i'd like to control MovieClip timeline witch contain several DisplayObject (like Sprite, Button, ...) these DisplayObject have Motion (AnimatorFactory). How can i do seek frame-by-frame the MovieClip Timeline and use the currentFrame to control all Motion child.
I've been working on a new issue while giving a break on cracking the other one.I have a movie clip acting as a button with rollover/rollout animation- we'll call it menu_mc for simple reference.I'm basically creating a rollover submenu. I've set it up a few different ways but the most user friendly has been hiding the submenu_mc (which has 4 linked buttons to root frame inside) by doing:_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;then inside the menu_mc with the rollover I have the submenu trigger set to show: _root.sub5_mc._visible = true;The links are working fine but the problem I am running into, is that the rollover state, once over the submenu_mc, does the rollout function and leaves the submenu_mc hanging there by itself- still functioning perfectly.You can go back over the menu_mc and it will play out the rollover again.On the other simple animated buttons (which do not have submenus) I have coded:
I have 2 textfields, one dynamic and one input. Both of em have the same variable name since the dynamic textfield should have the same value as the other.It works perfectly if both of em are on the same frame outside of a movieclip.Is it possible to do this while one is on the root frame and one is in a movieclip on the rootframe?
ive recently created an actionscript 2 product gallery that has five sections for the types of product with navigation buttons that goto a new scene containing that sections products in each 'product' scene ive got left and right buttons that gotoandStop at either nextFrame or prevFrame so far so good this works fine even tho its simple [code]however when i originally tested it i had just one range of products so when it got to the end (ie furthest product right or left) it stopped however as ive added more scenes (i do this because i hate really long timelines) if the user clicks 'right button' at the end of the scene it displays the next scenes picture any ideas on how i can get it to understand where it is in the program and stop?just need to say I really dont get programming at all..i only managed that code by butchering a gotoAndStop that i added using the behaviours panel so the simpler the better lol
Ok here is the thing, I have the following code on my buttons.
This makes the button animation rewind or play depending on if the mouse is over the button. I want to have this on my buttons but I also want a different movie clip on a different layer to go to the next frame or previous frame depending on the rollover. Basically, I need to know how to add something in addition to:
openMenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openSubMenu); function openSubMenu(event:MouseEvent):void { this.openMenu.nextFrame(); } openMenu.closeMenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeSub); function closeSub(event:MouseEvent):void { this.openMenu.prevFrame(); } stop();
I've got the above code on my first frame, and was hoping that it would open a menu when a button was clicked, and once the button within the MC is clicked it would then close. Hence the nextFrame and prevFrame actions.
I keep getting TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
Is it possible to have a context menu on a multiple frame movie with all the options except next, prev and play..?I want to have zoom in/out but not next/prev..
Is there a way to control the frames of a movieclip that's in the scroll pane component? On my stage I've got four buttons setup. I've got the following actionscript but get an error.
I have a series of MCs in my root timeline. On each frame in the root, I am simply running 'stop();' to allow the MC within the frame to play through all the way. Once the timeline within the MC reaches the last frame, I have the following AS to go back to the root and play the next frame (each frame is labelled):
In Flash CS3 using Action Script 3, how can I tell the main timeline to gotoAndStop(); a certain frame from within a movie clip.
I have a menu (which is a movie clip) with various buttons. Each button corresponds to a certain frame in the main movie. So if a user click on Button1, it should gotoAndStop(1); and Button2 should gotoAndStop(2); and so on.
In Action Script 2, I could use _root.gotoAndPlay(2); from what I understand, but that does not work in Action Script 3.
I've been trying to switch from AS2 to AS3 by forcing myself to use AS3 on every project and never revert to AS2 no matter what the problem may be. Doing this, I've learned a lot so far, and it has shown me that AS3 has the potential to be much more logical and easier to manage, but every once in a while I run into a problem in which research doesn't prevail.
At the moment I'm working on a project that uses the Union Platform. My goal is to make all control over User1's "Reactor" API managed by a single class.
Anyways, I've ran into a very limiting problem that I can't seem to get by. I can't figure out a way to call the root object and be able to call it's functions from a class!
Here's one of the methods that I've tried (No errors were reported, but it did not work) -
As you can see, I tried to pass "this" as a MovieClip in hopes that I would be able to use the MovieClip's class functions. (Which is most likely very nooby and completely wrong since it's probably not considered a MovieClip reference, but what do I know?) Everything is fine, except the swf does not go to frame 2 when readyListener() is called. No errors are outputted either.
For some reason, the same code works now, without any problem at all. I don't know what happened, or why, but I no longer have this problem Here's the original post: To put simply, I created a MovieClip, put it with addChild() to stage, and when I tried to call this piece of code:
How do you align a dynamic movie clip position with another movie clip which is in the root stage? I tried to get the mc in root x,y position, but the starting point of the class that loads the dynamic MC does not seems to be accurate. (Meaning at the root stage, the x,y is 0,0 but at the dynamic class, its somewhere like 100,20 for the browser area (and it actually vary base on the browser size))
**the other classes I used to run the custom classes below, I have it added this MC to stage
var blocker:stageBlocker=new stageBlocker(); this.stage.addChild(blocker);
Below is the dynamic MC. Should I not add it to its own "stage"?
public class stageBlocker extends MovieClip { private var blocker:MovieClip= new MovieClip(); public function stageBlocker():void {
Just finally making the transition from AS2 to AS3.All i need to do at this point is make two buttons which will control the movie to goto next frame and previous frame. I have gotten how to make the buttons go to a specified frame number and also a button to go to a specified external url but no success in making a simple next/previous pair of buttons.
I am using Flash CS4 and Actionscript 2.0, and I want to be able to run a certain command for a time I am making only on certain frames...
This doesn't work. The reason I am trying to do this, is because every time I complete a level the timer is still going at the 'congratulations screen' and then when I go to level 2 the timer would start up again, and the seconds would go twice as fast.
I am trying to do up the framework for a flash project which has a transistion fadein and fadeout whenever it loads a new content but faces no result. How is this done? I have created fade in and fadeout as movieclips. Is there any script that I can use in my fadein movie clip that tell the root frame to jump to another frame?
I have an swf with a menu button that loads an external swf on(release) {loadMovie("Unit-Type.swf",_root.MC_UnitTypes);}When that menu movie is loaded I want to be able to click a button and have it go to a certain frame in the root movie and close itself. I have this code but it's not workingon(release){_root.gotoAndPlay(25);}
I have an swf with a menu button that loads an external swf: on(release) {loadMovie("Unit-Type.swf",_root.MC_UnitTypes);} When that menu movie is loaded I want to be able to click a button and have it go to a certain frame in the root movie and close itself. I have this code but it's not working: on(release){_root.gotoAndPlay(25);}
I did a MC called "bgproducts" on the root frame no:46 to 59 then stop(); and in this MC, you have an animation and stop at frame no :64 then stop(); in the frame 64, i have another an empty MC called "productsMC". when i do this code in bgproduct frame no 64 : productsMC.loadMovie("main.swf", ""); it plays the frame on the root 46 to 59 non-stop and nothing to loadmovie, and also the main.swf has a preoloader then frame 2 an load from xml file.
here is the fla file - [URL] I have an attached movie on root level that movie has a button inside it and I want to tell that button to do some function. simple----BUT I want to put the action on the first frame on the root and not inside th MC. here is the code Iam working on and the same is in the fla file in the above link.
explanation of the above code-- but1 is the button on root that tells clip1 to attach on blank MC(thats also on root) clip1 has the button inside it call but2 and tried to tell that bloody but2 to open that the URL link but its not doing so NOTE - I want to put all the action on the action on the first frame and not inside th MC.