ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Text To List?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to implement an 'add text to list' feature on an interactive map I'm working on. Here is the run down on how it is supposed to work:

-User selects dot on the map.-A speech bubble gets brought up in the corner of the map application with the address and a picture. (These speech bubbles are movieclips from the Library that are loaded on to the stage when the user selects the dots) -This is where the user has the option to select a CheckBox inside the speech bubble movieclip, which will then update a list inside a movieclip (named 'backpack') which is offstage, but on the main timeline.

Here is an example of the code I am trying to work with: I have gotten it to work, but not when dealing with unloaded movieclips and what not.


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// Preparation :


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//Display paragraph text
//evt is a parameter being fed into the function that represents a specific page number.
myText.htmlText = paragraphText;var xmlSubMenuLength:Number =


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public function add(event:MouseEvent):void {
var name:String = mytextinputid.text;
currentState = 'ChatScreen';
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var theLabel:Label = new Label(); = "123";
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<s:TextArea id="mainTextField" x="0" y="0" width="730" height="523"
editable="true" enabled="true"/>
<s:DataGrid id="list" x="730" y="0" width="294" height="523" dataProvider="{files}" gridClick="listHandler(event)">


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A user puts "horse" into the input field, presses the "Search" button, and Flash searches the word "horse" in a list of maybe 30 or so words. If it returns no results, a message says, "keyword not found". If it is found, a picture of a horse comes up in the character preview box.

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import flash.geom.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
[Code] ......

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If I didn't know the names of the variables foo mario and frodo, could I somehow scan the text file for all variables and simply list:

chuck, luigi and hobbit?

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tabs = new Array();
tabs[0] = "jerseys";
tabs[1] = "tshirts";


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Flash :: Icon With Image Text And 'x' For Remove In Carousel List?

Mar 21, 2011

I've a carousel, that has got an image and a label that shows a description of the icon. It is done using It has got an ItemRenderer that renders the image above the icon description text. [URL].Up on click event I display the image and details of some text pertaining that image/icon.

Now I wanted to introduce a smaller 'x' icon on top right hand side of the icons so the user could remove the items he's not interested in from the carousel's list of items. This would dispatch a different event so removeIconEvent and clickEvent would be handled differently.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Text From Xml List Based On Textfield Height?

Dec 5, 2009

I have text that loads into a dynamic text field that is on the stage. The movie clip("tile" in code below) in which the dynamic text field resides is placed on the stage via loop function.I can load the text from the xml file just fine.However, since each text field in loop autosizes, which is what I want, (in height only-width is fixed), I want the next text in the loop to load in a Y position based on the previous text box height including a "cushion" of my choosing. I'm very close, but can't seem to get the math right that is needed for the tiles Y position...

Here it is:

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("faq.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoad, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build An Ordered List In Flash Using Html Text?

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to build an ordered list in Flash using html text but Flash doesn't recognize my <ol> </ol> and <li> </li> tags, my <br> tags work though...

This is my test code (the text is inside Flash at the moment):

//Text Format
var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
txt.paddingTop = 2;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Scrolling Through List Causes Text Elements To Scroll To?

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I'm using a list element with variableRowHeight and word-wrap set to true like in the example below:


When I scroll through the list with a mouse scrollwheel the text in the listItems also scroll. I know that this is to do with the height of the textField...

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