ActionScript 2.0 :: Math - Set Dynamatic-textfield Rightwrong To Wrong?

Nov 17, 2004

I have tryed to make a math program, but cant get it going as i want with my knowlegde in flash as.This is what i want to do: What is "random number1(random is max 20)" x "random number2(random is max 20)"

Answer 1: "random number1*random number2"

Answer 2: "random(random is max 20)*random(random is max 20)"

Answer 3: "random(random is max 20)*random(random is max 20)"

If Answer 1 is clicked, then do:
set dynamatic-textfield rightwrong to right

If Answer 2 or 3 is clicked, then do: set dynamatic-textfield rightwrong to wrong.The right answer do i want to be different each time too.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using TextField Content For Math

Jan 12, 2009

Set variable as numbers
var monthly_num:Number = 0;
var ttl_num:Number = 0;
var ttl_rev_num:Number = 0;
// user-entered numbers from an Input textfields
monthly_num = monthly_txt.text;
ttl_num = ttl_txt.text;
// Multiply two user-entered number together to get new result
ttl_rev_num = ttl_num*monthly_num;

Attempts to assign numbers typed into textfields to numeric variables causes errors.
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type Number.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField Alpha Is Wrong On Stage

Oct 27, 2010

I have a text caption (two textFields, one acting as a dimmable background and the second including the displayed text) that when added to the stage takes on the default alpha value (1) and is not changed when I address it in mouse_over and mouse_out events.Some background... What I want to accomplish is:

1) a horizontally scrolling image gallery
2) reads image source, caption title, link and page data from an XML file,
3) is re-usable on several web pages (both swf and xml) as it can identify the current page and dynamically display images appropriate to that page from the xml file
4) On image mouse over the image should resize (get bigger) and should pop up the text caption for the image (this is where I am stuck!!!)
5) on image click should take the visitor to a new url

I have cobbled this together from several tutorials and am not a developer.I sense I have gone terribly, terribly wrong with the textField stuff if not with other things too.The caption pops up on the stage at the bottom of the image (where it should be) at run time but at full alpha (1) even though I set it to 0 earlier.I suspect this means I am not loading these objects correctly (but I don't know where I've gone wrong).Then inside the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT events I can't change the opacity attribute which makes me suspect I am not addressing these objects correctly (but I don't know where I have gone wrong here either).[code]

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Mar 7, 2011

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var p:int = 0;
var n:Number = 0;
n = 32.999999999999999;
p = Math.floor(n);
trace(p); // returns 33
n = 32.11111111111111;
p = Math.floor(n);
trace(p); // returns 32

I would expect both of these to return 32. I have searched, and it seems this is an unreported bug in AS3. Or ... am I doing something wrong?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<operator><name>OPerator1 </name></operator>


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myTextField.onSetFocus = Set(evt:Event){
// Change color


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var s:String = sexul.text;
var p:String = femi.text;
(s == p)
sexulf.selected = true


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code: buttonMC.onRelease = function() {
trace('release, going to ' + this.sceneName);

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Spinning Motion Preset Looks Wrong?

Jul 5, 2011

What I have done is create a new actionscript 3 document, imported to stage my bitmap then converting it to movie clip, then i just apply the 3d spin motion preset.When i try the movie it spins ok apart from 1 frame where it looks like the bitmap moves to the left slightly.Do I need to delete frame 1 or the last frame perhaps

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Pre-Loader Skips To Wrong Frame?

May 9, 2009

This is a bit of an odd-ball problem. I've created a website 524 frames long, but am creating the pre-load bar *after* the website is done. I could move all the frames a few over, but this would require remapping all my many, many buttons. What I've done then, is told Frame 1 to go to Frame 525, and put the preloader there. I should note the site works perfectly without the pre-loader, I just want it to be smooth once it makes it online.The following code is being used for the first frame (frame 525) of the pre-loader:

bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;this.loadBar._width = getPercent*100;this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent*100)+"%";if (bytes_loaded ==


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