code:
main.ana.colorPickerS.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorChangeHandler2);
function colorChangeHandler2(event:ColorPickerEvent):void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: ColorTransform In A Class?

Aug 12, 2006

I've got a class that I'm using to set a menu button. the class has a rollover and roll out state, and on init of the class i set a color transform to set some colors in that button since i'm reusing five of these so i thought it'd be best to do it in a class and just reuse one movieclip.

anyway, when i roll over the clip for the first time, it works fine and the proper color shows, as soon as the roll out is initiated, the color switches back to my original color that i just used as a dummy color, and from there on out it won't show the proper color in that clip anymore. it's really odd to say the least.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: ColorTransform With Alpha?

Nov 17, 2008

If I have a movie clip that contains stuff with transparency, and then I apply a colorTransform on it, the the transparency is can I tint a movie clip but maintain its transparency?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copying A Rotated Bitmap Into A Bigger Bitmap?

May 9, 2011

I have a bitmap which has several frames (packed along the horizontal axis). In order to render them I copy it to the backbuffer (larger bitmap) as follows:

Actionscript Code:
public override function copyToBackBuffer(db:BitmapData):void{ if (active)  var drawRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle((currentFrame-1) * frameWidth, 0, frameWidth,


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Actionscript 3 :: Update A Portion Of A Bitmap With A Pixelbender Instead Of The Whole Bitmap?

Feb 17, 2012

In pure AS3, I have a pixelbender and a large bitmap. The pixelbender is configurable with a distance parameter to affect only a small area of the bitmap. The problem is that the pixelbender is executing over the whole bitmap. What would be the best way to update only the effected region of the bitmap? Given this config:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bitmap Font Text Drawn To Bitmap

Oct 8, 2006

Is there a way to write a bitmap font right into the bitmap being desplayed? Mabey better worded: myBitmap.draw(image, t) draws a picture is there a way to draw text? I'm stuck even if its just a work around in some way I would like to know... (the current work around i have in my head is writing it in a movieclip turning that into bitmap data and drawing it... esentially creating a prototype answering my question... but a built in way would be easier probably).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Use ColorTransform.color Method

Feb 20, 2009

I am trying to use the ColorTransform.color method to retrieve the RGB value of a ColorTransform object, but there's obviously something about it I don't understand. The implementation is:

-public function get color():uint

-public function set color(value:uint):void.

I don't understand how to use this type of function. The functions I am used to only have one word in their name, like getColor() or setColor().I can get a number to return using the color method by doing this: trace (someDisplayObject.transform.colorTransform.color) ; but it is not a good color number.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ColorTransform For An Element That Isn't Accessible?

Jan 8, 2010

Basically, I have been asked to develop a function on a Flash player so that you can change the colour of the control panel using a variable.The control panel's background elements aren't accessible from the main class; they're private members because the panel's layout and appearance are something I might want to change without having to change the main classHow on Earth can I directly modify a control panel's colour transform when they aren't directly accessible? I've looked at various forum posts but nothing matches exactly what I'm after I guess this will involve using colorTransform but how do I invoke this on something that sits in the fla file?

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Flex :: Tweaking A ColorTransform Object

Jan 16, 2011

The official docs say:

You must use the new ColorTransform() constructor to create a ColorTransform object before you can call the methods of the ColorTransform object.

So does this mean every time I want to tweak the color transform, I have to create a new instance? If so, the setter properties seem pretty pointless and my tests are showing this is the case.

So if every render I want to cycle say the redOffset based on time (to get a pulsing effect), do I have to manually create a new ColorTransform passing all constructor args from this.transform.colorTransform:

var newRedOffset:Number = ...
transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(
transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier, transform.colorTransform.greenMultiplier,


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AS3 :: Flash - ColorTransform Over Multiple Frames?

Nov 30, 2011

(Flash Professional, AS3) I'm working on a custom avatar system where you can select various festures and colors. For example, I have a "hair" movieclip that has 10 hairstyles. Each frame has a movieclip of a different hairstyle (HairStyle1, HairStyle2, etc.). I also have a colorPicker to change the color. Here's my code:


This correctly changes the initial color. I have a "nextHair" button to advance to the next frame. When I click the button, I get an error message saying that I have a null object reference. I added a trace, and is null on frame 2. I've clearly named HairStyle2 as "colorLayer" in frame 2. I think the problem is related to me using the same name for different classes/movieclips, but I don't know how to fix the problem...

I added a square movieclip below my hairStyle movieclips, named the square "colorLevel", and deleted the name from my hairStyle clips. When I click the next button, the square correctly maintains the color from frame to frame. However, having a square doesn't do me much good. I tried converting the hairStyle layer to a mask. Doing this, however, results in yet another "null object" error - is null after frame 1. I even tried "spanning" my colorLevel across all frames (no keyframes), thinking that this would give me just one movieclip to work with. What's going on, here? Why am I getting these null objects, when they are clearly defined in my movieclip? I'm also open to suggestions on a better way to do multiple frames and colors.

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