ActionScript 2.0 :: Selfreferencing Button Instances
Nov 5, 2004
i have this script in a button:
and the button-instance itself is called "instancename". now, i want to have many buttons with different names, and each time such a button is being clicked, _root.var should represent the instancename of the clicked button. with normal scripting, i would have to type in the instancename twice; first, i will would have to type in the instancename of the instance, then i would have to type it again in the on(release)-block. question: is there any keyword, like "this", which i could use in a buttoninstance to reference the instancename of the instance without typing the instancename again in the script of the instance?
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on (release){
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Jul 23, 2011
So I have the following Actions for my button:b1.buttonMode = true;b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,onButtonOver);b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,onButtonOut);
b1 is my MC button Instance name. I want to add several other MC button names to this ActionScript (b2, b3, etc). How can I add the other MC button names without just copying and pasting the whole code with new instances?
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Jan 16, 2011
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btnHome.txtLabel.text = "Home"; d
Does not work..
I get the following error
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at MyProject_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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Feb 17, 2009
I'm trying to make a custom menu for my website. Each of three main menu items contains a set of sub menu items that are button instances.I've managed to set it up like I want, where when you hover the mouse overtop the main menu item it animates beautifully, reveling the sub menu items buttons below it. However, once I touch the button instances themselves it seems to cancel out the mouse_event that caused the animation in the first place (rolling over the main menu item), and sends it back to it's first frame - essentially making the buttons within the submenus inaccessible.
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Nov 2, 2004
I want all of my buttons to have an identical code and being able to tell my variable on _root to get the instance name of the clicked button. that possible?
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Mar 4, 2009
where each of my buttons have a dynamic text label.
So this button is a symbol, and the instances are named let say btn1, btn2, btn3. The label tag name inside the symbol is btnName.
How I can make this work if I define my array on top level? How I can make sure that the label btnName will have the correct array name for each btn instances?
found out the benefits of .children usage...
btn1.children.btnName = xArray[0];
btn2.children.btnName = xArray[1];
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Oct 21, 2010
I'm not sure why it says that when I export the movie. I read that it may be because the actionscripts in the keyframe and not in the move, though that isnt the case here. Below is the code for my button.
on (release) {
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Jul 30, 2010
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1. invisible button layer
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (1); }
stop (); on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); }
my question is how do i make my button for my drop down menu work. an instance is a label correct if so were does it exist in this code. I believe its telling me I'm missing my frame labels to be included somewhere in this code the site i used was on this site
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Jul 30, 2010
I was following a tutorial off a site to build my title menu. I followed everything to the T and the ActionScript 2.0 is giving me 2 of the same errors Mouse events are permitted only for button instances, on 2 of my layers. below is the action script2 code1invisible button layeron (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (1); }
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Mar 23, 2012
WARNING: Actions on button or MovieClip instances are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. All scripts on object instances will be ignored. created A WEBSITE IN CS4 I TESTED THE MOVIE CLIP When I click on any 1 of the 6 buttons assigned to a pageit will go to its assigned framehowever if I try to test the next button it will not go to the pageso im only able to test 1 button inthe clip anyone will work but only one also the icons buttons that are linked to websites their are four and the last one on my action ascript pops up as I run the test movie clip before i even click anything
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Feb 2, 2009
i'm using cs4 flash, i made a button that covers the entire movie (it's a gateway page) here is the AS is used:
on (release) {
getURL('02.html', '_self');
here is the error i get from flash Mouse events are permitted only for button instances i did this for another movie, and it worked fine. the movie acts like a button when i mouse over it, but i click and release and i get nothing.
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Nov 29, 2009
this is my first post on this forum so please take it easy on me as I am sure that this will be a simple answer for most of you out there. Here is what I am working with: I have dynamically added 4 buttons to the stage using XML data and a loop to place as many buttons as will allow per the data. Once the game begins, a MovieClip that I have also added to the stage will jump randomly from frames 1-16 and stop using a stage event listener. I need to have event-listeners on each of the buttons I have created using the XML data to check to see if the user has selected a correct answer. I had intended on using a function that would check to see which button was clicked and check to see what frame the movieClip was on when that button was clicked and judge right or wrong that way.
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Jun 7, 2011
How can I assign the same function to lots of different buttons with different instances names? ie the following function needs to be assigned to all my "correct" buttons. ie, correctansnwer1, correctanswer2, etc etc.
Code: Select allObject(this).mainquestions.CorrectAnswer1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,correct);
function correct (event:MouseEvent):void
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May 18, 2005
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Aug 4, 2009
I have recently updated my Flash and I seriously regret it as everything seems to of changed. For instance I want to publish a movie i created in Action Script 3.0. In this movie i have buttons which have actions applied to them and everytime i go to publish the site, it brings up the error 'WARNING: Actions on button or MovieClip instances are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. All scripts on object instances will be ignored.'
How do I go about keeping my 3.0 elements but having buttons with actions applied to them. I am a complete beginner with Flash by the way so the answer would need to be completely straight forward.
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Sep 28, 2009
I am trying to do: [URL]. This is a little webpage I'm building as I learn more and more flash. I am at a point where I need to link .mp3 files to the buttons on the "Dan's Top Songs Playlist". If you like, you can download my flash file here: [URL]. I am working with ActionScript 3.0. The buttons in the Media Player are all instances of the same button. How do I tie each button to a different .mp3 song to play when clicked (and stop when another song is clicked or the pause button is clicked)? Because of the size of song files, I'd like to stream it. Also, is there any way to use the "repeat" symbol to just play all the songs in order and the "shuffle" symbol to play them in random order?
Attachments: (1.8 MB)
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Aug 11, 2009
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=poga, frame=1:Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances
on (release) {
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
But the animation works fine . I created a button , to reaplay the animation again when i press it.
on (release) {
Why it give me this error ? I have Action script 2.0 and 1.0
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Jun 28, 2011
I'd like to create a Hangman game, only instead of having the player enter a letter, I'd like to have 26 clickable buttons on the screen. Now, I could make 26 symbols, but that seems ridiculous when I could create a class and just create 26 instances of letter_button, where I can just do something like letter_button.letter_id to get the value. That part's easy. The hard part is, uh. Well. 1- How do I create a button that will accept dynamic text? How do I add these buttons to the stage? Will parent.addChild(new letter_button(letter)) work? Or do I need something else?
Here's how far I've gotten in my solution, tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree. To begin, I created a button called "Letter_Button". It has a text field on it called "letter_text". It's a MovieClip and it links to
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Oct 6, 2009
I want to make the timeline go to the next frame (ie gotoAndStop) only if two button instances are invisible. For the buttons I have scripted an on(release) to make them invisible, but I don't know how to use the if function to make my animation progress when they are both invisible.
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Mar 21, 2012
I need to create a button the can add multiple instances of the same object when clicked.
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Jul 1, 2010
My application creates instances of a movie clip (located in the library) based on XML data. Now I want to add individual button functionality to these instances, and I'm stumped.
I'm basically creating instances of clickable doors, the data of which are fetched from an external XML file. The number of doors (doorCount) is calculated directly from the number of "door" nodes in the XML, so it needs to be fully dynamic. Essentially, I want to have a single function that each instance can use by passing in their individual XML data. Clicking a door would first open the door (or something similar), and clicking it again would lead to a link, listed in each instance node.
Here's the loop, where the instances are created:
I don't really know where to begin. Am I able to declare an eventListener inside the loop? How do I pass the "number" of the door to the function called by the eventListener? Or should I somehow pass the door-specific link (and any other node data) to the function directly from the loop?
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Apr 2, 2011
click btSpawnAdd 1 mcObject to the stage, with a limit of 5 maximum of that objectclick btDestroyRemove 1 mcObject from the stage until all are goneI assume you'd use classes and arrays to get this done? I've managed to get a button creating objects onto the stage by doing that, but I can't figure out how to set a maximum.The end goal is to create drag & drop objects by clicking a button, and then being able to drag those objects onto a "recycle bin" to remove one.
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Dec 18, 2008
I am using the Button component (the one shipped with CS3) inmany places in my AS3 project. I am coding in .as files, not on thetimeline.I have skinned the Button to use the colors I like. Now Iwish to "skin" it so that all instances generate a rollOver sound,and I'll be darned if I can figure out how.I know I can listen for ROLL_OVER events in each Buttoninstance. But I have many many Buttons and it seems kludgy to addthat same code to every class I have which tracks a Button. I amhoping there is some way I can make *all* instances of Buttonrespond to rollOver the same way. I am hoping it is likesetComponentStyle or changing the skin for the Button; I can do itin one place and it works everywhere.I guess I can listen on the Stage level for bubble-ups ofROLL_OVER, trap those that come from Button instances, and handleit from there, but stagewide listeners also seem a tad kludgy
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Jun 28, 2011
i have a button with action script code "submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnDown);" but it gave me below warning msg...."WARNING: Actions on button or MovieClip instances are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. All scripts on object instances will be ignored." "on press" no longer work in action script 3.0 ?
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