ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Rendering Order?

Jun 25, 2009

Imagine I had the movieclip structure below... root - mc1 mc2 - mc3 mc4 - mc5 - ... - mc6 mc 7Where my root has two children (mc1 and mc2), mc2 has two children (mc3 and mc4), etc... So taking mc6, it is a movieclip an arbitrary number of levels down the movieclip hierarchy.

I want mc6 to render as though it were a child of mc1, ie. before mc2 and its children. However, if I simply use addChild(), I would remove mc6 from it's current position in the hierachy, thus changing the transformations which determine it's position on the screen. I simply want to change the point in the order at which it is rendered to the screen (render it before all other clips), but NOT change where it is in the spatial hierarchy (in order to preserve animations etc).

My current way of doing this, is to set mc6 to visible=false. Then I add a bitmap to mc1. Then each frame, I wipe the bitmap and render mc6 to the bitmap using its localToGlobal transformation. However, this is a very wasteful solution since the bitmap needs to be the size of the screen which results in the entire screen being redrawn every single frame. I'd like to retain flash's built in optimizations for only redrawing changed movieclips.

Another way would be to duplicate the mc6 movieclip, and attach the duplicate to mc1 as a child whilst making the original clip invisible again. However, then I would have to update the new movieclip with every single possible change which could occur to the original mc6 - this would get complicated pretty quickly.

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on (press, release, dragOver, dragOut) {
x = 0;
x = x+2;[code]....

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[Code] .....

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<div id="flashbanner">this will be replaced by the SWF.</div>
<script type="text/javascript"> alert('0'); var so = new SWFObject('maps/ModuleLoader.swf','mpl','555','416','9', '#336699');  alert('1'); 


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for(var i:int = m_Videos.length-1; i > 0; --i)
addChildAt(m_Videos[i], 0);

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1. If my content is poor bitmap (jpg or png file) should I cache its container as bitmap?

2. Shoud I use cacheAsBitmapMatrix for my bitmaps to have smoother animations or poor bitmaps are already optimized?

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IDE :: Dynamic Textfield Rendering ?

Feb 28, 2008

I have a flash file that loads dynamic text from a text file. When you press the space bar, it animates the text upward like movie credits. It works fine until I add more than 50 lines or so, at which point it delays showing the text until it's well into its scrolling.the kink here is that it only displays this error when it plays in fullscreen mode (which it is set to do by default, and what I need). if I escape out to window mode, it plays the text animation just fine.

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Apr 26, 2011

rendering performance when scrolling some content. I have a large sprite with a lot of content that I need to scroll and the problem that I am encountering is that when scrolling this big sprite, the rendering of the Flash Player seems to slow down and the movement is choppy. I wrote a custom scrollbar class that simply updates the target sprite y or x properties on an enter frame event. The large sprite that I am scrolling mainly contains other sprites that have drawn shapes, loaded bitmaps and text fields.

Considering that I am simply moving the sprite, there are no other animations happening, nor other intensive processes at the same time, I do not think that it should be that resource intensive as to slow down the Flash Player that much. What can I do to improve the performance when scrolling the sprite? (Just to give a rough approximation, the sprite that I am scrolling contains around 20-30 sprites with drawn shapes, 2-5 loaded bitmaps, 5-10 text fields.)

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Rendering Div Contents In A Flash Movie?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a webpage containing 2 DIV containers hidden using CSS. The site has a Flash Movie embedded. I want to render the content of these hidden DIV containers from within the Flash movie.I'm using CS4?  
<div id="sectionone">content</div>
<div id="sectiontwo">content</div>
hide sectionone div and sectiontwo div
Display sectionone within flash movie when requested

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Professional :: Text Rendering With Motion?

Jan 18, 2010

I would like to ask the experts for help.  In a flash movie I want three lines of text where I want line1 to appear with a preset motion, then line2 directly below line1 to appear with a preset motion, then line3 directly below line2 to appear with preset motion.  I want to have the smallest possible fla file. 

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