ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Preloader For Images?

Sep 8, 2009

Would someone be able to direct me in the right direction as to how to go about adding preloaders for images on a rotatong menu.

I am not after any kind of complex animation loader, just simple text that says 'Image Loading'

So I guess to simplify it, it could just be a peace of text that disappears when the image loads I making any sense?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Preloader For Images

Sep 8, 2009

I am not after any kind of complex animation loader, just simple text that says 'Image Loading'So I guess to simplify it, it could just be a peace of text that disappears when the image loads I making any sense??I have a few thoughts which are;1.create moveclip with the words 'loading Images' some how load this in the background of main holder that loads images in so that when image loads it loads over the text 'Image loading' technically not a loader just text in the background.2.create moveclip with the words 'loading Images' that when image loads in the text is replaced by image that loaded in??

var holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Preloader For Images On Menu

Sep 8, 2009

How to go about adding preloaders for images on a rotating menu. I am not after any kind of complex animation loader, just simple text that says 'Image Loading'. So I guess to simplify it, it could just be a peace of text that disappears when the image loads in....

1. Create moveclip with the words 'loading Images' some how load this in the background of main holder that loads images in so that when image loads it loads over the text 'Image loading' technically not a loader just text in the background.
2. Create moveclip with the words 'loading Images' that when image loads in the text is replaced by image that loaded in??

This is how I load my images in:
Select allvar holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

So, I created a movie clip exported as 'preloader' and loaded it like this:
Select allvar preloader:Preloader = new Preloader();

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Create Single Preloader For Swf + Multiple Images?

Feb 5, 2010

how to create a single preloader that would load my main timeline and all external images? I'm using multiple instances of the loader component to import jpgs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Doesnt Work / How To Create A Preloader

May 23, 2002

i tried the tutorial that teaches you how to create a preloader....i followed the instructions and it still doesnt work! what's wrg?[code]on my first frame actions....i put the "gotoAndPlay (36)" cause i tried a previous preloader that took more than 1 frame and didnt want to change my button's "goTo" frames...but i figured it wont change anything..anyways, i put that line of code as my first frame double clicking the timeline..then i create a symbol for that frame 1 and created an animation.

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Professional :: Create A Flash Program That Uses It's Own Code To Send And Create Images?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm trying to create a flash program that uses it's own code to send and create images. Each square has a colour and that colour gets added into the array. A black, then grey, then white is:

filecode = ["Bl", "Gr", "Wh"];

That works fine, but when I try to paste it into an Input text box it will only fill in the first part of the array.

filecode = ["Bl,Gr,Wh"];

So the program has NO idea what I want.The only ways I can think of fixing this is by putting in 402 text boxes to suit every box...But every one of them needs a Variable Name.Or by sending the information straight into the array. But this way you are just looking at what you just drew, and that is not at ALL practical.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For Xml And Images?

Mar 5, 2007

I have been looking for over 2 weeks now for a preloader that will load my swf, xml and images. I followed the xml tutorial on this website and the preloader there doens't work with the images or maby i'm doing something wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Within A Slideshow Of 5 Images

Feb 22, 2009

This thing is giving me a headache. See code below. The issue here is that my first image preloads OK, but then the second image gets jammed at 25-30% and never loads. The third and forth image preloads OK and the same issue with the fifth image. And sometimes the issue is on the last 4 images.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Preloader With Images?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to load multiple preloaders, for some reason the following code only works on one movie clip.

for (var i:int = 0; i < 12; i++)
var mc = new MovieClip();
var pre = new PreLoader();[code].....

This only works on the last movieclip created when I need to have each movieclip have it's own preloader.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For Fullscreen Images

Oct 30, 2010

I am using images that are fullscreen and resize to fill the window as adjusted. So I want the prelader to also move across the window according to the bytes loaded. At the moment it is moving across the screen but not relevant to bytes loaded, it just zips straight across the screen and then you are left waiting for the image to load with no indication of how far it is away from appearing. Here is the code for the preloader:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Preloader With Changing Images?

Jan 27, 2003

How do i get a preloader which has changing images!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Preloader With Images?

Oct 10, 2005

im making a preload sequence with a eraser chassing a pencill over a desk!i want to basicly make the script cycle throughthe keyframes of an animation while it loads

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Preloader To Images From Array?

Jul 4, 2006

How can i add preloader to images from my array ? I have couple of panels on stage , everyone have place for images, everything is loading nice. I only need to add preloader in every image holder.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For Images In Gallery?

Jul 21, 2006

I recently used this [URL] tutorial to make a gallery in my site.

I wanted to know if there's a way of adding a preloader for the pictures.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Images And Preloader?

Jul 17, 2003

To make the random image display completely before continuing with the rest of the movie. I want the random image as a background and display the loading progress of the image.So far:I have managed to crete random image displays but on theinternet the movies continues on while the image still loading in the background.The goal:TO display the random background image completely while showing its loading progress. Only once the image is loaded the rest of the movie can continue.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX Preloader For External Images / Swf

Jul 21, 2003

im trying to have a dynamic creation of button that load external images an d swf and esternal text description, im some code and trying to improve it, my problem is the creation of the preloader to load the external images/swfs to the container, i know i can put a ppreloader for every swf, but for images no, i want a preloader for the container were the movies and images are loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Preloader For XML Images?

Jun 1, 2009

I've been working for a little while now trying to make a portfolio site for myself and I'm almost done but I'm having one little issue with preloaders. (There are more things not finished, but they're just things I haven't gotten around to doing, I think).The thing I'm trying to do is create a custom preloader for an image gallery that loads each image.You can see an example on in the 3D Architecture section on the site here:(Yes, I know the main preloader is working fine, I'm talking about the one in the 3D Architecture section.)Here is the code I'm using for that frame:

//Specific Actions: Frame 5 (3D Architecture) code:
//All code is 3D Architecture specfic.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader For Loading External Images?

Sep 25, 2009

First of I'm using Flash CS4 and AS 3.0 I'm trying to make a photo gallery for my website. I have the gallery all setup and made and now I need a preloader for loading my images. Right now my gallery is setup like this:

-A list of clickable thumbnails. (20 thumbnails)

-A UILoader

-You click a thumbnail and it loads an external image into the UILoader.

Actionscript: I have an array with 20 images. I have 20 different event listeners for each thumbnail.

The eventlistener looks like this:
thumbs.thumbs1.t1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent. CLICK, loadP1);
The function looks like this:


The UILoader is inside 2 moveclips because of a transition effect I have. The buttons are also 2 movieclips deep because of motion tweens.specific reason.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader For Multiple External Images At Once?

Apr 10, 2009

I am experimenting with AS3 and I created a page that loads around 35 images to the screen from XML and randomly scatters them on the stage. I know how to use the ProgressEvent to show the loading for each individual image, but I am trying to figure out a way to show it as a whole. The one think ive tried & acheived is to have total number of loaded images divided by total number of images. So when 15 of 30 images are loaded its 50 %, etc.... But Id like to have a more effcient preloader that shows the actually loading.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader For Multiple External Images

Jun 19, 2009

I'm creating a 360 turn by importing .png files into each movie clip. I wanted the preloader bar to increase in size as each one loads. Once the preloader is completed on frame one, I have it go and stop on frame 2, but there is a blank screen for a view seconds. I think the images were still loading after the preloader was completed.


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Professional :: Preloader For Portfolio - Stutters On All The Images

Jan 11, 2011

I have created a portfolio with flash using action script 2. But when I click on the button going to the portfolio Scene (containing pictures and tweens) it stutters on all the images when they are first clicked on. As the image increases in size, it is a smooth tween until the one from last frame which it stops then flashes on to the final frame. Is there a way I can preload all the images so that this will not happen? Or anything else I could do?

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Flex :: Custom Preloader Images Loading?

Jun 22, 2009

I am writing a custom flex preloader which extends the IPreloaderDisplay class. How can I load the images from web in my custom preloader?

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Preloader Occasionally Not Loading Images / External SWF

Sep 25, 2009

I created a flash slideshow which preloads the images. After preloading the images, it proceeds to load an external flash file and then the images. The problem is, very very occasionally, it will fail to actually load the images into view, and I'll just see the preloading animation, but it might still load the external swf. Additionally, it might do the reverse, and load the images and not load the external swf.

Here is the (I think) relevant code:
function onXMLLoadComplete(e:Event):void {
// create new xml with the received data
xmlSlideshow = new XML(;
// get total slide count
// misc xml data
[Code] .....
The live site is here: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading Multiple Images With One Preloader

Aug 19, 2011

I'm preloading multiple images with my Flash file. What what I'd like to do is preload all of them together, and group them into one preloader that shows the percentage of all of them together in one. At the moment I'm just using a preload GIF to show that they are loading. I'm sure there's a better way.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Large Images Not Loading

Oct 15, 2008

I'm building a flash based site for my photography in Flash CS3 with actionscript 2. The swf is almost 700kb so I guess I'll need a preloader right? I thought I could create a preloader scene before the main content scene and apply the following code to the single frame within the preloader:
ifFrameLoaded ("website", 3){
gotoAndPlay ("website", 1);
This doesn't seem to work as the large images in my gallery (contained within a movie clip) won't load unless you leave the gallery page then go back in?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Preloader From New Class Loading Images From XML

Mar 4, 2010

I have a gallery, which loads up all its images from an XML file. So the XML gets loaded, when loaded it calls a function urlLoaded. That in turn puts uses a Thumbnail class for each image in the XML, which then gets placed in an array, so the array can be iterated through to establish X and Y pos of each image when added to the mc Photocontainer.

PHP Code:

var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pics.xml");
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;


I'm passing the parameter 'i' through to the tracel function as this traces when each image has finished loading. I have a preloader in the main timeline I want to control. Say there are 20 images, how do I use the info in the tracel function to control that preloader? Would it be best to pass into the Thumbnail class the xmlList.length(), so the number of total images and then from the tracel function add and control a preloader, so when image 10 is complete the tracel function would make a slider its added to stage go to half way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Frame 1 Preloader To Load A XML Gallery Images?

Aug 12, 2011

i've got all the xml coded and ready to go, now what i struggle is to implement my existing preloader to make it load each image. This is a work done by my friend and i am just continuing his final works so it took me quite a long time to digest these codes too.

this is my frame 1 actionscripts with a preloader.

ActionScript Code:
//Import the required assets
import flash.display.*;


And in between the function ProgressEvent i am clueless on what to code, i've tried using addChild and etc to load the preloaders but fail.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader SWF Setup - Loading Images / Info

Oct 8, 2007

I'm about to make a preloader of sorts, but have run into a problem because I have multiple SWFs being externally loaded in different locations. [URL]

As of now, it's setup like so:
Main.swf - has the scrollbar, loads body.swf into scrollbar container
Body.swf - has the layout, buttons, etc. Loads illus_finished.swf, illus_sketchbook.swf, etc.
illus_finished (and all other work files).swf - dynamically loads XML and images/info.

So basically, its one big swf that loads the content swf. The content swf loads the work swf's - which load the xml, images/info. I think I might load all the swfs from one file somehow, but I'm having trouble targeting into MC's of loaded swf's.

Should I set up a preloader swf, and somehow preload all the swfs into the browser cache? (I dont know how to do this, esp since I'm loading into a target, and not a level#) This way I wouldn't have to change how my movie is setup.

Should I take all the loading instances out of all my files and load them all from the first movie - and stick the preloader in THAT file? I can't figure THIS out, either, because I can't seem to target movieclips in loaded SWFs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Preloader + Dynamically Loading Images?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm using TLF text, so there's a RSL involved. I get that there's a way to include the library in my own code, but I'd rather not do that unless there's no other solution.

In Advanced Action Script Settings > Preloader Method, there's a choice between "Preloader SWF" (five black dots, the default thing) and "Custom preloader loop". My first question is then how to use this Custom preloader loop thing? What is it referencing? Do I have to write a special thingy somewhere? What?

And I already made a simple "bar filling up" kind of preloader, which I'm testing by using the aforementioned "Custom preloader loop" setting and simulating download. (My project no longer compiles when not simulating download [VerifyError: Error #1014: Couldn't find flashx.textLayout.container::ContainerController class.] which led to the conclusion that I'm doing something wrong here.) It does fill up, but it starts at about 60%. From my earlier badly worded Google searches, I think my problem is that I am using a bunch of external .as files which are loading before the preloader. Is there any way to tie the .as files later, or something?(That, or my preloader actually takes up 60% of the project's data, which would surprise me but isn't impossible because it's still very bare.

I'm making a game and I'm sorta kinda using tiles to render the map screen. So I have a bunch of sprites on screen, for which I created a Refresh() method that I call whenever necessary. In this method, I use a Loader object to load desired bitmaps (which aren't in the project's Library), then add this Loader as a child. The main reason I did it that way is because I could then reference the images to load with a string, and so include arguments in there.

(I don't know if I'm clear, so let my try to be more descriptive. I basically have an array containing the map data. I'll read that array and pass some properties as arguments to my Refresh() method to draw the screen correctly. I'll then be able to load the image ["sprite" + arg1 + arg2 + ".png"] by using that string to create a new URLRequest (and then use that in the Loader).If I understand the way this works correctly (and I probably don't ), I'm downloading the images all over again each time I call Refresh instead of having them "cached" somewhere, which is inefficient (because they're tiles and I'm reusing them multiple times). Am I correct in that assumption?

I thought the more "efficient" way would be to import my tiles in the project Library and export these for ActionScript. (They're PNGs, so they inherit from BitmapData.) My problem with this method is that to use these images, I now have to instantiate a class, so there's no string involved, and so I can't concatenate variables with a string anymore to fetch the right PNG to display, which is really, really annoying.

So I'd like to have the best of both worlds: cache images while still being able to refer to them with a string. Is that possible? And more generally, what's the "right" way to dynamically render images in the context of a tile-based map?

EDIT:public vars vs. getters and setters I have classes with properties. I've gathered that it's good programming practice to declare these properties as private vars and then define getter and setter functions to access them. It's easier to just declare these variables as public and move on. What are the pros and cons of both methods?

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How To Create An FLV Preloader

May 9, 2009

I have created a video in After Effects that I exported to an FLV movie. I would like to use it as an intro for my website but I would like to have a preloader for it... I don't need anything complicated, a 'youtube style' little circle thing would be totally fine.

Now I tried an Action-Script-two-frame preloader. It works but when my video finally plays, the sound is not synchronized with the images; which is kind of annoying as I used visual effects that need to be synchronized with the music and sound effects. Would anyone would have some simple AS that I could use for that.

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