Actionscript :: Flex - Implementing Singleton Class?
Jul 22, 2010
I know actionscript does not allowed private contstructor at any time and But if i want to write a sinlgleton class in action script So how to implement it in actionscript.
Can anyone provide an sample example of a singleton pattern in actionscript?
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Aug 21, 2009
I have a doubt,.... How would you create a Singleton class in Flex...
Is there any convention like the class name should eb Singleton or it should extend any other class.
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Can anyone say the real time usage of a Singleton class?
I am planning to keep my components label texts in a Singleton class... Is it a good approach.
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Feb 7, 2010
I know singleton class is not supporting in Flex.Because it does not access private constructor. But i want to make a class is singleton class.
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Jul 22, 2010
I know actionscript does not allowed private contstructor at any time and But if i want to write a sinlgleton class in action script So how to implement it in actionscript.
Can anyone provide an sample example of a singleton pattern in actionscript?
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Mar 25, 2011
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May 4, 2011
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If you run these, you'll notice that the MXML-component can't hear the event. The question is simple, is there some way of getting the Event-metadata tag to work WITHOUT extending EventDispatcher? I would like to keep this class independent and use object composition as much as possible. And no, I don't want to use ActionScript addEventListener in the MXML-file. It doesn't tell the developer anything like good old Event metadata tag, and besides, that is not the point of this example. :)
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Aug 14, 2010
I have a Main class loading 2 SWF (loader and viewer, also with document classes). They need to share a double buffer with content, of course, filled by loader and showed by viewer I was thinking to use the LocalConnection class but after a suggestion from PatrickS now I'm evaluating the possibility of a Singleton Class. I've never used this pattern in AS and must confess I'm rather biased against it.
But in this particular case I guess it'll be useful. By the way, a little bit surprised reading in the gskinner blog 2 implementations examples. So, knowing this subject is an endless war like the Mac vs PC one Take into account:
1. AIR desktop application running 24x7 during some months in a high-end Windows PC. No user interaction
2. High performance code is a must because content loaded are full HD images My other concern is about memory leaks
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Oct 30, 2009
In the Singleton design pattern you can throw a runtime error if the instance has already been created. But this doesn't work when your singleton class extends another class and has to call super() in its constructor, because (for some reason) you cannot call super() if you've already called throw(), or in fact, you cannot compile code that has a potential call to throw() (for example, in an IF statement) that comes BEFORE that call to super().
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Jan 23, 2012
I'm trying to load swf from into my main.swf with Flash Pro
Both swfs have Singlenton class
How to make it that loaded swf use Singlenton of main.swf ?
I did
ActionScript Code:
var lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
lc.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
myLoader.load( new URLRequest("http/"),lc);
anyway I have 2 different Singlenton classes one comes with loaded.swf another in main.swf and variables not shared
is any way I can merge this values?
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Jul 30, 2009
I WIh know how Can I use a singleton class to make only a one instance of a movieclip on the stage.I use this code to make my movieclip instance:
var mioOggetto:wwp = new wwp();
mioOggetto.y = stage.stageWidth /2 -200;[code].....
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This is the fla:
//Import and Initialise the ToolTip class
import ToolTip;;
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How can I access a timeline variable from a static class / singleton?
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Dec 15, 2010
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Jan 1, 2010
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Cannot a static class, can be used to ensure, the class is never/once only, instantiated. Because that is the facility "static" key words provide , however it doesnot allow instantiation, but that is much similar to the limitation of instantiation once only.
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Can I look at this data in the debugger?
[Edited - Title changed]
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Jul 9, 2011
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Dec 6, 2011
I am attempting to implement a layout in Adobe Flex 4.5 / MXML where I have multiple controls in an HBox that - in total - consume all available horizontal screen estate. Some use a relative with (percentage), some an absolute width (pixels) and one is supposed to consume whatever space is still left, such as:
| 35% | fill parent | 10px |
How would I achieve this in Flex (is there something comparable to Android's
Due to the fact that there are elements that have an absolute width I cannot easily calculate the width of the filler as a percentage a priori (as it varies with the screen width). Setting the filler's width to 100% also does not work as this will shrink the 35% area below 35%. Applying the updateDisplayList suggestion from's answer below yields the error "Call to a possibly undefined method updateDisplayList" at the line marked in the source excerpt below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:fx="[URL]"
[Code] .....
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Aug 18, 2006
how to go about implementing the link between an "fla symbol" and a class "as" file with AS2.0? i am aware on how to do it by utilizing the linkage property under the library feature or "right click" the perticular item on the stage, but i would want to do it solely with AS2.0.
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Jul 12, 2009
I want to implement an application in Flex/Rails in Background as I know these two languages but I'm fairly beginner with Flex and Intermediate-to-expert with Rails. My application will display a calendar like object by which there are say 5-day week or 7-day week or a month (30-days) and in each day there will be some data such as appointments or such. I want users to be able to drag left or right to get more days after or before the displayed week for example and I want the boxes to be filled with proper appointments data.
What is the best way to implmenet this in your opinion, mainly from Flex point of view? Any architectural tips from the Rails side?
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Nov 3, 2010
I am looking at the singleton design pattern and trying to really understand what is going on here. But I have some questions that it would seem my logic and/or the way I am reading this is wrong. Take the following code for example
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Sep 26, 2010
I can't understand why should I even use the Singleton pattern in ActionScript 3. Can anyone explain me this? Maybe I just don't understand the purpose of it. I mean how it differs from other patterns? How it works? I checked the PureMVC source and it's full of Singletons. Why are they using them in the View, Module, Controller?
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