Flex :: Show Email In Textbox When User Select Any Item In The Grid?
Feb 2, 2010
i have following xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
How can i show Email in textbox when user select any item in the grid?
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<s:State name="normal"/>
<s:State name="hovered"/>
<s:State name="selected"/>
so I tried to add a click event listener to the item renderer with:
private function selectUnSelect():void {
if (currentState == 'selected') currentState = 'normal';
else currentState = 'selected';
with an awkward behaviour... where the item stay selected even after clicking it again in the selected state.
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name="item name" selected="true"
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<s:List id="symbolList" dataProvider="{symbolListCollection}" change="symbolNameChangeHandler(event)"></s:List>
With the change handler defined like this:
protected function symbolNameChangeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void {
and symbolListCollection as an ArrayList filled with Strings.
At first, the change event works fine, and I get what I expect.
However, if I Ctrl-click on the selected item, to de-select it, i am unable to ever select an item again.
When I click on something to try to select it, the change event DOES fire, however, the ItemChangeEvent has both oldIndex and newIndex set to -1
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The selectedIndex is associated with an HSlider, but that is not the problem. My issue is that I would like to automatically select a certain "preferred" element from the list (only initially...to guide the user).
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Apr 21, 2011
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Mar 21, 2005
I have used the kirupa tutorial on a flash email form and it works GREAT! The only thing is I want to have required fields that need to be entered in for the form to send. If the user doesn't enter anything, it will ask them to in order to send the email.how I can do this or adapt it to the kirupa tutorial code?
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Nov 15, 2007
I built a Flash email sender, its very simple, it just sends all the variables in the fields, no cross checks or nothing.Problem: here's what the end-user email looks like:
Subject: Message from <TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="14" COLOR="#000000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Smiles</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>
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Feb 20, 2011
I have a datagrid with an xmlListCollection bound to it:
<mx:DataGrid id="dgCompetente" includeIn="Competente" x="10" y="66" width="547" height="468"
change="dgCompetente_changeHandler(event)" dataProvider="{colCompetente}"
I want the selectedIndex to remain the same. So, if I delete item 2, the next in the list should be selected. The problem is that if I delete item 2, item 3 will be selected and I have no idea why.
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Sep 20, 2010
I'm using a data grid with an item renderer that creates a toggle button. The idea is to have a list of items and only allow one to be selected and pre-select one at start.I've got the single button selection working, meaning that when I click on on toggle button, the others are deselected.My problem is to create a way of pre-selecting an element of the data grid or simulate a click on a row and selecting the corresponding toggle button.If I use the datagrid.selectedIndex the result is a selection but the toggle button doesn't get selected.Here is the code exampleIn this example I am using the array value "selected" to define selected button, not my favourite solution but the one that worked first.The array collection:
public static const ValuesList : ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
{ID:0, Name:"One", selected:false},
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Sep 27, 2010
I have datagrid. the source for this datagrid is a url that returns n number of rows in json format.
i want to save this result in an array and show 20 records in the grid at a time. and cycle to the next 20 records in a time interval.
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a data grid. How can I hide a value of a column if it's "0" ? Do I have to use item renderers? How? Is there an easier way? Second thing, if I have a boolean column whose values are actually the strings "true" and "false" how can I render it as a non editable check box?
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Mar 16, 2011
How can I validate there's a selected item in a ComboBox before saving? If there's no selected item, how can I set focus on the ComboBox?
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Nov 24, 2009
I need to know how to show current item as tool tip in ComboBox itemRollOver event at present i am using the below code,
private var tip:ToolTip
private function ItemRollOver(event:ListEvent):void
when i click the item or itemRollOver faster tool tip is not destroyed some time.
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Apr 26, 2010
var contextMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var contactList : ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Add to Existing List");
All coding on contactListItemRenderer.as and call to datagrid like
<mx:DataGridColumn itemRenderer="com.view.Contact.ContactListItemRenderer"
dataField="fullName" headerText="Full Name" />
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