ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Child Text Field Through Parent Movie Clip's Class?
May 16, 2010
I have one movieclip object with a custom class.
That class has a loop that creates / instantiates a number of copies of another movieclip from the library. This second movieclip has a textfield child in it. When I convert this textfield to a movieclip I can access the properties of it fine, but just as a dynamic textbox I can't access it.
This is the custom class of the second movieclip that gets instatiated a few times by the first custom class...
This custom class relates to a movieclip that has a child MC called recent_text (which I can access ok) and in that child is another child (a dynamic text field called "aDynamicTextBox", which I can't access)[code]...
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i know this may seem kind of dumb, but how does one access the document class from a child movie clip on the stage?
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public var s:String = 'can you see me';
it traces on the root time line, but it errors out if tracing it from a movieclip on the root time line.
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Aug 10, 2010
I cant access to var in parent movie from class in child.I have two swf's: parent.swf and child.swf. In parent.swf in frame 6 is:
var TestVar:String = "hello!";[code]....
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ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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Aug 4, 2011
I'm trying to take a variable from the parent movieclip and use it in the child movieclip inside of a dynamic text field.
The variable has a value that is taken from a php file.
I'm completely lost at the moment and know that my code is probably completely wrong.
here it is:
parent movieclip:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("../SC/FLA_cont-btn.php"));
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Dec 26, 2011
I'm having a hard time working out the most appropriate way to move a child movieclip between parent objects.
I'm creating a board-game type game wherein I've dynamically created an array of 'Square' movieclips, with no visual elements, which are arranged in a 10x10 rectangle on the stage. I then dynamically add the appropriate types of piece movieclips to the various squares with the addChild() method. In general, a square should only have one child piece at a time.
All of this works well for setting up the play area, but now I'm having an issue with moving a piece from one square to another. I want to have the user click a square with a piece on it, then click the destination square to move the piece. I have the logic for determining where a user can move any given piece to, but I don't know how to actually move the piece.
The pieces are all different class objects that extend both a base class I call Piece as well as the MovieClip class. The main issue is that when dynamically adding the various pieces to the squares, I don't provide them a unique name to access them later. I don't bother with unique names because I have no way of knowing which piece instance will be in a given square, so using getChildByName(name:String) isn't very useful.
So I can think of two routes that I can take: Making a getter/setter for the Square class that manages a private Piece property (as well as the adding and removing of the child piece to/from the parent square), or using getChildAt(index:int) to try to access the child piece.
I want to go with the first route as it seems to be the most maintainable to me. My problem is that I can't work out how to manage empty squares in this scenario. My instinct is to null to private _piece property of one square once I've moved the child piece instance to another square... but I'm fairly certain that the private property is a reference type, and nulling it out will null the actual piece object even after it's changed parents.
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Nov 22, 2010
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May 14, 2009
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parents = new Array();
childs = new Array();
parents = [parent_mc];
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a flash file which uses php to manipulate a database and returns a variable (data_xml) of xml formated data from the database. This happens, along with other things, within the parent. Now I have a child movieclip that displays the parsed data but I am having trouble accessing the variable from within the child movieclip. The code related to this is:
var myXML:XML = new XML();var myXML = XML(event.currentTarget.root.data_xml);
and I get the following two errors which point to the second line as the problem:
1151: A conflict exists with definition myXML in namespace internal.
Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.
I have unchecked "Automatically declare stage instances" because I've seen that suggested for the 1151: error, but I still get the same two errors.
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Nov 2, 2011
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Sep 10, 2009
When I add a TextInput to the stage I can access it with instanceName.text. this works. Now I have one Movieclip with one TextInput inside (the textinput's instance name is testetxt). This MovieClip has a corresponding class and its code is the following:
class com.sck.testeT extends MovieClip
public var testetxt:MovieClip;
The textinput gets transparent but the text isn't changed... I realized it was because the textinput wasn't initialized yet. so I have to wait a while, but how can I know that it was initialized and I can set the initial text by code?
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Sep 11, 2010
if I add a clip to the stage as a child and remove the parent and set the parent equal to null, does the child get collected and removed from memory? What if the child has an image loaded into it as its child?
In my application I'm loading a series of png images as overlays that can be tinted for customizing in this app. When I trace my memory, the basic app idles at 64,000 k. The exact second I load those overlay images it goes up to 205,000k. If I remove those clips and "clear" the stage I should go back down to 64,000 k if everything is removed and collected correctly, right? It's not, it's hanging at 215,000 k. Are my images being cached and that is the reason for the memory staying up? If so, how do I prevent that. Or upon removing the parent of the image how can I un-cache the image.
If a user switches between models and loads several different items then the application actually crashes the Flash environment because of too much memory usage. It also does the same to browsers.
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Feb 22, 2009
I have a dynamic text field on my stage, instance name: "lives_txt"
I want to populate this field from my Document class ""
So in my class I have tried: parent.lives_txt.text = String (lives);
where: public var lives:int = 3;
I get an error: access of possibily undefined property lives_mc through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.
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Jul 11, 2010
i have a text field on stage called "txt" that i would like to access from a sub class but i get this error: 1120: Access of undefined property txt.
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Sep 2, 2010
I'm trying to access a text input that I've already placed on the stage (inside a movie clip) but with no luck.I've defined an instance name for this dynamic text field which is currentUserCount.I've got something like this set up in the document class actionscript file:
package {
What am I missing? When I run this I get:
1120: Access of undefined property currentUserCount.
1120: Access of undefined property movieClipName.
1119: Access of possibly undefined property movieClipName through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
1120: Access of undefined property currentUserCount.
View 3 Replies
Mar 29, 2005
i have a dynamic text field that loads a variable into it (just a simple text file). this text file will be updated on occasion. i also have a movie clip to be positioned below the text field, however i want the movie clip to change position depending on how much text is in the text field so there isnt a large gap and so they dont overlap. is this possible? i tried the following actionscript to adjust the size of the text field depending on the amount of text. textField2.autosize = "center"; however i have no idea how to get the y position of the movie clip to adjust accordingly.
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Jul 23, 2011
so let's say that i have a movie clip called button_mc on stage in a file called test.fla
how can i access this button from a class (eg: ) to addeventlistener to it
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May 11, 2005
I can show text in a dynamic text field on my main stage...
But when i put the text field in a movie on the main stage, nada!
On my button i have this actionscript:
{ = "b"; }
My movie clip has instance name of "mc-01", my text field has instance name of "letter".
I can see the textfield in the debugger and i can point to it using the targetter...
But i get actionscript error when my movie runs:
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=main, frame=1:Line 2:
Left side of assignment operator must be variable or property.
View 9 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
I have a container with text and a button and an image.
When i Mouse over the button i want to be able to tell the text inside the container to change its TextFormat to another.
How do i tell the text to do so, i though it would be something within the MouseEvent like, (someway to access other child).setTextFormat()
is their a simple way to access another child from within the same parent?
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Jan 28, 2010
I've instantiated a class on the main timeline where the stage is[code]...
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May 28, 2011
On main stage i have two objects - player (with class) and enemy (without class, but with instance name).Now i need to access enemy from within player class. I was looking for solution in google for days But i found nothing useful for me. Here's player class (it's not document class):
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Feb 1, 2009
What i'm doing is creating an Inventory System, when you click on an item it is added to your inventory.
I've done that with no problems but id like to add script to the icon of the object. So when you roll over it you see what the object is, through a dynamic text field on stage.
I use this script inside the icon's MC so that when it appears on stage it has its script built into it.[code]...
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Dec 22, 2008
I have to access a function in child swf from parent swf. This child swf gets loaded into a canvas object in parent.swf. Everything works fine but I'm unable to call any function that was in child.swf. My code is
var swf1:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader();
swf1.source = "CHILD.swf";
I read on google and then I tried this in parent.swf's code
var myrequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CHILD.swf");
var myloader:Loader = new Loader();
Now this one throws up a runtime error TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@5934b01 to mx.core.IUIComponent.
I also tried this
var myrequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CHILD.swf");
var myloader:Loader = new Loader();
But in this case my swf does not show up at all and there are no runtime errors too!
How do I resolve this error and how do I then access the function in child.swf?
View 9 Replies
Jun 21, 2008
The external swf is located at:[url]....In the parent.swf, I put you click a button on the child.swf it's suppose to trace data from the parent.swf, but it returns undefined.What am I doing wrong? I MUST access data from the parent.swf
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Jan 12, 2010
I am getting the following error:1119:Access of possibly undefined property through a reference with static type TenI am explicitly casting, and tried this.parent and still get the same error. What am I doing wrong.
Here is the code:
{ import flash.display.*;
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Apr 30, 2010
I think this is a pretty simply problem but I do not seem to be able to pull it off. Basically I have a parent class A, and a child class B.Class A instantiates class B with addChild.There is a shared object which is being updated from a java server (red5) that has an event listener attached to it in class A.I have a function in class A which will pass certain, specific updates from this shared object to class B.The problem occurs is that when class B is instantiated, the event listener from class A doesn't work anymore. I have not removed the event listener from A.?
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