ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Font - User To Be Able To Select The Text?
Jul 27, 2011
ok so i have drawn some letters up, this way i can have everything looking just the way i like. i was going to put it in as an image but then it hit me, what if i wanted the user to be able to select the text? so i wanted to ask if there was a way you could make it act like a textfield. i was thinking it finds the character value and gives a value of 1-26. 1 being a and 26 being z. then it adds the movieclip to stage, changes to the frame relying on that value i just mentioned and positions itself accordingly.but what i haven't thought of yet is how you'd make it selectable.
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alert("This date can't be in the future");
return false
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Oct 5, 2010
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I have swf font files downloaded from [URL]
My question is that how can i load the font swf dynamically from server and add them to the library and how can i use that swf to change the font of dynamic text field.
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trace( "font: " + fontList[ i ].fontName );
But How to use dynamically loaded Font swf as a font type.
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Jul 22, 2003
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On (keyPress ("Enter") {
if (_parent.Input.text == "encode") {
tf = new TextFormat();
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btnChange.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changefont);
function changefont(event:MouseEvent):void[code].....
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Nov 14, 2009
With reference to the subject, I am using the following statement to embed the font within my custom class:
[Embed(systemFont = "Verdana",
fontName = "VerdanaReg",
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Feb 1, 2011
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Mar 19, 2011
I've come across a potential issue that I think I will be able to solve, although it seems to be to be something that may already have a solution, so I thought it best to save time and check.
I'm basically looking to create a menu where the labels are highly detailed and visually pleasing. The problem is that each and every label needs to be dynamically generated so that the menu is shown in the correct language.
My issue is this: is their a method in flash of defining letters for use as a font that aren't just flat colours? Imagine taking each letter into an image editing program, applying some effects to it, then important them all into flash as graphics/bitmap data. Could those graphics then be defined as letters in a font so that, when the swf is handed the string, it can create the dynamic label from my lovely looking alphabet?
I have a few ideas on how to implement a system using arrays and swapping the dynamic textfields for dynamically created movies, but that would mean building it from the ground up, something which may not be necessary if something similar already exists.
Anyway, I look forward to your replies; this forums has unknowingly solved a large number of my problems in the past, and acted as a safety rope as I learnt AS3. Now that I am on this forum I will likely try and take some time to give something back and help out other beginners, at least I will do when my thesis is finished
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Feb 3, 2009
My users upload a certain kind of text file that sometimeshas references to images stored locally on their hard drive. I needto check this file either on the server or within a flash app tosee if it has these references and then grab those images in aflash app to upload to my server.So I can use FileReference easily enough to have users uploadlocal images. But FileReference requires users to select their files with a dialog box. I can't have that. Myusers wouldn't know where to look and there are typically way toomany files, sometimes with the same name but in differentdirectories.
I can also just use URLLoader with a local URL, I guess I canprobably just use Loader too? That works great. The problem here isI can't communicate with both the server and the local filesystemin the same flash application due to Flash's security sandboxrestrictions. So I can get out of those security restrictions byplacing or editing a trust file in designated locations on variousOSes. I then need to install this trust file which is more invasiveand confusing to users then I want to be...Java's method of accessing local files from a web applet bysimply signing the applet with a certificate and having a dialogbox popup where the users grants access is ideal. Is there anything
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