ActionScript 3.0 :: Firefox Sometimes Renders The Flash Wrong?

Oct 11, 2009

sometimes when i load a webside in firefox, it fails to draw some of the elements that gets drawn early on in the flash file (4 squares and a background square, all movieclips), but other times it works perfectly. And it ONLY happens in firefox, as far as i know. I have tested it in Opera, Safari and Firefox on my mac. The other browsers loads the file perfectly.I use SWFObject, SWFFit and SWFAddress, if that can have any effect.i draw and do everything in AS3, i only have 2 Movieclips in my fla file, which i export to actionscript.

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<div id="flashContent">
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Code: Select allpackage {


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Then when I add something else as a child in this class, the mask is still applied to the gallery and it crops it accordingly, however the background in it turns white and hides whatever was behind it. For instance, there is space between the rectangles in the gallery movieclip and then a backdrop from the main class's movieclip shows behind it. When I called "addChild", the space between the rectangles becomes white. The background of gallery renders totally white.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Gets XML But The Values Are Wrong

Apr 13, 2010

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your problem is that you're calling myLoader.load() and adding an event listener to wait for the xml to finish loading, but you're then immediately setting var delay:uint = 0; and var repeat:uint = 0; and starting the timer. you can see this in your results by the 1, XML, 2, 3, 4 output. the load call is asynchronous so it returns immediately. you need to wait until your processXML function is called before proceeding to the next step.

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May 11, 2010

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Flash :: Document Background Wrong Size

May 11, 2009

I have a flash file that a customer has sent me that needs changing. (It is a flash website header with links to the site pages and a logo above. I have deleted the logo above) One of the problems is the size. I would like to half the size of the document as there is a lot of white space in the top half where I am going to add a static logo to a webpage (with these flash site links below). When I open Flash CS4 and click Modify > Document..., I can change the height dimensions but the white background changes but the whole of the flash movie is now under the document.

How can I change the possition of either the rest of the document or the background of the document to fit under my movie so that the whole document displays as a flash movie at the correct size? Another problem that  I am having is changing the links in the template to the page names that I am using on the site. I don't seem to be able to even find the buttons to make the changes. What ever I do to view them I can't 'see' them when scrolling the time line but when I export or preview the movie all the elements are there.

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Professional :: Flash Player 10.1 Loading Wrong .swf

Jan 18, 2011

As I didn't find another place for Flash Player 10.1 standalone-subjects (only 10.2. or the browser-players),When I open my .swf with double-click from the finder, it opens in FP 10.1. - but an _older_ project (which is located in a completely different place) will load! And it opens twice No matter, what new .swf I am creating, it's always this old file that will start.When opening the same .swf in FPlayer 9, it works fine.

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Flash :: Selenium Calling The Wrong Methods?

Dec 13, 2010

Seems like sometimes when Selenium should call a certain method, it instead calls another, as pointed out by the following log


I've tried both Selenium server 1.0.3 and the 2.0 alpha 7 versions, they both display this behaviour. FlashSelenium is involved so I'm not sure where along the way lies the bug. Furthermore it's hard to reproduce as it doesn't happen only for some methods, and doesn't always happen.

I've tried searching for issues similar to these but couldn't find any remotely similar... Anyone experienced the same behavior? And if so, is there a fix for it? Edit: I doubt FlashSelenium is at fault for this, as the log tells that the command arrives correctly at the server... But I can't seem to be able to follow the path of execution from the moment the Selenium server gets the command and passes over to the browser, to the moment where it gets the response.

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May 25, 2011

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Flash :: Itemrenderer In Datagrid Wrong Display?

Jun 20, 2011

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Link to image


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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP - Flash Log In Form - Returned Value Is Wrong

Jan 22, 2008

Login Form: I send Login and Password from Flash to PHP. PHP accepts those values, checks them against the database, and then... returns something weird to flash. Instead of just returning "true" (if the password is correct) or "false" (if the password in not correct), PHP returns one of those values AND whatever comes after that value, including even the closing PHP tag ?> .... I know it because I trace the returned value in Flash. I need your help with my scripts. This is my Flash button, sending the values to PHP.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash 2 Buttons Wrong Code

May 6, 2011

Im currently trying to code the Login and Register buttons on the main screen of an app prototype to lead to certain frames.The code im using is below, i know this will be an easy fix for most of you,a compile error stating that it expects 2 arguments is coming up.[code]

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