ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Delay To Singleton-Tooltip-Class

Feb 9, 2012

this is a working singleton class for Tooltips. I want to add a timer in order to delay the tooltips since the way they're instantly popping up is bothering me.

This is the fla:

//Import and Initialise the ToolTip class
import ToolTip;;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create 3 Instances Of The Class - Adding A Delay

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Actionscript :: Flex - Errorstring Tooltip Delay?

Dec 16, 2011

I've got a simple text input which I want to use the errorstring tooltip on, ie. when you assign a value to errorstring it colours the textinput red and shows an error tooltip when you hover the mouse over it.

This all works fine, but there is a long delay (maybe 10 seconds) between when the mouse is over the offending textinput and when the tooltip appears. Does anyone know how to influence this delay? I've had a good look around, but can't find anything.

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Actionscript 3 :: Singleton Class Vs LocalConnection Class

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Actionscript :: Singleton Class In Flex?

Aug 21, 2009

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Is there any convention like the class name should eb Singleton or it should extend any other class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Share One Singleton Class Between 2 Swf

Jan 23, 2012

I'm trying to load swf from into my main.swf with Flash Pro

Both swfs have Singlenton class

How to make it that loaded swf use Singlenton of main.swf ?

I did
ActionScript Code:
var lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
lc.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
myLoader.load( new URLRequest("http/"),lc);

anyway I have 2 different Singlenton classes one comes with loaded.swf another in main.swf and variables not shared

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Adding Tooltip Functionality To MovieClip?

Dec 28, 2010

So I've been trying to add tooltip functionality, but I'm getting some strange behavior. e.g. duplicate clips appearing, clip not loading completely, clip not fading in correctly.

Goal: Tooltip box that quickly fades in after a short delay. Must resize to accomodate varying number of lines and line lenghts.

Structure: The tooltip movieclip holds three other clips in this layer order:
1) clip with a texbox
2) clip with the yellow box background
3) clip with a black box for the border (this box is 2 pixels larger than the box background, effectively leaving a 1 pixel border.)

These clips exist transparent on a timeline for about a half second, then start to fade in to full opacity by the last frame. So, the button code consists of assigning some text to a variable, then calling a function to make the tooltip visible via rollOver, and a hide function on rollOut. The idea is:

1) use startDrag to place the clip by the mouse
2) Assign the text to the text box
3) Resize the background and border to match the size of the current text
4) Make the tooltip clip _visible = true
5) Play the tooltip clip, causing the delay and then fade in. (stop at last frame)

1) make tooltip clip _visible = false
2) gotoAndStop(1); (reset clip)

Now for the problems:
1) Improper (loading?)
Upon opening the flash file, If I do anything that causes the tooltip move to stop playing, or if the showTooltip() function get called before that playback is done, the clip will no longer play. And it will be stuck at whatever frame it was on at the time of interrupt everytime the tooltip is shown thereafter.

2) Duplicate clips
If my main timeline has more than one frame, and extra instance of the tooltip appears from 'somewhere' - which is odd because there is only one tooltip movieclip and it's there from the begining.

3) Fade not working
The setting of the box size seems to be somehow interfering with the alpha of the parent clip. I've had to resort to using _visible on the tooltip timeline to control the delayed visibility of the box. (Removal of the box sizing causes the clip to fade properly.)

Relevant code:
Main timeline
startDrag("_root.tooltip", true); tooltip._visible = false;
Tooltip clip
onClipEvent(load) {
function showTooltip() {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Repositioning Tooltip By Adding The Same EventListener

Jul 19, 2010

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However when the screen is resize and the thumbnails are repositioned. The tooltips are still referencing to the old position. I tried to 'refresh' the positions by adding the same EventListener again on resize. But didn't work


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Feb 7, 2010

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Can anyone provide an sample example of a singleton pattern in actionscript?

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Jul 22, 2010

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Can anyone provide an sample example of a singleton pattern in actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player - Adding Universal Tooltip?

Aug 23, 2010

I've got an application (video player) that has many different interactive pieces spread throughout a handful of different classes throughout the display tree hierarchy (all children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren/etc of the same View class). I'm trying to add a universal tooltip to use throughout [URL].
Basically, the primary problems I want to solve are:
-Ideally called from or channels through a single place (for ease of updating etc).Must show above all other display objects (for instance, a tooltip that shows for a player controls button shouldn't be obscured by a menu display object that might be above it).
-Add the object once in a container/holder that's added above all the other View objects.Dispatch a custom event for every ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT event that needs to show/hide the tool tip.In my main (logic) class, listen for the event, and then call the method in the view class that shows/hides the tooltip.

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Flex :: Getting A Static Instance Of A Class (singleton) By Using GetDefinitionByName

Mar 25, 2011

I have a ManagerClass with a Singleton implementation inside, I get the instance by calling ManagerClass.getInstance().

Can I get that same instance by just having the class name as a string? I have tried something like:

var theInstance:* = getDefinitionByName("ManagerClass").getInstance as Class;
theInstance.doTrace(); // I get a 1009 error here

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Singleton Class To Make Only A ONE Instance On The Stage?

Jul 30, 2009

I WIh know how Can I use a singleton class to make only a one instance of a movieclip on the stage.I use this code to make my movieclip instance:

var mioOggetto:wwp = new wwp();
mioOggetto.y = stage.stageWidth /2 -200;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Class Can't Replace Singleton Design Pattern

Jan 1, 2010

I am not able to understand, why a static class cannot replace a Singleton design pattern .

Cannot a static class, can be used to ensure, the class is never/once only, instantiated. Because that is the facility "static" key words provide , however it doesnot allow instantiation, but that is much similar to the limitation of instantiation once only.

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Adding A Time Delay?

Mar 30, 2009

Is there actionscrip to add a delay to something....

e.g 1.

I click on a button, i want MovieClip1 to move to the right, then i want a 3 second gap and then i want MovieClip2 to move downwards....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Delay Between Two Transitions

Aug 9, 2009

I need to have a delay between two transitions that I'm running. How do I do this with my code?
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var bb_mc:bb = new bb();addChild(bb_mc);
var header_mc:header = new header();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding 'DELAY' Before A Command

Jan 16, 2009

I have a simple button which would load an image in a Movieclip (MC1) using;


And I also want it to go to a certain frame using;


What I am looking for is that I wanna add a delay in the working of the button's next command i.e. gotoAndStop(frame#);.. Like a 3 second frame so the Image is 'fetched' in MC1 before the next frame is brought on screen..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Delay To LoadMovie AS?

Feb 28, 2004

How do I add delay in a timeline for the loadMovieNum to take place?

To be more specific, I have all my layers in Scene1 and the top most is the Actions layer. Somewhere around frame 75 of the timeline I inserted a keyframe in the Actions layer to loadMovieNum but it doesn't seem to load.

If I place that piece of code at the first frame if plays fine though. I don't want it to play immediately. As mentioned, I want the code to execute at frame 75 and load my MC onto the stage.

I bet its a very simple thing and there must be something I missed out. This is my first time working with Flash. Btw, i'm using MX 2004 if that helps.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Delay To Actions?

Nov 19, 2009

how to add a delay to the attack button of the character. Right now you are able to leave the button pressed and the character stays on the attacking animation and you can simply do that to destroy everything, so at least having to press again to make the attack animation happen again would also be perfect.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Button Tooltip And Get Tooltip Data From XML?

Mar 19, 2010

how to create dynamic button tooltip and get tooltip data from XML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Time Delay Without Timers?

Jun 18, 2010

I've been having some trouble with this line of code. This is being used in an .as class file for my Ball class. I can get it to move within the main .fla by using a timers but if possible I would rather avoid the timer. I'm trying to develop a system for my FLA like this:

Ball starts at x,y
Ball moves to waypoint x,y
Ball leaves stationary copies of itself along the way forming a line as it goes.

The file will do this several times so I am trying to base this on if/else rules rather than animate it out. I feel like I should contain all movement activity within the class file and leave the waypoint rules for the main .fla. My current issue is that the code below (without the hittest) works if the FLA has a timer triggering the moveTowards function. Without the timer in the fla, it still works but the ball just warps to the destination.So I have two questions:

Is there a way to control the while loop so that it pauses at the end of each loop enough to look like the ball is moving incrementally?Is there a way for me to have a drawball function within the ball class itself or should I make a new package/class within the class file? Ideally I would have the new ball creation be relative to the "step" variable.

public function moveTowards(pX:Number, pY:Number, step:Number)
var dir:Number = Math.atan2(pY - y,pX - x); //find angle direction[code]...........

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Adding A Delay To An Action On The Same Frame?

Sep 21, 2009

I have a movie which calls a external js on the last frame which closes the parent iframe in which the swf sits. However i want the user to stop at the last frame foe some seconds before if calls for the js to close the iframe.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Item Adding To List: Different Delay?

Jul 30, 2010

when I add items nothing appears in the component but when I make a second adding cycle List shows the one I added previously...The code with which I add my elements is this.The studied method is updateStorages(), the rest is to understand how's the process cycle.All the trace you see in the code works with no problem.

ActionScript Code:
public function Scopa() //constructor


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Custom Properties To A Flex Candlestick Component "Tooltip"?

May 23, 2011

Would anyone know how to customize the "tooltip" / mouseover popup window in a Candlestick Component?By default, It just displays open / high / low / close data, but I need to add additional details such as date, time, and a few others...I'm guessing this is simple one, using item renderers maybe, but I cannot seem to get my head around it, or find any decent documentation online..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Adding Child (Movie Clip) To Stage?

Dec 15, 2011

I am attempting to add a movie clip to the stage when a button is triggered. When the user clicks the button the movie clip is added to the stage; it works fine, but the following problems occur:

1) The appearance of the movie clip is delayed.

2) The sound in the movie clip starts to play but the movie clip appears when the sound is finished.

Additional information: 1) The movie clip has the sound in the timeline.Here is the code:

Actionscript Code:
//Buttons: Adds movie clip to stage.readtomeShortA1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playShortAReadMe1);var playShortA1:ShortAReadMe1function..[code].....

2) However, I also want to know is keeping the sound in the timeline of the movieclip the most efficient way to use sound in the movieclip? Or is there better, more efficient way to do it?

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