ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading XML Thumbnail Navigation Bar & Color Effects

Apr 22, 2010

I've created this thumbnail navigation bar that uses XML to get an external image, title, and link information. It then uses attachMovie() and a for loop to generate the listing. It all works like it's supposed to!

However I am now having two problems. The first, since I am loading in an image I would like to have a preloader appear in all the thumbnail containers before the thumbnail image loads in. I have a simple circle preloader in each thumbnail module that I would like to hide it once the image loads in.

The second issues and perhaps the more important one is that the site is color coded meaning once you click on a navigation button the site color scheme changes to a different color. I put all the instance names of the site elements into an array and then created a color change function with a switch statement to had the color change. However I cant seen to include the newly attached thumbnails into this array so they don't change color along with everything else on the website. I'm completely suck on this and have no idea how to go about making this color change happen. I'm frustrate and I need help.

Here is my code:

First this is how I loaded the XML data and attach the thumbnails:

var linkItem:Array = new Array();
var instanceNames:Array = new Array();
function loadHomeBar() {


I'm also attaching the zip file with everything I have coded so far fla, image, and xml files are included.

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_parent.MCInstanceName._alpha = 30;
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//load the thumbnails...
var thumbLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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The second issues and perhaps the more important one is that the site is color coded meaning once you click on a navigation button the site color scheme changes to a different color. I put all the instance names of the site elements into an array and then created a color change function with a switch statement to had the color change. However I cant seen to include the newly attached thumbnails into this array so they don't change color along with everything else on the website. I'm completely suck on this and have no idea how to go about making thHere is my code:First this is how I loaded the XML data and attach the thumbnails:

ActionScript Code:
var linkItem:Array = new Array();
var instanceNames:Array = new Array();


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In a nutshell, the swf contains four ads (which link to portions of the site) and each ad uses the Timer element, displaying it for 5 seconds before moving on to the next one. Everything has come together nicely (although I'd like to clean up the code and use classes at a later date - I'm currently taking AS training from
What's giving me trouble right now is the navigation bar. What I want to do is create four numerical buttons that a) change color during a mouse roll over b) change color for a corresponding ad (for example, when the third ad displays, the number "3" changes from white to gray to show that it is active and goes back to white when the fourth ad comes up).
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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
function loadXML(loaded) {[code].....

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xml file: TumbLoader.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><slideshow><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/1.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/2.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/3.jpg" /><photos[code]...

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {[code]..........

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Aug 5, 2004

i'm doing a school project of mine and i am having trouble doing the changing color objects. here is an axample of the script that i;m using:

on (rollOver) {
var colorful = new Color("_root.shapes");

For this script it does change color, but how do i make it to stay the same color that user selected after going to another scene?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On Color Button And Write In Textarea With That Color Font

Oct 6, 2010

click a "red" button write in textarea with red color fontclick "blue" buttonwrite in textarea with blue color font  Isn't this possible in flash 10 using AS3 ? I tried using setTextFormat but the problem is i have to have text before inserting format on that.

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Jun 16, 2003

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this. Instead of creating a button and nesting movie clips for each state, I'm trying to script an animated button of a square (no fill) where on rollover the stroke color changes from one color to another (tweening the tint). I want to do this to the button symbol so it's the same for all instances. Is this possible or do I have to go the button > nested MC route? Sorry if this is's been awhile since I've used Flash and I've forgotten quite a bit.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interactive Coloring Book - Large Blank Box At The Top Of The Color Pallet Isnt Changing Color?

Apr 27, 2009

i have been doing this tutorial http:[url]..but i am stuck on PART 8, i have done everything the tutorial has said so far (although my image and the colors used are different) but the large blank box at the top of the color pallet isnt changing color when i click on any color from the pallet.

Also this tutorial doesnt say what version of flash and actionscript is best suited for this.Currently i am using CS4 & Action Script 2.0 but i don't know if this is correct. below there is a link to the fla. file that Coloring_Book.fla.

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