ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Delay Between Two Transitions

Aug 9, 2009

I need to have a delay between two transitions that I'm running. How do I do this with my code?
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var bb_mc:bb = new bb();addChild(bb_mc);
var header_mc:header = new header();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS4/AS3 Adding Transitions To Items In An Array?

Mar 3, 2011

The buttons search and find the movie clip in the array flawlessly, but I'm having trouble adding a transition to every movie clip as it is appears. Most tutorials on transitions require a specific instance name, but I want ALL instances to have a transition. Heard the .getChildAt() method is the way to go but cannot find solid guidance on this. Here is the basic code:


var myDishArray = [chicken, steak, tuna, pasta, iceCream];
for each (var btn in myDishArray) {
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDishBtnClick);


how do I properly use the transition manager or add a transition code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS4 Adding Transitions To Items In An Array?

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var myDishArray = [chicken, steak, tuna, pasta, iceCream];
for each (var btn in myDishArray) {
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDishBtnClick);


how do I properly use the transition manager or add a transition code?

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Adding A Time Delay?

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Is there actionscrip to add a delay to something....

e.g 1.

I click on a button, i want MovieClip1 to move to the right, then i want a 3 second gap and then i want MovieClip2 to move downwards....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding 'DELAY' Before A Command

Jan 16, 2009

I have a simple button which would load an image in a Movieclip (MC1) using;


And I also want it to go to a certain frame using;


What I am looking for is that I wanna add a delay in the working of the button's next command i.e. gotoAndStop(frame#);.. Like a 3 second frame so the Image is 'fetched' in MC1 before the next frame is brought on screen..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Delay To LoadMovie AS?

Feb 28, 2004

How do I add delay in a timeline for the loadMovieNum to take place?

To be more specific, I have all my layers in Scene1 and the top most is the Actions layer. Somewhere around frame 75 of the timeline I inserted a keyframe in the Actions layer to loadMovieNum but it doesn't seem to load.

If I place that piece of code at the first frame if plays fine though. I don't want it to play immediately. As mentioned, I want the code to execute at frame 75 and load my MC onto the stage.

I bet its a very simple thing and there must be something I missed out. This is my first time working with Flash. Btw, i'm using MX 2004 if that helps.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Delay To Actions?

Nov 19, 2009

how to add a delay to the attack button of the character. Right now you are able to leave the button pressed and the character stays on the attacking animation and you can simply do that to destroy everything, so at least having to press again to make the attack animation happen again would also be perfect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Time Delay Without Timers?

Jun 18, 2010

I've been having some trouble with this line of code. This is being used in an .as class file for my Ball class. I can get it to move within the main .fla by using a timers but if possible I would rather avoid the timer. I'm trying to develop a system for my FLA like this:

Ball starts at x,y
Ball moves to waypoint x,y
Ball leaves stationary copies of itself along the way forming a line as it goes.

The file will do this several times so I am trying to base this on if/else rules rather than animate it out. I feel like I should contain all movement activity within the class file and leave the waypoint rules for the main .fla. My current issue is that the code below (without the hittest) works if the FLA has a timer triggering the moveTowards function. Without the timer in the fla, it still works but the ball just warps to the destination.So I have two questions:

Is there a way to control the while loop so that it pauses at the end of each loop enough to look like the ball is moving incrementally?Is there a way for me to have a drawball function within the ball class itself or should I make a new package/class within the class file? Ideally I would have the new ball creation be relative to the "step" variable.

public function moveTowards(pX:Number, pY:Number, step:Number)
var dir:Number = Math.atan2(pY - y,pX - x); //find angle direction[code]...........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create 3 Instances Of The Class - Adding A Delay

Feb 8, 2009

I create 3 instances of the class below. I need to find a way to call them with a delay so they get added to the stage one after the other. Is there a class that lets me queue up functions? Or an economical way to do it with the functions built into flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Item Adding To List: Different Delay?

Jul 30, 2010

when I add items nothing appears in the component but when I make a second adding cycle List shows the one I added previously...The code with which I add my elements is this.The studied method is updateStorages(), the rest is to understand how's the process cycle.All the trace you see in the code works with no problem.

ActionScript Code:
public function Scopa() //constructor


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Delay To Singleton-Tooltip-Class

Feb 9, 2012

this is a working singleton class for Tooltips. I want to add a timer in order to delay the tooltips since the way they're instantly popping up is bothering me.

This is the fla:

//Import and Initialise the ToolTip class
import ToolTip;;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Adding Child (Movie Clip) To Stage?

Dec 15, 2011

I am attempting to add a movie clip to the stage when a button is triggered. When the user clicks the button the movie clip is added to the stage; it works fine, but the following problems occur:

1) The appearance of the movie clip is delayed.

2) The sound in the movie clip starts to play but the movie clip appears when the sound is finished.

Additional information: 1) The movie clip has the sound in the timeline.Here is the code:

Actionscript Code:
//Buttons: Adds movie clip to stage.readtomeShortA1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playShortAReadMe1);var playShortA1:ShortAReadMe1function..[code].....

2) However, I also want to know is keeping the sound in the timeline of the movieclip the most efficient way to use sound in the movieclip? Or is there better, more efficient way to do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Delay Via SetTimer, SetInterval Or Delay?

Feb 23, 2009

I want to create a function based (not frame) delay of about 10 seconds to the function at the start of a flash movie, the code only needs to run once.I'm very new to actionscript and have been given links to SetInterval and SetTimer examples but they all seem to be very complex.The function is below. I believe it's possible to add the commandTimer(delay:Number, repeatCount:int = 0) how me to a simple example.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
framePos = int(_xmouse / 100 * _parent._totalframes);
if (framePos < 0) {


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IDE :: Recommendations For Transitions Using 3.0?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm building my first AS 3.0 application and am using external .swf files that load into a main.swf. I'm creating transitions for each external .swf as they are unloaded so when the user clicks next, the current .swf transitions out and the new one comes in. Since loadMovie and levels are obsolete in 3.0,I've looked into the transitions manager class, but some of my transitions are pretty intricate so I would need to use timeline based tweens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between The Frames?

Oct 26, 2011

I am working on a slideshow (sort of). The idea is that each frame in the root timeline works as a slide. Each slide inside each frame is a simple MC filled with images, texts, audio and animations and so on. Once this MC reaches its last frame, it should stop and trigger another MC used as a transition. And I've put inside this transition MC a code that should tell the root timeline to advance a single frame in order to show the next "slide".

So, on the timeline, I've put this code:

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(slide._currentframe == slide._totalframes){


Well, needless to say it is not working. The whole swf just stops. And if I remove the stop() code of the Transitions MC at frame 2, the current slide will loop before the transition triggers the nextFrame command.

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Flash Transitions Don't Play?

Aug 14, 2009

I only open it up a couple of times a year to replace a banner ad in a clients web site. But I am having a problem with the transitions that I haven't experienced before. I created a new flash file with text that fades in over 24 frames before going to the next bit, but when I test it, it just jumps from one text to the next without the fade in. It plays fine on the stage, but exports the .swf file without the fade transitions.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trigger The Transitions?

Jan 10, 2004

Below is the code which is used to trigger the transitions. For reference 'home' is movieclip and 'homestate' is a button in the movieclip.


I try incorporating these actions into the first script but I get an error.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Make Transitions

Mar 7, 2004

i was also wondering if it's possible to make transitions with masks using actionscript?i have section headers that i want to transition when certain buttons are clicked, and depending on what button is clicked, a new section header is shown. i put all the section headers in a movie clip, with different frame names, so when the button is clicked, it jumps to the different frame name of the movie clip.for the transition, i basically want a wipe left to reveal the section header.. and a wipe right to hide it... and to do this, i figure i'd need to mask...

so i put a mask over the movie clip and realized that flash doesn't mask movie clips very well, when using masking layers.. so it doesn't really work there a way to do this using actionscript? and if so, how? i know flash know has a setmask property for movieclips..but can you modify the mask property's size??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between The Photo's?

Aug 24, 2004

I found this site and I like the transitions between the photo's. how to make such an effect! Is it done with masks? or......?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Different Transitions For Each Section?

Mar 8, 2006

I have a menu with 4 buttons, once clicked each button sends you to its corresponding section (frame label). Each section has a different loading animation. Once in a section I would like to go to another but before this that section's specific transition animation must play. Now I've looked around and all I can find is how to do this with a universal transition animation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External Swf's?

Aug 15, 2006

[URL]theres the link for the turorial. my questions is, how can i use movieclips instead of using buttons. i thought it would be simple enough to create a movieclip, add the on release as to it and done, but it doesn't work. i also converted the file to flash 8 btw.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External SWF's??

May 19, 2008

Is there an updated version to this tutorial? I'm specifically trying to apply the technique, but using a tween engine (tweenlite) as well as MovieClipLoader.Or perhaps there's a newer, more efficient way to load swf's with transitions?

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IDE :: Transitions Between External SWFs?

Jan 30, 2009

I read the tutorial about transitions between external swfs and started implementing it! So as a good and ordonate guy that I am, I put the index.html in the root, created a style folder for the style and a folder for the swfs. I was struggling about one hour to find out why it wouldn't work, to find out that if I move the html inside with the swfs, being in the same directory, it worked fine!

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IDE :: Transitions Between External Sfws

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 AS2 I have a main movie into which several external swfs are loaded. Two of these swfs are left_menu and middle_menu. I would like these to be able to talk to each other. When the 'home' button is pressed on 'left menu' I would like 'middle_menu' to go to a certain frame and play out. I have had a look at the tutorial which differs a bit and I'm a little confused (very new to actionscript!). I have put on by 'home' button if 'left menu':


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Within One Swf File?

May 2, 2004

I know how to do transitions that use external swf files using levels

What if i wanted to do it all in one swf? an example is here below:


If you vist the profile page for example, you will see four main buttons at the top, Details, experience, favorites and hate. If i click on one of these some secondary buttons appear underneath, RED ones.

Now then if I press experience for example, the red buttons appear below and now if i click on favorites the experience buttons slide out to be replaced by the favorite buttons. I could do this with external swf files and use midframe actionscript but this all appears to be happening in one swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Seamless Transitions Between Scenes ?

Mar 9, 2003

I am creating my first Flash Web site, learning ActionScripting as I go. I think my most recent problem requires some simple scripting, but I haven't found a solution on the Board, so I decided to post this message.

Basically, I am trying to make the transitions between each section of my site seamless, and in absence of any HTML-like jumps in which the page just cuts to another. For example, when you click on a button from the main navigation area of my portfolio site, you are taken to another section (separate scene),and the content area changes.I want the previous scene to fade out, after the button is clicked, before the new scene loads. Another words, I need to figure out how to tell the timeline to do this for each button:

When I click the Graphics navigation button,FIRST play frames 300-310 of the current scene (fading out animation)THEN take me to the frame label graphics.Heres the code attached to my Graphics button currently (it nested inside a movie clip, hence the _.root part). How would I change this to get it to play frames 300-310 of the current scene before it takes me to the graphics page?

on (release) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking Image While Using Transitions

Jun 6, 2009

I've just created a sliding transition, see code below, which masks an image however when I run the swf it doesn't work and just displays the whole image without a mask.


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Professional :: Globally Import Mx.transitions?

Jan 5, 2010

[URL].. lines a lot in our files to set up AS Tweens. Is there a way to import these globally on one frame of ActionScript instead of having to put it in AS for every time an MC is being tweened?

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Professional :: How To Code Transitions Between Pages

Apr 20, 2010

how to code transitions between pages.  specifically, i want an animation to play when you arrive at a page and the same animation to play in reverse when you leave the website is built in flash cs3 using as3.  the buttons are coded using simple eventListeners jumping between keyframes on a single timeline using gotoandPlay actions.

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