ActionScript 2.0 :: Save Object Positions To File?
Sep 2, 2005
I was trying to do an animation where people can move object around and save. then other people, with different computers, can see the last modifications.I was thinking using the sharingObject remote, but does it work with all servers?I read I need a special one, flash development server or something.So, I had the idea to make a script that save the position of the objects to a file and realoading the animation it loads the variables from that file
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_global.initSo = function() { = SharedObject.getLocal("marinaSave");
// if the SharedObject object created a new shared object
Am I using the for... in method correctly to loop through the MC's in and save their values?
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Dec 11, 2009
step1- I got an xml that is locally loaded(works fine)
step2- the content goes into a datagrid that is displayed (works fine)
step3- In AS3 I dynamically add some lines to this xml file(works fine)
step4- I save it locally (works fine)
step5-and want the datagrid to be updated..(works not-so-well)
So, in step 4, the data is saved into the xml file, but in order to finish the save, the user has to click on the "Save as" windows in order to have the file updated of course.. and that's where's my problem, how can i tell flash to wait till the user actually saves the file, before reload the xml file in the datagrid ? here's the code :
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Problem:When saving the file, the "Save As Filetype" drop down is empty and end users can accidentally delete the swf file extension in the filename.How can we lock down the extension so it will always have SWF in the extension?
Technique 1? Set "Save As Filetype" to SWF by default.
Technique 2? Click "Publish as Flash". User specifies the filename. File is saved on the server. User presented with prompt to download file. File is downloaded from the server using the traditional browser windows explorer dialog box (the same dialog box if I downloaded a program from cnet's
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Apr 5, 2011
I'm working with a little bit of XML and have questions, first here are my steps:
1) Load XML
2) Append to XML
3) Save XML using PHP
Well, why when I load the same XML file does it read the file without the appendend nodes I just added?I can open the XML file in Dreamweaver and see the appended nodes, but once I load the XML back into the .SWF, it clears the appended nodes and only reads the original nodes again..[code]My .swf is local at this point and PHP and XML files are on a server running PHP5.Apparently the PHP script is correct because it DOES save the file correctly. I can save as many <persons /> as I want. But when I close the Flash .swf the URLLoader reads the original XML data again. Not sure how that's possible?When I change the location of the XML to load into the URLLoader it changes so I know it's reading the same file I saved to..
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here's my code right now, but it prompts the user where it wants to be saved, which i don't want to happen:
var xml:XML = <XML>
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Aug 1, 2009
can an an swf file save data to an xml file while running?
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Jun 17, 2011
Is there a any way to create a txt file in as3 and save reports in that file?
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Apr 3, 2012
I am working on a new flash project that allows the user to prepare artwork using the .swf flash file and allows them to overlay hypertext links into their artwork. The output of this custom content is needed to be saved as a .swf file itself, so that it can be used independantly. The new .swf file would essentially just be a single frame with the interactive artwork on
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Dec 11, 2009
I'm creating an air application that allows the user to create, edit and save Objects in files. I'm trying to implement a "Save on Close" prompt if the user hasn't saved her changes to the object before closing.Let's say I have a Class called MyClass marked as Bindable that is composed of fields, each exposing a getter and setter. Some of these fields are ArrayCollections of custom Classes. I want to consider a change a change to any of the fields, or any of the fields in any of the objects in any of the array collections the parent object is made up of.
I could manually dispatch an event anytime a setter is called on the MyClass object and manage this all manually, but I'd also have to do it in a bunch of places in the application logic, for instance when the user changes one of the custom objects in one of the array collections that comprises it. This is a fine solution, but a little dirty and hard to maintain. I could also check the current object against a copy I made at the time of start up or last save, but I don't like the idea of doubling my memory footprint just for this.
there was some event, perhaps an event that the binding broadcasts, that I could listen for in one place and manage my "Saved" variable. Does such a thing exist? I tried listening for the dataChange event that binding apparently dispatches, but I either did it wrong, or it doesn't do what I think it should.
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