ActionScript 2.0 :: Script To Work With Button And Movieclip

Apr 27, 2009

I have a button and movieclip on the same stage. I try to use for loop for running every buttons and assign an action for movieclip with rollover function this is script I am doing. btn1 is a button and btn01 is a movieclip ,which are on the same stage . It seems not working.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movieclip Work Like A Button?

Jan 9, 2010

I have 3 movieclips, and I want them to work like buttons. It's for a website, so they need to redirect the user to a URL.

The entire flash file has 7 layers, and one of these layers is called "AS3", and is ment for all my actionscript. So, i figured if I gave the MC's an instance name, then I could write the AS3 in the "AS3"-layer. But I can't seem to get any code to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Doesn't Work Behind A Movieclip?

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I'm not quite sure if my actionscript is affecting it. How can i code it in such a way tat my button would trigger the gotoAndPlay()?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Button Doesn't Work?

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this.botonix.onRollOver = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [cs4] Button Inside Movieclip Won't Work

Dec 17, 2008

I have made a button inside a movieclip but I can�t get the button to take me to a frame outside the movieclip. When I use:


on (press) {
gotoAndStop(�Scene 1�, 2);

It still takes me to frame 2 inside the movieclip when Im trying to go back to the start scene.what type of script am I supposed to use in this case?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CAN'T CLICK On Any Button - Movieclip Layer Work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Inside Moving Movieclip Won't Work?

Jun 19, 2010

In my attached fla, you'll see a movieclip with a panel that rolls out upon rollover (or on click, whatever I can get to work) to reveal a panel containing buttons. However- I cannot get the buttons in this movieclip to work. I'd also like to put a text scrollbar on a copy of this movieclip (no luck so far for the same issue), but perhaps resolving the button issue will also clear the way for a working scroller

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text In MovieClip Button To Work

Oct 12, 2010

I've been struggling for hours to get a MovieClip button to work. Perhaps I'm trying to get too fancy, having animations planned between the proper button states, but right now I'm just having troubles trying to get the label for my button set dynamically using a dynamic text field. The error message I'm getting is: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property btnLabel through a reference with static type <class-path>:MenuButton. I created a MovieClip symbol pointing to my class MenuButton. The symbol has 5 layers:

1) Actions which just includes stops on each proper state (ie: normal, over, down).

2) The 5 button states (ie: normal, normalToOver, over, overToNormal, down).

3) The label that is the button's name, which is only a DynamicText field with the name btnLabel.

4) Images of the button in each of the proper states, with extra frames to allow for tweening

5) A layer I was hoping to use as a hit-box. My MenuButton class is defined as follows:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Button To Work Inside MovieClip

Jan 15, 2010

I'm pretty much a beginner at creating websites in flash. I've used flash to animate before but that's not really worling in this case. Basically, I'm just trying to make a button that's inside a movieclip go to a specific frame within the movieclip it's in. This is the error message I keep getting:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at FinalKai_fla::MainTimeline/makebtn()
at FinalKai_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Inside Movieclip Doesn't Work?

Nov 5, 2008

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The problem I'm having is that the action on the buttons doesn't work. I'm guessing this is something to do with the AS i have within the mc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Inside Movieclip (from After Effects) Won't Work

Aug 13, 2009

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ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property onRollOver on flash.display.SimpleButton.
at MarineFoodsFlash_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

My .fla file is 74mb but if need be i can strip it down and upload it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Button Wont Work On Local Comp

Jul 9, 2009

I have movieclip buttons that when you click on them take you to external url's

When I upload the files to a webserver then it works perfect. However when I try to run the files locally the movieclip buttons dont seem to work (when you click on them they dont take you to the required url).

The strange thing is that if I make one of the url's for example "C: est" then this appears to work when I test it localy but will not go to "".

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Links In Movieclip Don't Work

Apr 23, 2009

I'm making my website at the moment. I made a little mill which goes around, in there I made a movieclip which has two frames, one with links and one without. I made it so that if you are staying on it (rollover) it stops and you can click the links but the links don't work. this is the fla file:


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AS 2.0 :: Button Does Not Work

Dec 4, 2009

I have created a simple site in flash cs 4 using AS2.0. The nav bar buttons are text. I have made them into Movie Clips and put actionscript onto the MC instance which looks like this: [code]The button does not work. I have converted the symbol to a button and kept the Actionscript on the instance and they do not work. I have in fact copied exactly what I have done on a previous site that worked and it is not working here.The AS is not on the timeline, nor on the button or movieclip but on the instance of it. I am at a loss as to why it doesn't work. When I use the button instead of the MC the button flashes/blinks but still does not work.

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IDE :: Button Does Not Work In PHP?

Sep 22, 2009

I have made button and by it self it, when I test it on my computer works. But there is problem now: when I insert this .swf on my site, to me works, but all other visitors can not click on it, it doesnt work to them.

This is my script:

on (rollOut) {


You can se this live here: Click on link - just press on the "Forum" or "Kontakt" under big black banner.

Like I said, to me works on my laptop or desktop computer, but to visitor it doesn't work...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Button Inside A Movieclip Link To A Frame In Another Movieclip On The Scene?

Feb 16, 2010

How can I get a button inside a movieclip link to a frame in another movieclip on the scene? I tried this code:

function gotoCenter(event:MouseEvent):void {
skruetest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoCenter);

..where "skruetest" is the button, "centermc" is the movieclip where I want to go to frame 2. I don�t get errors with this code, but nothing happens when I click the button. What can I do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Inside Movieclip To Control Another Movieclip's Timeline?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a button inside a movieclip, to which I would like to apply a rollover function. When rolled over, this button (inside MOVIECLIP 1) would make (MOVIECLIP 2) jump to second frame. I'm using Flash 8.This is turning onto a real headache for me, since i've searched every single forum and thread concerning this matter, and nothing seems to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Open A Movieclip And Then Close The Movieclip When Clicked On Again

May 19, 2010

I am a super noob at actionscript. And I want my button to open a movieclip and then close the movieclip when clicked on again. I have no idea what to add after that here is the code I have for the button so far.....this button opens it.


and this is another button I made that can close it, but I want it to be in the same button rather than seperate.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Work With Video Like A MovieClip?

Nov 5, 2009

Im trying to use a Flv video effect like a movie clip in As3...I want this Flv effect to work like my background on my WebSite... i already imported the flv and convert it to a movieclip... but i dont dont the code to make it work like my background always in loop.. and when i enter a certain to put the video playing when i enter Home Frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draggable Movieclip Won't Work

Aug 29, 2002

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clicking A Button - Select A Button On The Screen And Then A Movieclip Plays?

Nov 24, 2006

I have many buttons (symbols). This is what I want it to do: -Select a button on the screen, and then a movieclip plays. - If the user selects any OTHER button on screen, a message box displays a message.

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Getting An Invisible Button To Work

Jul 27, 2009

i am working in cs3 flash, but saving my files to flash 8. i am having an issue with getting an invisible button to work. i never had this problem in flash 8. could you please look at the very simple file attached below and let me know WHY i am getting error messages saying: "warning: this movie uses features not supported in flash 5 player" ?? and "scene=scene 1, layer= invisibleBton, frame=405:Flash mx button instance name"

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Get Reset Button To Work?

May 28, 2009

When you click on the reset button, this error below comes up. If you can't find the button it is the navy colored rectangular thing in the lower left corner of page.[code]

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AS3 :: Professional :: Getting Button Mc / 'this' To Work?

Apr 5, 2011

Im trying some AS3 for the first time. I have a mc without a instance name, sitting inside _root.first_mc.2nd_mc and its timeline I have a frame label at frame ten called "on" and at frame twenty called "off". in the first frame of its actions I found a peice of code that is meant to replace the old onRollover etc.


I run the code and I get no errors, the code isnt actually functioning. Do I have to do full mc naming instead of .this? Or am I doing something else wrong?

View 6 Replies

Professional :: Can't Get ONE Button To Work?

Sep 22, 2011

I am loading 4 external SWF's inside a Master Movie file. I've got 3 of the 4 working. The last one is giving be fits and I can't see the problem. I am housing the external SWF's inside a manually created container (AS2). This last button is being a rebel and it's driving me nuts. I've checked and double-checked to ensure the instance name matches the button name in the well as the name of the external swf. It's all correct, to me. The .swf is in the same folder as the .fla, by the way.AS2 code:

stop ();
jukebtn.onPress = function ()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Button To Work

Sep 22, 2011

I am loading 4 external SWF's inside a Master Movie file. I've got 3 of the 4 working. The last one is giving be fits and I can't see the problem. I am housing the external SWF's inside a manually created container (AS2). This last button is being a rebel and it's driving me nuts.I've checked and double-checked to ensure the instance name matches the button name in the well as the name of the external swf. It's all correct, to me. The swf is in the same folder as the fla, by the way.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Code Play MovieClip Within A MovieClip?

Jun 18, 2010

Can a button play a movieclip if it lives within another movieclip? Let me explain: Buttons in a map key ran route animations on the map. Code for button (accessed by selecting button and F9) ..reads : on (release) { gotoAndPlay("BusRoute_375");}


All layers and consequently all route movieClips that relate to the map as well as the stop codes for the individual route animations now reside within that MovieClip which sits on a new layer above the map key layer. However, the key buttons no longer run the route animations. What should be done so that when clicked they still play the route MovieClips. Its like the button code cant see the layers it once refered to, now that they are in a movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movieclip Button Open Another Movieclip?

Oct 17, 2006

What is the code to make a movie clip button....when or plays another movieclip...example.i have a button..and its a movie clip with roll over and rollout effect..once do i make it link to an outside movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Onpress Button - Clicking On The Button Movieclip Moved To X = 100

Jan 17, 2010

how to do so by clicking on the button movieclip moved to x = 100; and when pressed repeatedly to x =- 150 event onRelease - not work:


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