ActionScript 2.0 :: Slow Them Down For A Custom Length Of Time Before They Act?

Jun 4, 2006

basically the AI players make their call/raise/fold decisions at the speed of light and I want to slow them down for a custom length of time before they act. Ideally what I would like is a prototype that I could call with a custom time length and it would count that long before executing their actions e.g.

if(plyr1_condition1 && plyr1_condition2){
execute actions


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import flash.display.StageDisplayState;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
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var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(xmlRequest);
var imgData:XML;


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for each (var item:Hierattrmetadatanode in arrHierarchyData)
//Add new Item
if(item.hierattrmetadatanodeid ==


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer - Making The Movie Clips Appear 4 Times Randomly Throughout That Length Of Time

Jan 23, 2010

I have an mp3 playing. What I would like is to have a movieclip that is located in the library appear, complete it's animation then get removed. The movie clip must complete this proccess 4 times, randomly during the length of the song but never at the same time and not in the last 5 seconds of the song. BTW I can't do this manually by just firing it off a random amount of times because this code will be used with lots of different mp3's, so I need to use the dynamic data I get by retrieving the song length.

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Dec 22, 2011

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function foo(x:*, ...args):* {
function bar(x:*, ...args):* {[code].....

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Dec 16, 2004

I am trying to get the length of arrays within an array, here is my example (MX 2004):


I get an output of of 3. the number of variables within the first array, this is not what I had expedted.

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Flex :: Change Values Of Custom Skin At Run Time?

Mar 5, 2011

I have built a basic theme for my Flex app. I would like to add support for additional predefined themes. By default, app has a theme and I would like it to change when user selects a theme from dropdown list. This can be done by loading a swf file using styleManager. However, all the skins have colors hard-coded in them. So, in order to achieve this I would have to duplicate skins and change value of the colors.

Is there a better way of doing this? Can I just have a skin that will change color values dynamically based on user selection?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Event Can't Be Recasted Second Time Called?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a base class for buttons which handles button basics like mouse listeners etc.Now I'm trying to extend it to also have the possibility to store an event (yes event, not event type) that is supposed to be dispatched on click.So I have my CustomEvent (extending Event) that I pass into the base class and store it with type Event.Outside, in the event listener I have an event argument typed as CustomEvent.First time I click it works fine and event is CustomEvent traces true in the event handler.But the second time I click, event is CustomEvent traces false and I get the "type coercion failed" error (cannot convert Event to CustomEvent):

Code: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to
at com.package.display.buttons::ButtonBase/onClick()

If I trace event is CustomEvent in the base class before the event is dispatched it always traces true.So it seems something happens to the event in the dispatcher functions, but what boggles me is that the base class always sees the event as CustomEvent while the event listener thinks it is CustomEvent first time only.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Read Txt File - Script Dynamic Text Length According To Text Length?

Feb 5, 2010

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myLoadVars_lv = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars_lv.onLoad = function(success) {


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Jun 14, 2010

I realize this is probably an old thread, but does anyone have an actionscript example of how to create a custom start and stop time for a Flash video?  In other words I'd like to be able to "bracket" the play time of a Flash video with custom start and stop times rather than start at the beginning and end at the end.

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Apr 11, 2012

im using a custom component for date time, it is 12 hours and am/pm format,Now i wat to show 24 hour format in numeric stepper and am/pm should be disabled.heres my code

[Bindable] private var _selectedDate:Date = new Date();


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Actionscript 3 :: React Every Time Some Changes Are Made To Certain Objects - Write Custom Event?

Sep 25, 2011

I want the stage to react every time some changes are made to certain objects. Is there a way to write custom Event? I could of course modify this object, but I would like to know if there is any more OOP way to do it. And events ARE OOP, ain't they?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hard Time Building Custom XML Driven Popout Menu?

Dec 13, 2009

I'm trying to make an XML driven popout menu (click a menu item to open its submenu) and have run into a snag. I haven't figured out how to "hide" elements that aren't supposed to be on the screen.The menu is constructed completely out of TextFields based on the structure of a simple XML file. I added Event Listeners to each of the TextFields but I can't figure out how to make those TextFields go away when they are not supposed to be seen.

I have tried to add each TextField onto a common DisplayObject and the use container.removeChild to remove the TextFields that shouldn't be there but I keep getting errors telling me that the target of removeChild must belong to the caller. So how do I manage the visibility of menu items based on mouse clicks in a menu?I've attached the specific AS file ( that handles the menu if anyone finds that helpful.

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