ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnail Menu Expand?

Sep 14, 2009

I'm looking to do a sliding image menu like this one: I can do this using tweening but it is not as smooth as using actionscript. Does anyone know what the name of this is as when I do a search as I can't find any solutions? I've tried 'thumbnail expand' and 'image easing' but am not getting any hits.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Image Menu - 'thumbnail Expand' And 'image Easing'

Sep 14, 2009

I'm looking to do a sliding image menu like this one: [URL]. I can do this using tweening but it is not as smooth as using actionscript. Does anyone know what the name of this is as when I do a search as I can't find any solutions? I've tried 'thumbnail expand' and 'image easing' but am not getting any hits.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buidling Button Menu With Collapse And Expand?

Mar 26, 2009

building a button Menu which contains links, on hover it has to slide down and again on clicking it has to the File, Edit buttons in explorer in As3.0. Pls attach the code if you have ready to use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buidling Button Menu With Collapse And Expand

Jun 28, 2010

building a button Menu which contains links, on hover it has to slide down and again on clicking it has to the File, Edit buttons in explorer in As3.0. attach the code if you have ready to use.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Collapse And Expand XML Menu Correctly With Easing Animation

May 1, 2004

I am currently working on an XML navigation component and am having problems making it collapse and expand correctly with easing animation. I have no problems when it goes two levels, but it messes up on the tertiary navigation, and I REALLY NEED three levels in this thing. Here are links to my swf files to demonstrate it working without animation, and broken with the animation. Also linked is my source file for anyone to look at and debug. If anyone can fix this, well, they'll have a component for a dynamic generating menu with as many levels of subsections through xml.

Otherwise, would anyone know where I could find a collapsible xml menu with three levels sub navigation (like a section with a subsection that has another subsection)? The other ones are only two! Anyways, here are the files:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tree Menu - Expand / Collapse When Items Selected

Nov 3, 2004

I'm in the middle of creating a tree menu that needs to expand/collapse when items are selected. I'm drawing all my info from a DB via sendAndLoad. I'm having alot of problems getting the "math" right for the menu tho. If you look at the attached movies (play main.swf, which loads 1.swf) and click on Villas, you'll see what I mean. I need to have each of these items expand/collapse when they are clicked on. There will never be more then one layer under each main country, so it only has to do the expand/collapse when clicking a country.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Papervision3D - Expand One Face Of The Cube Which Is Clicked To Expand To Fit In The Screen?

Mar 2, 2010

i have been using AS2.0 for quite a long time. And i started using papervision3D too.I am using tutorial made by Lee Brimelow's cube tutorial. but i want different results. So long i am able to move the cube in one direction and that is my requirement. But in his tutorial he as link to urls. what i want is to expand one face of the cube which is clicked to expand to fit in the screen.(i am also using fullscreen and stage resize).

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Data Integration :: XML Menu With Thumbnail Images?

Nov 22, 2006

I am trying to create a dynamic menu for a video player. Much like the one found here (MTV OverDrive. )Obviouslythis is a Flash site and I can only assume the video list is being generated via XML. I am trying to accomplish the same thing, only I am not using FCS.

I just want to create the buttons dynamically with thumbnail images and text via XML, and in turn load the video based on a button click. I have the video part working fine, using a video object, I just need to know how to create the buttons WITH THUMBS from an XML file. I can figure out how to load the video once the button is clicked. The problem is the menu itself and loading the different thumbnail with the button.I am sure it has something to do with "attachMovie,DuplicateMovie, or CreateEmptyMovieClip" but I am not sure how to do this with XML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have A Thumbnail Scroller Menu At The Bottom?

Jun 25, 2011

I am building a full screen image gallery. I would like to have a thumbnail scroller menu at the bottom. As the user mouse overs a particular thumbnail, the image will appear fullscreen behind the thumbnail menu. I would like it so that the image appeared immediately as the user mouses over (i.e. the image is somehow already loaded in) as opposed to each image being loaded as the cursor is rolled over.

There are several images, so loading them all prior to running the application really isn;t an option. How could this be achieved? Are there any tips/tricks that can be used?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnail Menu With Next And Preview Buttons?

May 4, 2005

i have created xml based gallery in flash.. everything is working good... its like portfolio... having lots of jpgs wid thumbnails... thats fine..i have like 23 projects... its like verticle menu wid mask showing only 5 thumbnails on page... i have 2 buttons on bottom of the page prev btn and next btn... ok.. when i click on next button i want to show next 5 thumbnails which will slide up.. and so on... and when i click prev btn i want to slide back previous 5 thumbnails...i have blank mc whose instance name is menu_mc... i have another mc called thumb_mc which will be attached thru actionscript containing thumbnails from xml file which are like 23 small thumbs...

i have tried like this

on menu_mc attached this action script
menu_mc.onLoad = function() {
this._y = this._y;
div = 5


but its not working..

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AS 3.0 :: Professional - Tutorial On Creating A Scrolling Thumbnail Menu

Jun 30, 2010

I've found several good tutorials in AS2.0 on creating a scrolling thumbnail menu bar for adding to a photo gallery, but nothing in AS3.0. Anyone have a tutorial or code they'd like to share?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader & Color Change Of XML Thumbnail Menu?

Apr 22, 2010

I've created this thumbnail navigation bar that uses XML to get an external image, title, and link information. It then uses attachMovie() and a for loop to generate the listing. It all works like it's supposed to! However I am now having two problems. The first, since I am loading in an image I would like to have a preloader appear in all the thumbnail containers before the thumbnail image loads in. I have a simple circle preloader in each thumbnail module that I would like to hide it once the image loads in.

The second issues and perhaps the more important one is that the site is color coded meaning once you click on a navigation button the site color scheme changes to a different color. I put all the instance names of the site elements into an array and then created a color change function with a switch statement to had the color change. However I cant seen to include the newly attached thumbnails into this array so they don't change color along with everything else on the website. I'm completely suck on this and have no idea how to go about making thHere is my code:First this is how I loaded the XML data and attach the thumbnails:

ActionScript Code:
var linkItem:Array = new Array();
var instanceNames:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: ASTweened Horizontal Thumbnail Menu/list?

Aug 3, 2007

I am working on a class for a horizontal list of thumbnails that will function as a menu. The current selected thumbnail will display in the middle with the previous and next thumbnails displayed on either side. In the screenshot shown, the standby images before and after previous and next are also displayed, although they won't be in the final result.

Here's what it looks like at the moment: Everything works apart from the animation itself. When the user clicks a left or right arrow, the thumbnails will slide left or right and change their size an opacity as well.

I have attempted to use the Tween class, but there are four clips to be animated with five tweens (the unused standby thumbnail is simply removed), amounting to a total of 20 Tween instances running simultaniously. That seems to be too heavy on the processor, so I'm exploring a different apprioach, but it dosn't seem to be going all that well.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnail Loop - Middle Thumbnail Represents The Photo In Target_mc?

Nov 28, 2007

I have made a image-viewer. I've this AS for the viewer:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
function loadXML(loaded) {[code].....

Now i would like to make a loop for the thumbnails so they don't have a beginning or end(Now when i scroll to the right the thumbnails stop at the last thumbnail, i want it to begin at the first thumb again).I'm also trying to make that the middle thumbnail represents the photo in target_mc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease - Cannot Scroll Thumbnail Until Roll Off The Click Thumbnail

Jul 10, 2007

I am making a gallery, which you can view here:[URL]ok, firstly, when you click a thumbnail, you cannot scroll them until you roll off the click thumbnail, and I'm not sure why. is it just a movieclip thing? or can I put some code in to re-get focus of something? ok, now for the two general questions:

1. When you roll over the thumbs, they go up, sometimes they flick back down though, even though you are rolled over them still. is this just because they are moving?

2. Does anyone know why when I add this:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Xml Thumbnail + OnRelease Function On Each Thumbnail?

Oct 11, 2009

Im trying to create via xml and a for() loop a thumbnails wiewer and each thumbnail have a simple onrelease function.....but my probleme is that my 'container' movieClip and 'BT' movieClip dont show when I export the movie...also when i trace()them the output is empty. maybe is because they are inside  x.onLoad(xml){} function ? At the end of the script you can remove // before the trace() function for ckecking in the output panel. here is my code:

xml file: TumbLoader.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><slideshow><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/1.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/2.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/3.jpg" /><photos[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: To Thumbnail, Or Not To Thumbnail ?

Jul 5, 2007

Yes, I'm making a photo gallery like everyone else. I'm making it so people can order pics from the site. There are going to be about 500 photos per album in 5 different categories. The photos can be shrunk down to about 60kb a piece. If I use the actual pictures as thumbnails, just scaled down, the total size of all the pics will be about 30mb. I know this is a lot.

Either way, the people looking at the album will most likely look at nearly all the pics so they will be using up bandwidth either way. Plus, if I use the actual pics as thumbs the user will not have to wait to see actual pic when it's clicked on because it's already loaded. A preloader is annoying to me. I do realize a preloader would be wise when loading the thumbs. Just dislike them after you click one for the big picture.

So is using shrunken thumbs a necessity or if the big pic is under a certain size it shouldn't matter if I use it for a thumb also?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Expanding / Collapsing Menu - Should Have Remember The Last Visit Menu And Show The Menu

Jun 5, 2004

I have created this site with a expanding / collapsin menu. When a user selects a menu e.g. "hammers" then the menu is loaded and show the submenues. When the users closes the menu by moving the mouse away from the area the menu collapses. If the user expands the menu again the menu should have remember the last visit menu and show the menu.

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Expand Images On Rollover?

Jul 24, 2010

I have been searching online to figure out a way to expand images on rollover EXACTLY as is show on this site (skip intro to see what i mean)does this involve AS or just simple tweening.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Google Map Won't Expand

Mar 12, 2009

In a Flash AS3 app I'm building I have 3 MovieClips on stage that I can drag and drop when dropped they're supposed to expand and 2 of then do but the one with the google map practically disappears.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Expand The Height Of A Swf On The Fly?

Oct 1, 2005

Is there any function that allows to do this? Say I have an swf that is 400 pixels high and i add some content into it that is say 600 high, can I expand the whole swf's height to fit this new content or is using a scrollpane or something the only way this can be done?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Expand A Scroll Bar?

Mar 25, 2009

I have built in some accessibility to one of my flash websites where you can increase the size using a Combobox - the problem is when I expand it to font size 18 the font obviously goes over the textfield and the scroll bar doesn't increase to compensate for this![code]...

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Flash :: Professional - Add New Menu In Menubar And New Menu Item Inside The Help Menu

Feb 27, 2011

i want to add new Menu in flash IDE and i want to add inside the adobe flash menu. How i can add new menu in menubar and new menu item inside the help menu. is it possible to do this things if yes then which language i have to use for this. what is way to start development and what is the .MXP file and how to create this .MXP file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Click In On Menu The Actual Menu Does An Alpha To 0 And The Next Menu Appears?

Jan 27, 2010

The menu is like this http:[url]... (the site is in portuguese but it doesnt matter), when I click in on menu the actual menu does an alpha to 0 and the next menu appears using the alpha from 0 to 100 (and some animations like the cellphone going up).Now, how can I do a menu like that, whatever the menu I choose, it does that alpha animation ?

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CS3 :: Make Movie Expand Out Of Page?

Feb 7, 2011

I am very new to Flash and would like to find some way to have a movie expand from the page and open larger. I have tried having it open in another window, but that looks cheezy. It would be great to have it sitting in the page (right now it is 375 X 280) and then when someone clicks on the video it opens, without any borders, just viewer, to 900 X 675. I have looked online at various players, but none do anything like this. There has to be a way to make this happen. Right now I am using Dreamweaver CS3 and just using the embed player that is part of Dreamweaver.

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Professional :: How To Expand Workspace Area

Mar 12, 2010

I have a very long series of images ~ 3000 pixels wide total that I want to put in flash but the work area is way too small and the objects just get pushed off the side of the screen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Expand Stage With Javascript?

Jan 6, 2011

I've got Javascript expanding the swfobject height (here), but the actual flash stage height is stuck at 60px. What's involved in changing the stage height?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Resizing The Stage Seems To Expand To The Right And Down

Apr 20, 2011

Resizing the stage seems to expand to the right and down. There a way to re size from the bottom to up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TLF Text - Expand / Collapse Accordingly

Dec 17, 2011

Using a large amount of formatted text, is it possible to make titles or headlines within the text clickable? Once clicked, the portion of text would expand and collapse accordingly. The text field would likely include around 80 headlines. I found code to show/hide a string of text, but not formatted tlf text.

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Flex Tree Expand And Collapse?

Oct 12, 2009

I have created a tree with a custom treeitemrenderer where I have added a textinput box next to each label. My data provider is an ArrayCollection. When I enter value in the input box, I can see the value fine as I expand or collapse the tree using the disclousure arrow. There is a strange issue when I try to expand and collapse tree from the mxml page with a button click to expand and collapse tree using the following code.

The problem is as I expand or collapse tree, the values I entered in the input boxes appear to be moving.

For example, I have entered 15 in input box 1. When I expand and collapse tree, 15 moves to another input box, and moves to another, and then it moves back to where it was entered as I keep expanding and collapsing the tree. I am still learning Flex. I am not sure what is happening, it is something to do with arraycollection.


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