ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between Classes And Performing Action

Jun 2, 2009

I don't know how to phrase this, but as you can see my code below I have 2 classes.
1. wp_title
2. wp_date

How can I let wp_date to get the height of wp_title's contentText? Currently I tried tracing wp_title.height from wp_date but all I get was 0, I guess it doesn't get the height after wp_title finish loaded. Currently the classes will perform an action after I resize the stage. I assume if I'm able to get the classes to communicate with each other than I could have 1 main classes to control the actions perform in other class?

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
[Code] .....

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|_ _board (mc)
|_ _work (mc)
|_ _zoom (mc)

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public var Enemy_mc:Enemy = new Enemy();


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private function bgGlow(event:Object):void {
//Disable menu below


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Actionscript Code:[code].....

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Jan 24, 2012

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// The String that will reveal itselfcypher_characters("text_one", 10, 5, 2, text_one);cypher_characters("text_two", 10, 5, 2, text_two);function cypher_characters(characters, time_until_start, time_between, frequency,


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function performonenterframe(evt:Event):void{
character.x += 5;
trace (character.x);

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So i think i have fully coded my calculator but it still doesn't seem to be performing the calculations correctly. I can't see where i am going wrong. If i perform a calculation let's say 6*2 it outputs NaN then i straight away + by let's say 5 it outputs NaN again. And it doesn't make the operators display only once, so if i click on '+' twice it will display twice in the display when it is meant to only display once and in one of my functions i cleared the display field so that it would replace the number's when the next operation is performed but it doesn't seem to be doing that. I have been going over the code several times but i can't seem to identify where the problem is coming from.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Event Fired, Yet Not Performing Actions In Method?

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parent class

package classes {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change An Action From A Button Click To A Frame-based Action

Oct 2, 2006

_root.navigationMC.onPress = function() {

If I wanted to change an action from a button click to a frame-based action, what do I use instead of onPress? The hints from the AS editor are all click-based.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incorporate A Stop Action, After A GotoandPlay Action On My Button?

May 8, 2009

I have a slideshow that is looped ... it contains 5 slides.I am using a gotoandPlay action to control the slide show.

on (release) {

There is a fade transition between slides.When a button is released ... I want to gotoandPlay (frame 98) ... and then have it stop 10 frames later on (frame 108). Frame 98 includes the transition ... if I just gotoandStop on frame 108 ... I loose the transition.Is there any way to incorporate a stop action, after a gotoandPlay action on my button ... without naming instances etc.I.E.

on (release) {

Everything I have attempted is not working.

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Click On The Button Action And It Animates But No Action Event In The Trace?

May 23, 2009

I just want to make a simple button action using actionscript 2 but I can't get it to work! I'm sorry for even asking but I've been at this for too long now for it to not work I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 and I do the following --

File -> New Flash File (ActionScript 2.0)
Insert -> New Symbol
Name - test
Type - button
Export for ActionScript
Identifier - test

And then draw it in using the keyframes and add the code to 'Actions - Button' for my button

on(release) {

I click on the button and it animates but no action event in the trace?

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How can I get an action to follow another action when a button is clicked? When a button is clicked, I want the timeline to go to a certain frame and play and when it's done playing, to go to another frame and play. I basically want two actions in one function.


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on (release) {
_root.nextMovie = "externalmovie.swf";


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startPreload ("Home.swf");

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Looked for as3-mode and actionscript-mode but nothing working was found. as3-mode can import class if it is opened in buffer (but not *.mxml files)

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