ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Link To Another Frame?

Jul 17, 2009

I'm trying to create a link within the textArea to another frame.

I have:
var question_1 = "[Question 1]";
question_1.onRelease = function()


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on(press){   gotoAndPlay("second");}
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link External XML File To A Particular FRAME

Jun 25, 2009

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about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutClick);
function aboutClick(event:MouseEvent):void{

thats what i use.. works great. But how to I go up two movie clips, becuase the code above only goes up one movie clip. I'm trying to go up two movie clips instead of one now.

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Jun 26, 2010

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there may be a simple D'oh! answer that escaped me - but here 'tis

on the 'commission a work' page of the I've successfully used

<a href="asfunction:gotoAndPlay,62">contact me</a>

in the XML text, to target frame 62 where the animated closing swf transition plays to the end frame which loads the 'contact' .swf

THE Question - Is there a way to create a similar link where you click the large image in the gallery to link in the same way?

I have tried various permentations of the above in the <link></link> part of the gallery XML without a clue really, i'm trying hard to 'get' how xml works, (reading everything that 'explains' xml), but when I think I have a handle on it and try something, I often get puzzled on why they don't work out.

the relevant gallery AS is


The 'picture' MC registers as clickable but I haven't a clue what to do next to 'make it see' the XML link (which is probably wrong at the moment anyway)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Link External Menu Item To Frame?

Jun 7, 2011

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I tried root.gotoAndPlay(2);with no success

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Flash :: Link Intro To A Frame , Layer Or Scene?

Aug 9, 2011

I made 3 movies, one of a street, one of the street to the left and one of the right.What I actually want to do is, to play the video of the middle street, stop it after 4 to 5 seconds and put text on where you can see the street left and text on where you can see the street right.

So if you'd click on the text left, the movie needs to play of the left street, the right with the right.

To make motion stops where the text is coming I'll put a jpeg of the end of the movies, that I also use as a pause of the movie.

I know you can make links into html files, but I'd rather have 1 swf file so there is no loading between 2 html files.I tried to use actionscript (however i dont really know any commands ) on text, but it says that the item cannot have a script on it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Button And Link It To A Scene/frame?

Aug 16, 2011

I Want to have a button info_btn. Now i know how to make a button and link it to a scene/frame.
But what im asking is, i want the button to display something (text field or movieclip(doesn't matter )) but I do not want it to go to another scene or frame if you know what i mean ? i want it to display there and then on the same scene and frame with a button to close it.. Is this possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting A Button To Link To A Frame In Another Instance?

Aug 16, 2009

i recieved a template and all of the buttons are linking to the main timeline, i need to add a few pages that needed to be linked within some instances, i cant seem to find a way to set the release code to link to the frame within an another instance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Any Frame Other Than The Opening From A HTML Link?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a website where my Home, About, Work and Contact pages are on four different frames on the time line. Once you click on the Work link from the opening Home page, your brought to the second frame where a little tween brings a bunch of thumbnails into view. When you click on the thumbnails, it brings you out of the .swf and into a new HTML page. The problem is getting back to the Work page in the .swf with out being brought to the opening Home page. I have used an anchor on the time line and changing my publish settings to HTML with anchors, and they do work! But, its opening my .swf in the Work frame and running through the movie back to the Home. Iv tried putting a stop(); on the Work frame, which does stop it but its a dead page, my tweens, buttons, everything is frozen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link To Other Frame With Button Simple Click?

May 8, 2010

really odd been stressing my self with AS3 and havent a clue with AS2. all i want to do is take said button1 on frame1 to link to frame2


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Casourel Menu OnRelease Link To Frame

Mar 19, 2011

i am using this as my casourel menu.[code]i am very new to the as. now the problem is how to change the button onRelease link to the frame number instead of url?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Link To Another Frame On Same Layer Which Contains Other Information

Apr 11, 2011

i have a button named biografy_btn and that should link to another frame on same layer wich contains other information, i labeled that next frame: biografie

the code is:

biografie_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBiografie);
function goBiografie(evt:Event)
} does not work, i keep seeing to tekst from frame 1 and the "other info" frame flickering both at same time and the button does not do a thing...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Link In Swf To Other Html Page With Swf Specific Frame

Mar 23, 2009

I am able to pass a variable from an html link that loads a separate html file and instructs the swf embedded file to go to a specific frame. But - I now need a link within an swf file on one page to open a new page and tell that swf to start on a specific frame and it is not working. Here is the code I use for the first example - works like a champ:


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