Actionscript 3 :: Created A Singleton Class That Handles Project Texts?

Dec 15, 2010

I have created a Singleton class that handles my project texts. What is the appropriate name of a Singleton class like this?


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Created Few Texts And Converted Into Buttons?

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to build a menu. I have created few texts and converted into buttons, which goto some url on click. Now, I have to add "fire burning" animation to these texts on mouseover. I have a movie clip of burning fire. I want to reuse the same movie clip. Also, when the animation plays, I want text to be visible on top of flames.

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Dependency is war->swf->swc.

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G:Projects est>mvn -e
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...


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Actionscript 3 :: Singleton Class Vs LocalConnection Class

Aug 14, 2010

I have a Main class loading 2 SWF (loader and viewer, also with document classes). They need to share a double buffer with content, of course, filled by loader and showed by viewer I was thinking to use the LocalConnection class but after a suggestion from PatrickS now I'm evaluating the possibility of a Singleton Class. I've never used this pattern in AS and must confess I'm rather biased against it.

But in this particular case I guess it'll be useful. By the way, a little bit surprised reading in the gskinner blog 2 implementations examples. So, knowing this subject is an endless war like the Mac vs PC one Take into account:

1. AIR desktop application running 24x7 during some months in a high-end Windows PC. No user interaction

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Actionscript :: Singleton Class In Flex?

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Is there any convention like the class name should eb Singleton or it should extend any other class.

How many Singleton class can a project have?

Can anyone say the real time usage of a Singleton class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Share One Singleton Class Between 2 Swf

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ActionScript Code:
var lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
lc.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
myLoader.load( new URLRequest("http/"),lc);

anyway I have 2 different Singlenton classes one comes with loaded.swf another in main.swf and variables not shared

is any way I can merge this values?

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Can anyone provide an sample example of a singleton pattern in actionscript?

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Jun 15, 2011

I came in to flash on ActionScript 3 and when I was starting out just over a year ago I realised how much of a bother finding keyCodes was and changing controls was just as long as had to look up the new one I wanted to use. My solution was to (eventually) write a class that handles all of my key presses and event listeners attached to that stuff. instead of using keyCodes, the functions use strings for their arguments making it easier to see what keys you want to do what. Initially the class only worked for letters and numbers but I managed to make it easily customisable and includes the arrow keys, numpad numbers, space, enter, shift and control keys.

The reason why I wrote this thread was because: I plan on making it a public class (available to anyone who wnats to use it) and b) to see if there were any specific functions that people think may be useful. So far there are the standard key-down and onRelease type functions as well as a function that only returns true once for the duration that a key is down - difference between pressing and holding.

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Mar 25, 2011

I have a ManagerClass with a Singleton implementation inside, I get the instance by calling ManagerClass.getInstance().

Can I get that same instance by just having the class name as a string? I have tried something like:

var theInstance:* = getDefinitionByName("ManagerClass").getInstance as Class;
theInstance.doTrace(); // I get a 1009 error here

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I WIh know how Can I use a singleton class to make only a one instance of a movieclip on the stage.I use this code to make my movieclip instance:

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This is the fla:

//Import and Initialise the ToolTip class
import ToolTip;;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Class Can't Replace Singleton Design Pattern

Jan 1, 2010

I am not able to understand, why a static class cannot replace a Singleton design pattern .

Cannot a static class, can be used to ensure, the class is never/once only, instantiated. Because that is the facility "static" key words provide , however it doesnot allow instantiation, but that is much similar to the limitation of instantiation once only.

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Sep 1, 2010

I want my intro texts to get scaled to a certain position when clicked. So far this is what I have done,

var scaleTo:Number = 0.6;
var introTexts:Array = [...];
for(var i:int = 0;i<introTexts.length;i++){
introTexts[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onintroClick);
} function onintroClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

Right now,this code doesn't do anything, I can trace out "click" but nothing happen. I tried out the first item from the array first to make sure the code is working. The x position I want is -15 and y is 300. I just test out something, the code is working when I move it out from the function.

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1) Is there a way to add swc files after the project is created

2) And is there a way to link some of assets in those swc to classes (for example link a ball asset to a class the implements its functionality. You can do that directly from flash pro CS5.5, but is there a way to do it in flash builder)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Custom Class (Testing) That Would Create A Box When An Instance Of The Class Is Created

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I've been playing around with custom classes. My objective was to create a custom class (Testing) that would create a box when an instance of the class is created. I've tried three different approaches, however only (3) seems to be showing up. I'm just curious why (1) or (2) doesn't work?

Also is there a better approach than (3)? Since at the moment it's been created on _root. I hope the box can only be accessible through the instance. Since I'd like to incorporate the whole idea of public, private, encapsulation, etc.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: More Than One Class In A Project?

Jun 12, 2010

I have my main class for my project. And lets say that this project requires me to split a string into sub elements.I have a class already made that does this... stringSplitter.asI would I include this class ?Is it as simple as putting it in the same dir as the .fla and writing Code: Select allinclude "" within the main class ?

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Professional :: Move Project To See The Not-project Area Around The Project?

Jun 21, 2010

I cant "center" my project, like you can see its "fixed" (yellow lines) in the left side and I cant see "invisible" part of project... (area around the project). how can I move my project so I can see the not-project area around the project. (picture 2).

At the moment situation... (cant see that area around the project)

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Know What Class An Instance Is Created From?

Jan 16, 2011

In actions script 3.0 I would like to retrieve the class of two instances and then compare them. Is there a way to know what class an instance is made of?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Project For Class Work

Feb 27, 2010

I am Dinesh and new to action scripts, I need to design a flash interface that have a dynamic text field and fetches lines from a external text file for e.g.




This should display in the dynamic field with a loop and fast (less than a second) and there should be a start/stop and a reset button on the interface to control the same.

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IDE :: Add Base Class To Project / Flash Can't Find It

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when I create a new flash project, I would like to put the source files in /src/ folder.When I try to add the base class to my project, flash can't find it.I've added the folder "src/" to source paths, in flash preferences.

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Javascript :: Is It The Index.template.html File Per Project Or The HTML File Created Per MXML Application

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I was reading about Flex- JavaScript communication via ExternalInterface.But I had a doubt, it said that the javascript code should be written in the HTML file of the application ? Now which is this HTML file ? Is it the index.template.html file per project or the HTML file created per MXML application ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Reference To The Class That Created Mc?

Jul 8, 2010

I have:

// a class


how to get the instance of AA that created this mc the_class.big_function( ) ;

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