ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Scaling Dynamic Text?

Dec 29, 2006

I'm working on a project that dynamically loads news articles.There is basically a title text box and a news box, both are the same width.I would like to know if there is a way that I can get the dynamic title to scale up/down in font size to fit the width (and also shift the news text down to be about 3px under the title)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Dynamic Text Box?

Apr 20, 2007

Actually I have a conversation bubble design and dynamic html text inside in a text box. How to scale both the bubble and the text box simultaneously.using scripting.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Manipulate A Font's Horizontal Scaling If It Is Set As Dynamic Text?

Jun 30, 2010

Is there a way to manipulate a font's horizontal scaling if it is set as dynamic text?
The text was horizontally scaled in Adobe Illustrator to create a more "sleek" look, but now when putting together the movie in Flash I would still like to keep this look but need dynamic text.
Im asking this in AS 3.0 category, but would like to know it for AS 2.0 as well if there is a way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Dynamic Text And Changing Text?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a Dynamic Text box in my Library.  I drag it to my main stage and give it a is now a movieclip. The name is 'mcAdmin'  I added an event listener for MOUSE_OVER  I want the text to change color, but for now I'm just trying to change the text; however, it's not displaying the change in text I want.  I do a trace, and the change is in there on the output window, but it is not displayed as such.How can I :1) use AS3 to change the font color of the text2) use AS3 to change the text and have it display? 

function onMouseOver_txtAdmin(e:MouseEvent):void{ Mouse.cursor="button";
//Current mcAdmin text is 'Administration'
//I want to change the color of Administartion on Mouse_Over


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Format Dynamic Text?

Nov 21, 2010

create a picture gallery with XML. There is a loader progress which simply displays a percentage when you click on any image. I have been trying to fomrat this text but with little luck. I am able to apply colors to the text but unable to change the font, size, weight etc.

Here is the text with a color applied

Actionscript Code:
fullPreloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {target.createTextField("my_txt",fullImage_mc.getNextHighestDepth,230,300,300,300);target.my_txt.textColor = 0xFFF;};


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Fade Dynamic Text

Jul 20, 2007

I know I need to embed the font and declare the font in a setFormat string.
var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.font = "Times";
cat.txt.embedFonts = true;
cat.txt.text = "cat";
cat._alpha = 50;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Make Dynamic Text Spacing?

Sep 24, 2005

is there a way to space dynamic text?through actionscript?the letters of my dynamic text are to dense and i would like to change this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Personalize Dynamic Text Properties?

Feb 5, 2009

So i have a really nice flash gallery that i downloaded from a site but i am trying to personlize it. It uses a dynamic text (for the preloaders and the titles) which is post by this procedure :

fullPreloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
target.createTextField("my_txt",fullImage_mc.getNe xtHighestDepth(),50,50,200,20);
target.my_txt.selectable = false;

So what i did was basically to create a new style (my_fmt) and apply it to dynamic style applied by default (my_txt) :

fullPreloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
target.createTextField("my_txt",fullImage_mc.getNe xtHighestDepth(),0,0,200,20);
target.my_txt.selectable = false;


Anway nothing changes. The text is always the same (Times New Roman which is by default) I also tried to change de height and width definitions but no difference. It only works when i change the x and y position of the text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Button Background Without Scaling Text?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm building some navigation that extends all the way from left to right across my SWF. When the window resizes, I'd like the nav buttons to get wider but not have the text on the buttons get wider.

The buttons themselves are rectangles with a vertical gradient and a stroke around the outside. I'm using 9-slice scaling so the stroke doesn't scale, but the middle (gradient) gets wider or narrower.What'd be great is to be able to select an object or layer and say "don't scale, even if the rest of this movie clip scales". Is there a way to do that, or will I have to do it via actionscript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Dynamic Image?

Feb 21, 2006

i am trying to load the image in MC and i want to scale the image proposinate from the center.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Scaling Mxl Menu?

Jun 29, 2006

I have been working on making a menu that gets it's content from an XML file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<link name="HOME" ref="index.cfm"/>
<link name="HOW IT WORKS" ref="hiw.html"/>


I want to load the menu horirontally and have the buttons resize to the width of the text with a margin on each side. I need the margins to equal the remaining width of the menu stage divided by the menu items(nodes) divided by 2.I have spent hours on this and now have very choppy actionscript code in my source.


var linksXML = new XML();
linksXML.ignoreWhite = true;
linksXML.onLoad = checkLoading;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Inside The Text Fields Is Scaling On Move?

Aug 25, 2009

I have made a top 10 module for my site that loads variables dynamicly in text fields, it works pretty fine, but i have a problem. The text inside the text fields is scaling on move.I don't want the text inside to scale.Here you have the link:xample of text field creation in my as:

private function createTextField(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):TextField {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling A Dynamic Movie Clip?

Apr 11, 2007

Basically, I have two movie clips; Square_mc, which is the object I want to scale and scaleTransform_mc which acts as my free transform edit point. What I'd like to happen, is when you click on and drag Transform_mc (The edit point), the correpsonding Square_mc movie clip's _xscale and _yscale change in proportion. I.e. Similar to the free transform tool in Flash.

scaleTransform_mc.onPress = function(){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Add A Dynamic Mask To Preloader Progress Bar (for Transition Out) Its Not Scaling Correct

Aug 11, 2010

i found out when i add a dynamic mask to my preloader progress bar (for transition out) its not scaling correct. I think its because my bar isn�t tweening to the correct "stageWidth" during progress until it completes. I setted it up like that:

// Preloder Progress Bar

bar.scaleX = 0;,1);,0,stage.stageWidth,4);


Somehow it looks like 100% of the loading progress doesn�t represent the entire stageWidth so my bar animation finishes some pixels before reaching stageWidth end. NowJust noticed it now after adding a dynamic mask to my preloaders progress bar.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Paragraphs Spacing - Line Space Flash Creates When A Dynamic Text Is Loaded In A Dynamic Text Field

Jun 8, 2009

i have a problem with the line space flash creates when a dynamic text is loaded in a dynamic text field on the stage i put a dynamic textFild with istance name "profile_text". then im loadin in it a text. my text is written in the Notepad like this


i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Oriented Programming - Add Text From String To Dynamic Text Field When Click Dynamic Buttons

Oct 14, 2011

All I want to do is add text from my string to dynamic text field when I click dynamic buttons. What should the as code be for this? Here is my code. Right now I just have the click returning another shape.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Looping Dynamic Mp3?

Apr 28, 2003

I loaded an mp3 dynmically into my movie doing the following:

firstSound=new Sound();
firstSound.loadSound("math.mp3", true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To [PHP] Dynamic LoadVariables?

Oct 8, 2002

I would like to know if it's possible todo something like this:loadVariables("script.php?id=<? echo "id"; ?>",0,"POST"); // the echo thing is nonsense I know, but is it possible to paste the $id, that I'm trying to pass to the external script, from my adressbar (browser)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: No Resize/scaling A Movie Clip On The Scaling Stage?

Mar 11, 2008

I've search through all the threads with "scaling" and "resizing" and can't find the solution.

Basically I have a GUI element on a gallery that I don't want to scale, while the rest of the page is free to resize/scale.

I think I need to add a listener of some sort to the stage, but I'm not sure how to do this.

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Professional :: Scaling And Moving Text?

Jun 24, 2010

I am currently using flash CS5. I have the task of moving text constantly in an animation from left to right..with the text growing at the same time from 12pt to 36pt. As of yet i have looked across many tutorials only showing me on the movement of text I would be great full to anyone who can help me with this text scaling issue

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Professional :: 9 Slice Scaling And Text?

Sep 2, 2010

It seems 9-slice scaling in Flash CS5 is a little half-baked. If you create a symbol containing text and vector graphics, only the vector graphics is scaled according to the 9-slice scaling contract. For example, consider the following symbol:

Sure, the vector graphics are scaled according to the 9-slice contract, but what are we supposed to do about text? And just in case you're thinking "convert the text to vectors/raster"... unfortunately no... I don't have the option of converting the text to a set of vectors or a raster because its content will have to be dynamic.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Text From Scaling?

Jun 14, 2009

When you scale a movieClip with some text field inside how do you prevent that text field from scaling?

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Flex :: Unable To Make Dynamic Tree?

Sep 15, 2011

i wanna make a dynamic tree using a lazy loading ,each time i open a folder the tree sends a http request to the server, in this script i'm using just static text to test the tree but , i'm getting in the label of the root all the XML text assigned to the dataprovider, then when i open the root folder i got the childs with good labels , and openitem and closeitem events do not fire how could i make them



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Load Dynamic Data

Jan 29, 2009

I've learnt ActionScript basics from this forum and i hope i get a solution for my problem.I am doing this window shopping gallery for my company but iam stuck in the middle of nowhere.I am attaching the files so that u can have a look at it. the gallery is xml driven.

when a user hovers to the left side of the gallery tween starts and the stores move in a perspective angle. i am placing the code here for xml loading which is in 1st frame[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic HtmlText - Unable To Center It?

Jun 22, 2010

I need to be center htmlText loaded from XML into an autosize textfield.I've already tried to edit format, autosize center, but it stay at left.

var myFont2:Font = new Font2();
textFormat2.font = myFont2.fontName;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Dynamic Event Handlers?

Mar 5, 2005

I'm making a piece of flash used for a website banner, previously i've had very little experience with action scipt as i've made various animations only having to use simple functions such as "stop()" and i've made a never ending scrolling menu also, but now i want to have an event that "onPress" a small animation is played where the mouse clicked the banner. What would be the appropriate script to link the .swf i make to the "onPress" command?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Text In Successive Tweens?

Jul 6, 2010

created a new textfield(digitC) I want to use again and again. First time thru, I applied an animation to the text object that scaled it down to half size. the next time I use the textfield I want to reset it to its original size.
I tried resetting the textFormat to the original font size and reapply to format to digitC. But digitC retains the half size font. How do I reset digitC to original size?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash The Text Gets Distorted When Scaling?

Jul 14, 2010

Problem: the text inside my movieclip gets distorted when the movie clip is scaled.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
//variables for justMePage


how do i make the text still look good even if the movie clip that it belongs to is scaled?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Graphical While Scaling Skewed Text?

Oct 29, 2010

I have an isometric board. On some of these tiles there are textfields which are skewed so that the text runs parallel to the sides of the tiles. The user can zoom out giving a wider view of the board. This is done by scaling the parent tile to about 0.5 of the original size. When doing this at a certain threshold the text will no longer be parallel to the sides of the tile and will look as if the text pop's up. Does anyone have any ideas of what causes this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Make Dynamic Movie Dragging?

Jul 4, 2008

I am trying to drag my dynamic moviclips. But this code does not work properly.I have to mosue click the movie clip, and once again use mousepress to drag the movie clip.

clickAction = function (_arg2) {
//info._y += 150;
trace("click"+_arg2); // _arg2 con


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