ActionScript 1/2 :: Link External Menu Item To Frame?

Jun 7, 2011

i have created a menu.swf and i want to link its items to frames of another .swf.How can i do this?
I tried root.gotoAndPlay(2);with no success

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...but where I want to get linked to another file in frame 8.Do I just simply rewrite _root to something else?

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<mx:MenuBar id="jj" labelField="@label" itemClick="MenuItemClick(event)" x="23" y="228">
<menuitem label="File">[code]......

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var _menu_item:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("here goes [code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drop Down Menu When Click On Another Menu Item?

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I have an array for my menu and submenus.It works fine, but I have to click again on the menu to close it.When it's open it's completly open it takes too much I could make a menu close when I click on another menu item..this is the code on the frame on my main timeline:

MenuArray=new array();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Menubar Link - Videos Link On The Menu Bar Go Straight To My Youtube Channel

Jul 20, 2009

I am new to Flash. I bought a template online a couple weeks ago, and for the most part have made all the changes to personalize the page. The page is for wedding videography, and came with a Videos section. However, I do not like the template video player, and would like to have the Videos link on the menu bar go straight to my youtube channel rather than to the flash player. Primarily all changes to the template have been made in a text.txt file, rather than the flash file itself. My question is, how could I change the link on the main page to route to my youtube channel? Here's what it looks like in the text file:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Hierarchy Of Selected Menu Item

Aug 26, 2009

I have a menubar as such:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<node label="Road">
<node label="Madone">
<node label="Madone 4.5"/>
<node label="Madone 4.5 WSD"/>
[Code] .....

When I click on a menuitem, I wish to print out the selected item, but in the form of (for example if I were to click Madone 4.5) "Road > Madone > Madone 4.5".

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CS3 :: Remove Right-click Menu Item From Template?

Feb 6, 2011

I'm currently using a flash template for my online portfolio, but I've noticed that if you right click anywhere, it brings up the standard flash right-click menu with the following items:

Global Settings
About Flash Player 10

But directly above is a separate menu item that says "Made by JWD" and that takes you to a different website if you click it. I have the .fla file for the gallery - can I remove this menu item?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Indented Menu Item And Click On It?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a menu system with 2 parts not connecting. I can't figure out how to write the code to make them work.

I have a movieClip with a dynamically created list of menu titles as an array from an AS3 file. My menu bars are linked to an AS3.0 file. The array is "empty" in the AS file to be added dynamically in the fla file.

1. I want to have one menu title flush left, then be able to add a submenu title indented with a different style to that same list. I have the listItem linking to an AS3.0 file now. I've got the main list working but not an indented submenu. How do I add that?

2. I need to be able to load a swf file when a menu item is clicked. How do I target the 'current' item clicked when added dynamically?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Highlight Active Menu Item?

Feb 12, 2010

Here is the code on my buttons, which work fine.[code]...

How do I setup these buttons so that when button1 is clicked, and the button1 page is loaded, that the button stays in 'Over' state?

And just to elaborate, when button2 is clicked and loaded, I want button2 to be in 'Over' state while button1 goes back to normal.

So basically, how do I highlight the active menu item with my 'Over' state?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Menu Item Selection Error?

Jun 23, 2010

I tried with some codes but I couldn't do the following in the popup1. I need to select items when I click I need change the filter effects or colors2. After selecting item in each category that filter effect won't go.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A Function From A Xml Menu Item?

Oct 11, 2010

I have purchased a menu (AS3 + XML)...very nice, and I have simpleviewer v 2 ...also very nice - However - I have absolutely no idea how to get the xml menu buttons to call on the function that loads the relevant simpleviewer gallery...not very nice

I have spent the weekend going through lots of menus with XML + AS3 but they all seem to fall short of explaining how you get the final xml buttons to interact with any actionscript within your flash movie. This makes me think I am missing something very obvious and if so a polite nudge in the right direction would do just fine. In the mean time this is what I have been doing,

The thought pattern I have at the moment is that I can call a function (that is written on the first frame on the main flash movie) from a button in the xml file. Is this true and if so how?I have been trying to search for terms such as 'call function from xml' etc but have not found any relevant links Based on the two code blocks below I tried this within the xml but no luck

HTML Code:
<item text = "ButtonTest1" action = "_root.loadGallery1" frame ="1" label = "" url = "" target = "_self" />

The function/s I want to call from the flash movie is this

ActionScript Code:
function loadGallery1(e:Event){


I have all the relevant as files for the menu if I need to code them, just really need to know what I should be looking for. As it is a purchased download i am not exactly sure if there is any restrictions on sharing code but it is fairly useless within flash if I cannot get it to work in the first place!

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