ActionScript 3.0 :: 3 X 3 Frame Keyframe Animations?
Sep 23, 2008
I want to to have 3 x 3 Frame Keyframe animations (very simple) with a title keyframe in between each one. What I am struggling with is that instead of repeating the keyframes lots of times and having a huge project I want to repeat each 2 Keyframe animation 30 times (making it a minute long) before moving onto the text keyframe and then the next 2 keyframe animation to loop 30 times before moving on... I then want the whole thing to loop.
What code do you use in Flash CS3 (ActionScrpit 3.0) to acheive this for each set of keyframes? To keep it simple they are all one one layer.
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Feb 3, 2012
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Feb 3, 2012
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Nov 3, 2010
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Oct 4, 2011
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Mar 7, 2004
What I want to have happen is when you mouse down on the button/MC the block_mc will first jump to frame 40 and then it needs to check and stop when the block_mc reaches frame 12. I have attached a simplified version of what I was trying to do
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Oct 5, 2010
I'm trying to use addFrameScript() on a SWF animation I have loaded but am running into a few problems. Here's what works right now:[code]Like this, the animation plays fin and just loops over and over again. The trouble seems to be that the animation runs regardless of using stop(), play() or any animation function. A trace(anim.totalFrames) also shows that my animation is 2 frames rather than 23 (which it is). When I un-comment anim. add FrameScript(anim.totalFrames - 1, animEnd); the frame script appears to be called every frame and the animation ceases to play and is instead replaced by the flash "loading dots" where it should appear.Am I loading in my animation properly and why does a framescript cause my animation to disappear?
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Mar 15, 2012
I have a simple flash that has 2 layers 2 images. one image is on the first frame and the other image is on the second keyframe. Actionscript starts on 1st keyframe. What I have it doing is loading frame one stop() reads the actionscript checks the date if the date is met it goes and stops on frame 2 and plays other image:
Everytime the flash refreshes it plays frame one then jumps to frame 2 if the date is met. How do I avoid playing frame one if the date is met what it's doing is playing the first image before the date change and a split second after it plays frame 2. (you see a hiccup)
i need the flash to "preload, check the actionscript before it loads if the date is met automataclly go to frame 2 avoiding frame one all together.
actionscript used on frame one:
var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;
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Dec 29, 2010
I am trying to make a game to learn actionscript. my game is going to have multiple keyframes, ie one for dungeon, 1 for a large map yadda yadda yadda. Things like the character i would like to be available to all keyframes. i am assuming i put the character variable and info in the first keyframe and refer to these via _root in any frame. However if i want to make a dungeon and use the dungeon scene variables i would use this.
right now since i am only on the making a dungeon part i can refer to anything using this or _root. Case: my dungeon scene consists of walls and paths. right now i can do something like if(_root["path" + yPos + xPos]) _root["path" + yPos + xPos].removeMovieClip;
i can also call the same code using this instead of _root and it works. when i add a main new main frame and move the dungeon scene from frame 1 to frame 10, will i still be able to inter use _root and this and have the same effect, or once i move the dungeon scene from frame 1 to frame 10 i will no longer be able to use _root. also i only have 1 layer.
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Nov 16, 2005
I need a timer script to place on a keyframe that count 5 seconds then goto next frame.
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Jan 24, 2012
I have few flash animations that I bought, I got their fla files as well.I modified the animations simply by adding a static text line. I publish the animation and load the swf file to another fla file (main project, which is bigger).The problem is that the loaded animation has a 1 fixel black frame (witch is not in the design itself) and I can't remove it or even mask it through the animation file. I need a clean animation with no background or frame,Other problem is that the loaded animation is getting out of the original file frame boundries, revealing parts that suppose to be out of the stage.How can I publish thouse animations without the frame and the out of boundries area?
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Aug 12, 2010
In Flash Actionscript 3, if a function is defined in Frame 1 of a flash animation and the animation loops, does it store another version of the function in memory upon each loop.
If so, is it a best practice to check to see if it's the first time the frame has been run, by setting a variable and checking it's existence, or is it a non-issue because the compiler checks to make sure that a function has not already been defined?
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Mar 29, 2006
i am creating a game now this is complex but i have been told by my fellow actioncript co worker that its doable, What it is i have a game "Reaction Tester" and It is inside a car going along the road so its psudeo 3d and i have the "walls" and road sorted now i want a movie clip in the road to throw out random objects From a Movie clip, now i will call them from frame names, say..
frame 1-10 is a tween with a box coming down and then frame 11-20 is a cat and frame 21-30 is a hole in the road Etc i want it to call a random frame to frame, to play
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Mar 10, 2008
I used the liquid Flash layout file from this site , but i got one problem.I placed the script in a layer called actionscript and on frame 1, under it there is a other layer called background. I placed in just a square with a gradient color and made it a movieclip. I also placed this on frame 1. Everything is working perfect from this point but when i want to place a keyframe on frame 10 in the background layer and make a motion tween so that the background fades in from 0 opacity to 100, it doesn't work.
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Jul 12, 2011
I have 2 keyframes on my timeline.The first keyframe has an input text field (instance name: inputTxt) and a button (instance name: btnTester).When the user clicks the button it takes them to the second keyframe where their text should be displayed in a dynamic text box (instance name: txtBox).I get a null value in keyframe 2.
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Apr 8, 2009
anywhoo i have minimal actionscript training tho i know a bit... im trying to make an Item system were i make an object like a key or a helmet... and if i collide with it it disapears. and i get the item, then somewhere put _root.playerMC.standing.gotoAndPlay ("item"); .. maybe in the item i dunno..
so basically i set my characters up like playerMC then in that animation i have a body head arms and legs.. and in those i have different items equipped on each body part on each frame how should i set this up!!!.. i cant call those items deep in the animation the farthest i can go is like Playermc.gotoandplay ("walk") when i try to do like.. playermc.walking.head.gotoandplay ("item") it doesnt work..
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Mar 22, 2010
I am currently using Flash CS4. Trying to do a very simple redirect via a password. What I want to do is whatever password they enter (variable defined as code) I want it to direct them to the keyframe. The below works if they enter hi (sometimes it seems to work sometimes not). The password "no" does not seem to work. I have attached simple fla based on the logic I am using.
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Jun 17, 2009
I've been manually creating a slideshow with flash (I like my final product better than the auto-approaches), and have reached a sort of odd situation.When trying to insert a new keyfram at fram 1675 of my animation, instead of a new keyframe, I'm getting my last keyframe's run (from 1650) extended to here.Is there a per-layer keyframe limit?And is there an FAQ that would cover this (fairly obvious seeming) question, rather than posting?
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Jul 6, 2009
Can I load a swf to a specific keyframe on browser refresh or if sent to another page on the site?Each page will have the same .swf header and I'd like to highlight or animate the header based on the new html page selected.
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm working with Flash CS5 and a Wacom Intuos3 tablet. In my first time working with CS5, I set up my hotkeys on the tablet to what I normally have when I'm doing frame-by-frame animation in Flash. I have one button set to F6, which used to add a keyframe wherever my playhead was on the timeline. What I prefer to do is scrub to where I want the next frame using my scroll/strip and just hit the F6 button where I want a new keyframe. But in CS5, what's happening is it's not adding any keyframes at all, but instead moving my playhead back to the last keyframe I edited. What's going on? I can't even scroll to where I want and add a keyframe without physically clicking the frame itself and THEN pressing F6.
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May 26, 2011
I've inherited a flash project @ work and I need to save a keyframe as it's own .swf file, but I don't recall how to get Flash to do just that.
The flash .fla file seems to hold multiple keyframes that need to be saved as their own .swf files, which are referred to in the Actionscript by name.
I've figured out the editing, but this business of keyframes i've forgotten how to manipulate.
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Nov 2, 2011
I am making a simple project ,a so called "quizz" .SO as every questions has wrong and true answers buttons I am wondering how do I go to the previous keyframe.Let me be more clear. I have this "screen" with a button that appears only when you click the "wrong answer" on a question,the screen has a button that will lead you to the menu to start a new game,but I realized that would be very ANNOYING ,because if we are at question 30 [we pretend] it would be very frustrating to start all over again.So I am wondering what code do I need to write to the Screen with the "start over" button that leads to menu to make it lead me to the question I Answered wrong. I want to say that I tried something like "on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("previous") ;} but didn`t work To be even more clear I will show you on this picture.
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