ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Cursor Type (or Not) Depending On Where The Mouse?

Jan 4, 2009

Ok, so I'm making a Myst-type game as a simple first application, and one of the things I need this to do is not have the arrow change to a finger when over a manipulable object. How do I either tell the program to change a certain cursor to another in a given context, or to keep it at default even in situations where
it would not be so (over a link, etc)?

This is probably a step beyond the questions I've asked so far in complexity but I'm sure you gurus are up to it. :)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Frames Depending On Mouse Position?

Jun 8, 2004

I know this can't be to hard too achieve, but my actionscript skills aren't quite up to it yet.

- I have 5 frames within a MC.

- In this MC there is text saying "center", "left", "right", "up", "down" on each frame.

- All I want to be able to do is make the MC change to frame 3 "right" when my mouse moves to the right of the MC.

I know the script below is wrong, but would it go something like, this. Would I have to use angle and math or is there a simpler way to achieve this?

onClipEvent (mouseMove)
get x position
get y position[code]......

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IDE :: Changing An Object's Size Depending On Mouse Position?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Frames Depending On Mouse Position

Jun 8, 2004

I know this can't be to hard too achieve, but my actionscript skills aren't quite up to it yet.
- I have 5 frames within a MC.
- In this MC there is text saying "center", "left", "right", "up", "down" on each frame.
- All I want to be able to do is make the MC change to frame 3 "right" when my mouse moves to the right of the MC.

onClipEvent (mouseMove)
get x position
get y position
if statement x= > -180 and y=> 0 (something like that)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Cursor Changing On Mouse Over A Button?

Jul 12, 2004

made a custom mouse cursor but the cliente wants that little hand when the mouse is over a button and/or links.

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Changing The Cursor Conditionally (on Mouse Over)?

May 15, 2009

I'm making a Myst clone and want the cursor to do different things when it mouses over various objects and regions, for instance:

- Turns into an open hand when over a grabbable item.

- Turns into a right-facing arrow when on the right side of the screen signifying "turn right here".

- Turns into an icon of an inventory object when the object is selected.

How is this done? I found some code that sort of did it, but it was sloppy, the cursor flickered like crazy, and overall it sucked. I want to harness in Flash the same mechanism that makes my cursor turn into the bracket thing when it's over a text field, or a finger when over a link.ALSO I want to be able to make the arrow stay a regular arrow when it's over manipulatable items I want to remain secret.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Mouse Cursor?

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This is the place to discuss anything and everything related to the Changing the Mouse Cursor tutorial.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Cursor Conditionally (on Mouse Over)?

May 15, 2009

Ok, let's say I'm making a Myst clone and want the cursor to do different things when it mouses over various objects and regions, for instance:- Turns into an open hand when over a grabbable item.- Turns into a right-facing arrow when on the right side of the screen signifying "turn right here".- Turns into an icon of an inventory object when the object is selected.How is this done? I found some code that sort of did it, but it was sloppy, the cursor flickered like crazy, and overall it sucked. I want to harness in Flash the same mechanism that makes my cursor turn into the bracket thing when it's over a text field, or a finger when over a link.

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Flex :: Changing Cursor For Textfield() Mouse Over

Mar 30, 2010

Can I change mouse cursor for textfield to appear as a clickable object?

import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.utils.*;
import mx.core.*;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Mouse Cursor To Default On Hover?

May 17, 2007

I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. I've looked all over here and other websites and can't find the answer. Here's the situation: I have a movieClip that has an animation inside of it. When the movieClip is hovered over, it changes to the hand (indicating it's clickable). What I need to be able to do is change the hand back to the default cursor. Every single article I've read is about how to change your cursor to something else (using mouse.hide() and replacing it with an image), which is not what I want.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Left Click On Flash Movie + Prevent Mouse Cursor From Changing

Apr 12, 2010

I am using a flash swf from the website[url]...where it allows me to upload images via an xml file to the flash movie. However the flash movie is changing the mouse cursor to hand-cursor when passing the mouse on it, and also it is allowing users to click on the movie, while I wanted to leave the mouse cursor to remain as an arrow, and prevent users from clicking on it, I tried the following code, whereby I used another flash movie to call the dewslider swf, but in IE it is not working, although in firefox it is ok..[code]...

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Changing Cursor To The Built In Hand Cursor?

Nov 12, 2009

I am working with CS4 with AS 3. I have defined a MovieClip library symbol. I want the cursor to be hand when mouse is over it. The stage has a single instance of the symbol with the name "btn".
I tried the following in first frame of the symbol:this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,overHand);function overHand(e:MouseEvent):void {    Mouse.cursor = "hand";}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move A Mc Depending The Position Of The Cursor?

Sep 14, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Initial Text In An Input Text Box Disappear Once Cursor Changes From The Arrow To The Type Cursor?

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Sep 14, 2011

I'm trying to make a movie clip move left or right depending if you move the cursor to the right or left on the screen. The clip is long and it have a lot of thumbnails and when it reaches the end of the stage has to stop. I have achieved this, but when the mc comes to the side of the stage it is getting slower and slower and I need it to move with a constant speed.

This is the code:
var x_down:Number = 2900;
var end:Number = -((x_down)/.8 + 50);
var key:Number;
var c_key:Number;
var start1: Tween = new Tween( padre_mc, "x", Regular.easeInOut, padre_mc.x, (padre_mc.x + 280), 1, true);
[Code] .....

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I am creating mouse scroller and when I insert actionscript my images wont move depending on the mouse movements..I am using Flash cs5 and Actionscript 2.0...this is my actionscript:


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Jan 31, 2004

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Jun 21, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Background Depending Time Of Day On Site

Apr 13, 2009

I'm building a site that will change the background depending time of day. I do want to show the time in the top of my page. What are good codes for showing a time and date in Flash and what would I use to change background depending on if the time is past 7PM or before.

If the time is before 7PM I want it to show a background with a clear blue sky. If not then the background will be a starry night. I'm using CS3.

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Mar 29, 2009

but i realize i do not know the syntax of what i want to do. So i have an event handler and i want to do different things depending on the object type. i could do


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Link Position Dynamically Depending On Image

Jun 19, 2010

I'd like to make sort of gallery with previous/next buttons. And on each image you'd have circles/link over important parts of the image.So each image wold have these circles on different locations. Question: how can I make that dynamically? And that it's not to complicated for the editor of the site? One way would be to write in XML x and y positions.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Background Image Depending On Character Position

Nov 5, 2003

I'm making a game...and I want to change my background image depending on where the character is. I thought I would make a MovieClip...with all the different background images on different keyframes. My question is....can I use AttachMovie, and if do I reference the particular frame that I want to...? I've never used AttachMovie before, and wasn't sure of the syntax...and how to reference go to a particular frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color Of Movieclip Depending On The Current Url _root._url.indexOf

Jun 22, 2008

I`m trying to set-up a script that changes the color of a movie clip, depending on the current url of the page... My code is:

var link = "http://localhost/v-v/indexSRP.php?kategorija=";
var link2 = "http://localhost/v-v/index.php?kategorija=";
if (_root._url.indexOf(link + "3") == 0) {


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Flash 10.2 :: Update Hardware Mouse Cursor Immediately, Before Mouse Move?

Mar 13, 2012

As of Flash 10.2, Flash supports hardware accelerated mouse cursors:[URL]..Unfortunately, the mouse cursor doesn't update until AFTER the mouse moves. You can see this behavior on the web page above. If you click "Set to custom cursor" in the sample app at the bottom of the article, you'll see that the cursor doesn't change until you move the mouse.

Anyone have a trick for updating the mouse cursor immediately, before the user moves the mouse? I tried doing Mouse.hide();; but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edited Mouse Cursor Versus Right Mouse Button Click

Jul 2, 2004

I changed the mouse cursor using a tutoral from this forum, but when I press the right mouse button,the standard mouse cursor reapears.How to prevent that?

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