ActionScript 2.0 :: Randoms Fadein For Buttons?

Apr 26, 2005

I am creating an animation. In the Stage I have filled up it almost with many squares in its different rows and columns, and leaving something of space among them (something as well as the tiles), and each of these are buttons, that when they settle above an animation begins type fade, but returning to the main color. My question is with respect to creating an animation with them, I have all in the Stage, but my intention is that when begins, appear 1 to 1, with fade in, and randomly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randoms Fade-in For Buttons?

Apr 26, 2005

I am creating an animation. In the Stage I have filled up it almost with many squares in its different rows and columns, and leaving something of space among them (something as well as the tiles), and each of these are buttons, that when they settle above an animation begins type fade, but returning to the main color. My question is with respect to creating an animation with them, I have all in the Stage, but my intention is that when begins, appear 1 to 1, with fade in, and randomly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Randoms In Array

Nov 12, 2009

I have randomly generated 6 numbers, I need to know how I can store these in an array, and from this array the numbers will be compared with 6 number of another array to see how many balls are matching!

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IDE :: How To Add FadeIn/FadeOut Effect

Feb 11, 2009

The client requested a simple slideshow with 8 images. I was able to piece that together, but only issue left is how to add a fade-in fade-out effect. The images I'm using on not embedded in the flash file but are ref from an xml file so the basic method is out of the question.

[]---XML FILE -----------------------------[]
<a title = "_0000_shiny_wristlets.jpg" />
<b title = "_0001_LSSRT.jpg" />


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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Is 'fadeIn' Or 'fadeOut'

Jul 12, 2002

I'm trying to analyze the sample file load_images.fla which is delivered with flash mx... and here's my problem:there's a line in the first frame in the actions layer which is as follows:if (whichPic<5 && !fadeIn && !fadeOut) {.........}now what is "fadeIn" or "fadeOut"? I thought it might be a method of the MovieClip-Object, but it's not listed in the actionscript-reference. then I thought, it could be a method defined within the flash-movie itself, but it isn't (at least i couldn't find it). so what is it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : Bring Layer To Top And Fadein?

May 29, 2009

I have a menu set up so that when you rollover a button it brings an image to the top that corresponds with that button. This is currently set up by using swap depths. The problem is that I want the layer to fade to the top instead of just popping to the top. I turned the layers into MCs and put fades inside the MCs and that works with the code to bring the layer to the top and fade in. But when it does come to the top and fade in, it's deleting whatever layer was previously on top rather then fading overtop of it, so when the new layer comes to the top, you can see the very bottom layer is it fades in...

doubleHung.onRollOver = function(){
doubleHungWindowsMC.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighes tDepth());;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Tween A FadeIn On Frame

Sep 2, 2009

I am working on using AS3 to do my  tweens, rather than working solely on the timeline.
Just a quick question, say I have a logo... when I get to frame 5 I want that to fadeIn. I  have the AS3 to tween it in, however, I am not sure what I assign my function to?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild With Tweened FadeIn?

Sep 4, 2009

I am just trying to get my as3 tweening skills locked down around the basics. So, for this example, I have a logo / home button fading in, this code is working for that... however, is there a way to addChild (home in this case) via the tween code, so that I do not have to add the child at alpha0 "then" fade it in?

import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var home:Logo = new Logo();addChild (home);home.x = 400;home.y = 300;home.alpha = 0;
var fadeIn:Tween = new Tween(home,"alpha",None.easeNone,0,100,200,true);

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Function That Will Fadein/fadeout A MC Whenever Run?

May 16, 2004

I like to think i have a decent knowledge of AS, but this silly little problem has evaded me... Check out my FLA. I'm trying to make a very simple function that will fadein/fadeout a MC whenever run.. you should understand from the FLA.


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IDE :: CS4 Efficient Fadein/fadeout Transitions?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm building a website with fadein/fadeout transitions between sections. On button click, a white rectangle on the very top layer (filling all the screen) is faded in. Once ended, the section changes and the rectangle fadeout is started.

It technically works, but I've noticed that the first transition is not fluid, while the next are fluid. Does exist an efficient technique to achieve the goal?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keep Images From Moving On FadeIn?

Sep 4, 2004

I get that Flash glitch of the movie jumoing like one pixel over after alpha transition from actionscript

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Flash :: Fadein Child When Calling AddChild?

May 26, 2010

Everywhere I've looked has instructed me to download plugins and addons because they're "superior." I'm just looking for a simple fade in/fade out when a child is added/deleted (if fadein is all I can get, I'll take it.) Here is a function I'm calling...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth FadeIn/Out Between External SWFs?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm working on a slide show with external SWFs. I got everything to work (almost evrything ) ...

Whwat I'm trying to do is have a nice transition.. I have the Loading SWFs Fade in... but there's still a split second of the white space under... so I was trying to have the Unloading SWF FAde out wile Loading SWF is Fading in... or something close to that.. here's the code I'm using

//Import classes for easier use
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fadein / Fadeout Effect Between Photos?

Oct 27, 2011

I want to do the same effect of time line like the link below, did any one know how to do that! [URL]I know the script for changing photo when you slide the bar in the slidebar!But can I add a fade in fade out effect between photos? Below are the script

"slider._y = slide_area._y;
slider.onPress = function(){
startDrag(slider, true, 0, slide_area._y, slide_area._width, slide_area._y);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slideshow Pause-fadeOut-fadeIn?

Aug 5, 2005

I'm making a banner for a personal site that cycles through a set of images loaded from XML (makes it easier to add/remove images whenever I need to) and I have used the slidshow script located here:how.htm for the base.What I have so far is working as expected, my images load with a fade in effect pause for a moment then cut off and the next image loads with the fade in effect (loop).My problem is that I would like the images to fade out (quicker than the fade in) after the short pause but I cant work out where in the script I need to execute this.Here is the script so far:

pauseDelay = 6000;
this.fadeInSpeed = 3;


View 6 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: FadeIn/FadeOut Slideshow Continuously?

Jun 2, 2007

I have the following file which creates a really simple slideshow... At the moment you currently have to click to fade out and then fade back in to the next image... I just want it to run and play 10 images continuosly fading in and out...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slideshow - Change Speed Of FadeIn?

Jan 31, 2009


I am using this tutorial to do a slideshow intro and need the ability to change the speed at which the fade occurs. Currently you can do this by changing the frame rate, but if it stays this way it will be overwritten once it is housed in the main flash movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FadeOut Or FadeIn Dynamic Text?

May 5, 2005

FadeOut or FadeIn this dynamic text. And here is my fla file. So you can see and understand what i'm talking about.

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Fadein A Background With A Alpha Tween After It's Loaded In By An UILoader

Apr 14, 2010

I want to fade in a background with a alpha tween after it's loaded in by an UILoader. Everything seems to be working great when I do a Test Movie (in Flash) or view it in IE. However, I encounter a problem when viewing in Firefox. Somehow the alpha does'nt come up to 1(100%). Sometimes my background image is barely visable and sometimes it's at ~90%. It seems to be completely random.


//load random background (1 to 10)
var randomNumber:Number=Math.ceil(Math.random()*10);


I've tried increasing the final value (Regular.easeOut,0,1,2,true) and this will change something but doesn't solve the problem. I've also tried instead of fading in the background to fade out a overlaying vectorshape, but same result.Is it possible it has something to do with other script/my background img size/??.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Field Fadein Fade Out Effect

Nov 27, 2010

How to apply fade in, fade out transission effect for dynamic textfields.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FadeIn + Fadeout Multiple Movieclips With One Button?

Jan 13, 2011

I'd like to build a fairly simple website where the pages fade between each other, after looking around and remembering what I could from having Flash MX (can't remember which release) all those years ago I figured the best way would be something like this:

Pages as movieclips, these would be placed inside the stage, i.e. with space around them, and buttons along on side which, when clicked will fade in one 'page', and fade out any others where the alpha is at 1.

That way, using only one frame in the main timeline and not having to create fading tweens in each movieclip I can navigate freely between the pages in any order.

I managed to get to the point where I have two buttons and to movieclips, when the first button is pressed a 'page' fades in, and when the next is pressed the first 'page' fades out as the second fades in. However the fade out is delayed and much slower than the fade in, rather than faster as it should be.

Here's the AS
page2btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler_4);
function fl_MouseClickHandler_4(event:MouseEvent):void


how I might restructure this to get a the visual results I want in the most efficient manner?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through XML Data With A Pause - Fadein And FadeOut?

Jul 21, 2011

I have an XML file that is updated every three minutes. The amount of records in the file can and will change. What I want is to load the XML, fade in 6 records, pause 5 seconds, fade out then in the next 6 records until the end of the file is reached. At that point, reload the XML file and repeat the process till infinity.

I have the XML file loading. I am able to count the records, parse the XML, and manually place XML data into dynamic text fields. I cannot get my FOR loop to function properly or get the script to pause between pages. I have not even attempted the fade in/out yet. I think I should have it parsing data properly before I add the cosmetics.

MY CODE:I do not get any compiler errors, but I do get an ouput error:

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at xml_data_fla::MainTimeline/processXML()

I think it is throwing this error as soon as it tries to display an empty record, if that makes since. Say there are 17 records. 17 / 6 = 2 with 5 remaining. When it tries to display the 3rd incomplete page the error is thrown (I think). When I test the file, it only displays the last page before an incomplete page. Here is what I have so far:

ActionScript Code:
//  ***  XML LOADER  ***  //
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: FadeIn Fadeout Dynamically Loaded Images?

Jun 4, 2003

I am dynamically loading images into a blank movie file. I would like if the images fade in as they load. Remark, I am not using a slide show effect. All i would like to do is load image and make it fade in. When the user clicks to go to the next frame the image should fade out. How to do this?

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Load/unload External Swf With Fadein / Fadeout?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a very simple main.swf with buttons in a mc. once a button is clicked it loads and external swf file into x y pos.

How can I set it up so when the external swf loads with a fade in and the other one fades out?

This is my existing code now!

var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 75;
var swf:MovieClip;


how I might be able to accomplish this with this code. This code is from [URL] it works great but just need it to fade in and out the swf files.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip - Get The FadeOut And FadeIn With A Small Delay

Jan 14, 2010

I have found some code on the web that loads a picture from a folder into a movie clip, and cyle with fadeOut and fadeIn to the next picture by using left and right arrow. I have made some changes to this code by having the pictures cycle with a timer and I also added a group of 6 movie clips for a total of 7 with their own set of picture arrays. So far so good however I am trying to get the fadeOut and FadeIn with a small delay from each other but always in the same order. In other words I want to have clips 1 to 7 fadeOut with a small delay of maybe .5 sec. between each and same thing when the next picture fades in.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX/2004] FadeIn Prototype, Run By Multiple Objects At The Same Time?

Jun 23, 2004

I have the following prototype, which is used by typing objName.fadeIn(100, 3);this is all well and good, although when I start to use it on multiple mc's at once the playback becomes quite choppy and nasty..

MovieClip.prototype.fadeIn = function(v, r) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX/2004] FadeIn Prototype, Run By Multiple Objects At The Same Time

Jun 23, 2004

I have the following prototype, which is used by typing objName.fadeIn(100, 3);
this is all well and good, although when I start to use it on multiple mc's at once the playback becomes quite choppy and nasty.

MovieClip.prototype.fadeIn = function(v, r) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._alpha<v) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fadein/fadeout Transition For External Swfs Between The Button Clicks?

Nov 11, 2004

could someone with scripting a fadein/fadeout transition for external swfs between the button clicks or suggest another way to do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound Fadeout On Video Start And Fadein On Video End?

Nov 5, 2010

I need to produce a photo review show (basically, a photo slide show), which incorporates still photography, and numerous video clips. We will have music playing in the background (not on the timeline - in the actionscript). The full presentation will run automatically - no user interaction, and therefore, I need the background music to automatically fade out when the video starts, and then fade back in when the video ends.

1. Is Flash CS5 the correct software to do this in?

2. code to tell the sound to fade out when the video starts, and fade back in when the video ends?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change "disable" To "fadein" It Will Work?

Mar 23, 2005

This script is on the MC. Everything works except the last onRelase function which just won't go to "disable". If I change "disable" to "fadein" it will work. Please see the attached timeline pic to get better idea and please do let me know what I'm doing wrong.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.navbtns_mc.webnav.onRollOver= function() {
webnav.gotoAndPlay ("fadein");
_root.navbtns_mc.webnav.onRollOut = function() {


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