Flash :: Particularly Wrong With Function?

Jan 9, 2012

Is there anything wrong with this function?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Preloader Function At The Wrong Place Or Are Objects In The Library Loading First?

Apr 2, 2009

I have a flash project that exports at around 3MB, I am trying to create a preloader for it but it seems to get called after the preloading is complete, there for, making it useless. My stage is empty, nothing on the timeline. The preloading script is called in the main document class. Does anyone know why this isn't working, am I calling my preloader function at the wrong place or are my objects in the library loading first? Here is the code,


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Gets XML But The Values Are Wrong

Apr 13, 2010

Flash receives the XML, but the values are wrong. How do I fix this? Problem I can see the XML loaded with no errors, but my output is way off. It's as though it's not receiving any values. Numbers in the output window and animation move rapidly. The Flash file runs as if it's variables where set to zero. I changed the order of my code, but that didn't help with this. how I can correct this.


your problem is that you're calling myLoader.load() and adding an event listener to wait for the xml to finish loading, but you're then immediately setting var delay:uint = 0; and var repeat:uint = 0; and starting the timer. you can see this in your results by the 1, XML, 2, 3, 4 output. the load call is asynchronous so it returns immediately. you need to wait until your processXML function is called before proceeding to the next step.

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Flash :: Cs5 Building Swf For The Wrong Version

May 11, 2010

I'm using CS5 flash professional to build a swf. I have it publishing to flash 8, actionscript 2. but it will only work with browsers that have 10.1+ plugins, no matter what I try. is there something really obvious that I'm missing? Edit: I'm using swfobject.embed. it looks like this: swfobject.embedSWF("/foo.swf", "myContent", "400", "300", "9.0.0", "/foo.swf", flashvars);

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Flash :: Document Background Wrong Size

May 11, 2009

I have a flash file that a customer has sent me that needs changing. (It is a flash website header with links to the site pages and a logo above. I have deleted the logo above) One of the problems is the size. I would like to half the size of the document as there is a lot of white space in the top half where I am going to add a static logo to a webpage (with these flash site links below). When I open Flash CS4 and click Modify > Document..., I can change the height dimensions but the white background changes but the whole of the flash movie is now under the document.

How can I change the possition of either the rest of the document or the background of the document to fit under my movie so that the whole document displays as a flash movie at the correct size? Another problem that  I am having is changing the links in the template to the page names that I am using on the site. I don't seem to be able to even find the buttons to make the changes. What ever I do to view them I can't 'see' them when scrolling the time line but when I export or preview the movie all the elements are there.

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Professional :: Flash Player 10.1 Loading Wrong .swf

Jan 18, 2011

As I didn't find another place for Flash Player 10.1 standalone-subjects (only 10.2. or the browser-players),When I open my .swf with double-click from the finder, it opens in FP 10.1. - but an _older_ project (which is located in a completely different place) will load! And it opens twice No matter, what new .swf I am creating, it's always this old file that will start.When opening the same .swf in FPlayer 9, it works fine.

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Flash :: Selenium Calling The Wrong Methods?

Dec 13, 2010

Seems like sometimes when Selenium should call a certain method, it instead calls another, as pointed out by the following log


I've tried both Selenium server 1.0.3 and the 2.0 alpha 7 versions, they both display this behaviour. FlashSelenium is involved so I'm not sure where along the way lies the bug. Furthermore it's hard to reproduce as it doesn't happen only for some methods, and doesn't always happen.

I've tried searching for issues similar to these but couldn't find any remotely similar... Anyone experienced the same behavior? And if so, is there a fix for it? Edit: I doubt FlashSelenium is at fault for this, as the log tells that the command arrives correctly at the server... But I can't seem to be able to follow the path of execution from the moment the Selenium server gets the command and passes over to the browser, to the moment where it gets the response.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - StageWidth Wrong In Firefox 3.6?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a full-windowed SWF running in Firefox3.6.Reading stage.stageWidth should follow the size of the browser's window, but that's not the case with Firefox! The minimum stage.stageWidth I get is 925, even if I make the Firefox window much smaller than that.stage. stageHeight seems to work fine though.This is because the (my?) Menu Bar won't go below 925 pixels wide. The problem is solved if I hide the Menu Bar!

This problem only appears on Firefox. Anyone knows if there is a work around? I can't ask users visiting my site to turn their menu bar off in order to see it correctly.

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Flash :: Button In TitleWindow Has Wrong Color?

May 25, 2011

I've got a TitleWindow with 2 buttons in it. One button is in the contentgroup and the other in the controlbargroup. Titlewindow and buttons are styled with chromecolor.

Why has the button in den controlbar not a red color? How can I get a red button?


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Flash :: Itemrenderer In Datagrid Wrong Display?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a datagrid with an itemrenderer component.In the itemrenderer is a button which should be displayed in every second row of the datagrid.It appears that way after compiling.As soon as I scroll the datagrid the buttons are displayed incorrectly, why??

Link to image


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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP - Flash Log In Form - Returned Value Is Wrong

Jan 22, 2008

Login Form: I send Login and Password from Flash to PHP. PHP accepts those values, checks them against the database, and then... returns something weird to flash. Instead of just returning "true" (if the password is correct) or "false" (if the password in not correct), PHP returns one of those values AND whatever comes after that value, including even the closing PHP tag ?> .... I know it because I trace the returned value in Flash. I need your help with my scripts. This is my Flash button, sending the values to PHP.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Firefox Sometimes Renders The Flash Wrong?

Oct 11, 2009

sometimes when i load a webside in firefox, it fails to draw some of the elements that gets drawn early on in the flash file (4 squares and a background square, all movieclips), but other times it works perfectly. And it ONLY happens in firefox, as far as i know. I have tested it in Opera, Safari and Firefox on my mac. The other browsers loads the file perfectly.I use SWFObject, SWFFit and SWFAddress, if that can have any effect.i draw and do everything in AS3, i only have 2 Movieclips in my fla file, which i export to actionscript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash 2 Buttons Wrong Code

May 6, 2011

Im currently trying to code the Login and Register buttons on the main screen of an app prototype to lead to certain frames.The code im using is below, i know this will be an easy fix for most of you,a compile error stating that it expects 2 arguments is coming up.[code]

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Flash :: Displays The Wrong Font When Viewing The Webpage In Ie7

Aug 4, 2009

I have made a flash banner in flash cs4. Everything is ok except that it displays the wrong font when viewing the webpage in ie7 on a pc. The font in the swf file is a mac only font but the text that it is displaying is a graphic symbol. Do i need to embed this font in the swf file?

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Professional :: Button Opens Wrong Scene Flash Cs5?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a project set up as scenes.In scene 1 there are two buttons visible from the frame 1licking on these takes us to scene 3 or 4. They work fine. I used code snippet "Click to Go to Scene and Play" the action script is on a keyframe on frame 1 as that is the first frame the buttons appear.From frame 120 a third button appears. So on this frame I have actionscript go to and play scene 5.Problem is it goes to scene 3 instead, like the firstbutton. The buttons are not near each other on screen so its not a case of accidentally clicking wrong button.I think maybe I should've set up my project as movie clips within 1 timeline  but I'm too far down the scene route now to change it at this stage.the buttons are all invisible so maybe the third button should also be present from frame 1 and just disabled until frame 120?

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Flash :: Movieclip Saves Bitmap At Wrong Coordinates?

Oct 8, 2011

I have a MovieClip inside a stage that is mostly(not accurately) centered to the middle of the stage.

When I try to save the MovieClip into a bitmap in order to upload it to facebook, I either get a cropped image or a white image(blank). Here is the code for generating the bitmap:

var source:BitmapData = new BitmapData(board.width, board.height);
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(source);

The result I am getting is the yellow area in the following image:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movieclip Wrong Position New Frame

Jun 26, 2011

Basically I have a load of movieclips on one frame, and a load of the same type on the second frame. However, when you're coming from the first frame to the second frame, Flash decides to place the new movieclips in the same position as the old movieclips (from the first frame) rather than where I placed them in Flash.

I vaguely remember seeing something like this before, but I can't for the life of me remember the solution. Any of you guys know what's happening here?

Just a note, it looks as if giving the movieclips instance names stops it - but this isn't really plausible for me as I could have hundreds of movieclips on each frame..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code Working Well In Flash But Wrong Inside Html

Jul 14, 2009

I have a problem that's new for me.....When I test the following code inside of Flash, everything works well. When I publish the movie, and test it, I find that one of the functions doesn't work the way it worked (highlighted in the code).


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Html :: Google Chrome Wrong Flash Object Size

Apr 9, 2012

So, Since years the site ( Its a kind of CMS ) Just worked Fine, but about 3 days ago all the flash's object's in the Whole Site are with 300px X 150px. But it just happens in Google Chrome, in all other Browsers it just Work's fine!

How it would be fixed? Take a look at the code of the object:

<object >
<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />
<param name='movie' value='topo.swf'/>


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Html :: IE Displays Flash Movie With Wrong Height Using Swfobject?

Mar 16, 2012

I have a full screen flash movie that loads and displays correctly in firefox and chrome. In IE, however, it displays at 1/3 the width. The embedded code is relatively simple:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


IE respects the height, but I would really like to use 100% height. What could I be doing wrong?

Tested in IE 8, Windows XP, Flash Player 11, SWFObject v2.0

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Actionscript :: Flash Reports Wrong Http-header In Firefox And Safari?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a banner in actionscript 2, that posts to a URL, and gets a response back. The http header from that is then used to figure out if the posting was successful. This works like a charm i IE, but in Firefox and Safari, the Flash player shomehow interprets the HTTP header as a 0, no matter what the browser actually gets. My guess is that it's what's described here [URL]...

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Actionscript :: Flash Stage Is In The Wrong Place 0,0 Is Not In The Top Left Hand Corner?

Jan 17, 2012

I inherited a flash project from someone and if I add a simple movie clip to the stage at position 0,0 it actually ends up in the middle of the screen!

What I can see is that when I open the stage in the library, in it's properties

X=350 and Y=262,05 all the subsequent movie clips which are added to the screen as by magic are added at position X=-350 and Y=-262.05

I would really like to return to a situation where 0,0 is top left corner. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trivia Game - Flash Fade Out One Wrong Answer At A Time?

Mar 28, 2007

I am having a problem with a little trivia game that I am in the process of developing. What I am trying to do is have flash fade out one wrong answer at a time. All questions are being pulled from an XML file that has hundreds of questions. Keep in mind that the correct answer will not always be in the same spot. I also have it so that one question fades into another after a specific time. Here is the code

System.useCodepage = true;
function loadXML(loaded) {[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Loading An Image In The Wrong Part Of The Movie Clip

Apr 9, 2012

I am having trouble loading an image where i really want. Here is the code that i am using:


The CELL movie clip it has 3 more movieclips inside, i want to load the image in a particular one inside the CELL movie clip... the previous code works, but seams that it is loading in the cell movie clip... The other 3 movieclips are A, B, C... i want to load the image in cell.c

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Flash :: Delegate Function (Function).toString() Prints Function Function() {}?

Nov 1, 2010

I've got a Vector of ViewToActionMap objects, which have following constructor:

public function ViewToActionMap(_forModule:eModule,


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Skipping To Wrong Frames

Aug 3, 2009

I'm making a flash company profile in the style of a website, except it won't be uploaded online.and i made each button skip to a frame that i already named

some of the buttons are skipping to the wrong frames for some reason,the ones that are not working properly have some pretty big picture files on them,could this be the reason or is it just an action script mistake?

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CS3 :: Playing In Wrong Order

Aug 26, 2010

I did a banner in flash CS3. I did 8 things and you see them one after the other one. The first time that it plays it goes on the right order but after it finished, when it normally has to start playing again, it plays in wrong order (the first then the third, the last, the second again the first, last and so on), it just does what he wants and not what I did.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Typed Many J's.only First Looks Wrong?

Mar 13, 2009

when I type j in the input box (or grid) component it looks like i. is it bug? when typed many j's.only first looks wrong.

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Professional :: IE Loading Wrong Xml

May 26, 2011

I have built a website that contains two flash galleries on two separate pages.Each .swf galllery is meant to call a separate xml, loading the relevant text and images.The galleries work perfect when using Firefox-windows, Firefox-mac and Safari and on my local machine(macbook)The galleries do not work using IE-windows, the problem being it loads both galleries with the same xml. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error And Nothing Is Wrong

Sep 24, 2010

can u re-write the code? im not sure im getting it.

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