ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Text In Successive Tweens?

Jul 6, 2010

created a new textfield(digitC) I want to use again and again. First time thru, I applied an animation to the text object that scaled it down to half size. the next time I use the textfield I want to reset it to its original size.
I tried resetting the textFormat to the original font size and reapply to format to digitC. But digitC retains the half size font. How do I reset digitC to original size?

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Professional :: Scaling Symbols And Motion Tweens?

Jun 30, 2011

I created an animation with various symbols and motion tweens, mostly on outer level timeline.  At the end, I realized the resolution was too low for a quality quicktime export.  After scaling the canvas from 550x400 to 1650x1200, I tried scaling the rest of the objects using the "edit multiple frames" brackets, but every scene I try to do this to, only a few of the frames are scaled.  They start scaling and moving around all over the place fluctuating between the original and new positions.  So i have to go back and manually scale/reposition the tween spans.  Am I doing something wrong with the edit multiple frames thing or something?  Or is there an easier way to do this I haven't seen? 

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Professional :: Pasting Into Successive Keyframes?

Jan 12, 2010

I like to keep my timelines compact, so I often have several graphics in a single layer. Let's imagine that I have a series of five keyframes, with four shapes in each one. Over the course of those five keyframes, one of the four shapes changes into a different shape. Now, let's say that I realize that one of the static shapes needs to be something different. "Oh no! That circle shoudl be a triangle instead!".
I know how to use Edit Multiple Frames to drag a box around that shape and delete it across those keyframes, but there are a few problems with that.One is that if the keyframes are really long or I have more like 30 or 40 keyframes in which I want to make this change, I have to drag and scroll and drag and scroll the shaded part of the playhead to cover all the of the keyframes or be willing to do it in chunks. Also, if the thing I want to delete is sitting on top of something else,then I can't drag a box around it without selecting that other thing. I could click the object and delete it, but that only deletes it from the right-most keyframe. I then have to click and delete for every keyframe.
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var spotOne:Boolean = true;
var spotTwo:Boolean = false;
var spotThree:Boolean = false;
var spotFour:Boolean = false;


This isn't working for me.

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7,9,10,16 ....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace The Tweens With Flash's Built-in Tweens

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Aug 25, 2009

I have made a top 10 module for my site that loads variables dynamicly in text fields, it works pretty fine, but i have a problem. The text inside the text fields is scaling on move.I don't want the text inside to scale.Here you have the link:xample of text field creation in my as:

private function createTextField(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):TextField {


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Oct 28, 2009

I'm trying to create the dynamic xml main menu with the sublinks generated by xml. It's seemes to be ok with the menu. But there's the only thing that makes me stuck - I can't get a glue of how to add the tween to the submenue's text on mouse over? I'd like it to change the font size easily, not instantly like it is now.

Here's the code:

import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*; // (Sprite, Graphics, Shape)
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;


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Flash :: Determine The Actual Time Interval The User Sees Between Two Successive Images

Mar 7, 2011

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Text Tweens Take Place On Frames In The Main Timeline?

Jun 30, 2009

I am fairly new to flash and I have been trying to make a product demo. Basically I want some text to fade in and then some pictures to show up one by one and then disappear and then some new text fades in etc. This is to talk about a product and show various parts of it as the text on the screen is discussing those parts of the product. My question is what the preferred way of doing this is. Here are the options I can think of.
Approach 1) Put all animation in the main timeline. All text tweens take place on frames in the main timeline. Approach 2) Put the text fade-in tweens in a movie clip and put that on the main timeline.
I have tried both these approaches but neither one has been working for me for the following reason.
Approach 1) Makes timeline very long and unwieldy. If one thing changes, it shifts everything over and messes up my whole timeline. Hard to manage. Approach 2) If I have a stop(); on the main timeline, my animation stops in mid fade. In cases where I don't have a stop, I can't figure out how to do a series of objects fading in one after another. Is there a way to check if a movieclip has finished and only go to the next frame if it has finished? How do I get a series of clips to play one after another when I am running them as seperate movieclips off the main timeline.

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Professional :: Tweens Affect Other Tweens?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm working on a slide show which includes 3 sections that fade in and out automatically as well as can be navigated via buttons.Everything is working fine until I include a 3d tween animation of a hanging doesn't have any action script - just a 3d tween where the sign swings however once I include it in the slide show, the whole thing goes crazy:The fade in and out of tweens don't work.sometimes the slide show skips and everything start moving very fast as if the timeline was fast forwarded... can someone please helpe me and point me in the right direction of where to even start trouble shooting it?  The problem is that it acts as if there was some kind of script added however there's no action script included in the hanging sign.

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Data Integration :: Adding Text Directly Into Keyframes, Creating Tweens?

Jul 16, 2006

I would like to create a Word Document and import that word document into Flash. I'm not talking about data integration from an outside file, but literally taking text from a text/word document and Flash create the timelines and tweens based on paragraph breaks, etc. Is there a component available that will do this. I have foreign Flash developers that don't understand English very well, and we have 6 to 10 minute movies that are basically text.This would increase our production significantly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: No Resize/scaling A Movie Clip On The Scaling Stage?

Mar 11, 2008

I've search through all the threads with "scaling" and "resizing" and can't find the solution.

Basically I have a GUI element on a gallery that I don't want to scale, while the rest of the page is free to resize/scale.

I think I need to add a listener of some sort to the stage, but I'm not sure how to do this.

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Jun 24, 2010

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Sep 2, 2010

It seems 9-slice scaling in Flash CS5 is a little half-baked. If you create a symbol containing text and vector graphics, only the vector graphics is scaled according to the 9-slice scaling contract. For example, consider the following symbol:

Sure, the vector graphics are scaled according to the 9-slice contract, but what are we supposed to do about text? And just in case you're thinking "convert the text to vectors/raster"... unfortunately no... I don't have the option of converting the text to a set of vectors or a raster because its content will have to be dynamic.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Dynamic Text Box?

Apr 20, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Text From Scaling?

Jun 14, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Scaling Dynamic Text?

Dec 29, 2006

I'm working on a project that dynamically loads news articles.There is basically a title text box and a news box, both are the same width.I would like to know if there is a way that I can get the dynamic title to scale up/down in font size to fit the width (and also shift the news text down to be about 3px under the title)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash The Text Gets Distorted When Scaling?

Jul 14, 2010

Problem: the text inside my movieclip gets distorted when the movie clip is scaled.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
//variables for justMePage


how do i make the text still look good even if the movie clip that it belongs to is scaled?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Graphical While Scaling Skewed Text?

Oct 29, 2010

I have an isometric board. On some of these tiles there are textfields which are skewed so that the text runs parallel to the sides of the tiles. The user can zoom out giving a wider view of the board. This is done by scaling the parent tile to about 0.5 of the original size. When doing this at a certain threshold the text will no longer be parallel to the sides of the tile and will look as if the text pop's up. Does anyone have any ideas of what causes this.

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Professional :: Shaky Text Scaling Convert To Vector?

Apr 26, 2011

So when I scale text in a tween, it doesn't look at all smooth. I tried to compensate by increasing the frame rate, but even 60fps doesn't fix it. So I'm pretty sure that the scaling is limted to pixels. I immagine I can fix this by converting the text to vector art, so it will scale at less-than-pixel intervals.

Is this a correct solution? If so, how do I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Infinite Jitter When Scaling MC With Text

Feb 8, 2012

I've searched around a bit but have not found anything that sounds like my issue, or a resolution to it so am hoping this is not unique.I have a movieclip with an image and underneath it some text.I have created a pair of eventlisteners to change the scale of the MovieClip on ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT, to 1.3 and 1 respectively.If I hover over and out the image part of the MC this is fine and works as expected.However if I hover over the text, the animation gets stuck doing ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Movieclip Not Scaling But Repeating?

May 20, 2010

i have a diagonal movieclip that I am trying to scale along with the background video. The background video scales perfect, I am attaching the diagonal movieclip (br in the code as bottomright) with addChild
Instead of scaling with the window, it seems to repeat such as the image is displaying. this is the main section of the code that is doing the scaling
var br:mc_bottomright = new mc_bottomright();
//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling A Movieclip Without Scaling Its Contents

Apr 10, 2009

I am trying to achieve an effect of scaling a movie clip on click...very similar to [URL] When the user clicks on See, Hear, Play and Shop boxes, the boxes expand. I have created a box movieclip that has a bar on top. This bar is a movie clip inside the box movieclip. When i try to scale the main box movieclip, the internal bar movie clip scales as well. How to stop this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Manipulate A Font's Horizontal Scaling If It Is Set As Dynamic Text?

Jun 30, 2010

Is there a way to manipulate a font's horizontal scaling if it is set as dynamic text?
The text was horizontally scaled in Adobe Illustrator to create a more "sleek" look, but now when putting together the movie in Flash I would still like to keep this look but need dynamic text.
Im asking this in AS 3.0 category, but would like to know it for AS 2.0 as well if there is a way.

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AS3 :: Scaling - Clips Text And Distorts Diagonal Line On Photographs

Feb 11, 2010

I used some code that I found, I think even from you guys the scale an external swf being loaded onto a background movie clip. Works great with the exception that it clips some text and creates some funny diagonal lines and some poor picture quality. I have a feeling that this is down to a slight difference in sizing some where along the line. The stage size is 2560 x 1440 being scaled down to any size, but as I mentioned I don't think the height and width are quite in sync for the widescreen format.


// perform initial size check
// register to re-check when stage size changes
stage.addEventListener( Event.RESIZE, onResize, false, 0, true );


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Tweens Affect Other Tweens In CS4?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm working on a slide show which includes 3 sections that fade in and out automatically as well as can be navigated via buttons...

Everything is working fine until I include a 3d tween animation of a hanging sign.. it doesn't have any action script - just a 3d tween where the sign swings... however once I include it in the slide show, the whole thing goes crazy:

The fade in and out of tweens don't work... sometimes the slide show skips and everything start moving very fast as if the timeline was fast forwarded.. The problem is that it acts as if there was some kind of script added.. however there's no action script included in the hanging sign..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Non Scaling In Scaling Part

Apr 18, 2004

really sorry to bring this one up again. I've managed to create quite good working gallery. What I'm trying to now is create a menu that is attached to the scaling part but does not scale it self - in other words just changes position. here's an example of what I mean: galleru #1

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