ActionScript 3.0 :: Default Stop To Play MovieClip With Typewriter Effect

Feb 22, 2010

I'm completely new to AS3. Being completely new to actionscripting I found a tutorial on how to create a typewriter effect, which I have successfully made into a movie clip. My problem is that I want to stop the movie for the typewritten text to appear and make the movie pause for a pre-defined number of seconds and hereafter continue to the next scene or frame or whatever is the most easy. The link for the file text.flv: [URL]

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then with each letter fading in seprately. then after 1 second fading out again I've been searching google kirupa like crazy. really couldn't find anything.

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Dec 5, 2004

I am using this code (within one frame) for a typewriter effect.

TextField.prototype.typeWriter = function(str, ms) {

var me = this;
var i = 0;
var itv = setInterval(function () {
me.text = str.substring(0, i);


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IDE :: Use The Typewriter Effect With An External Text File?

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I would like to use the typewriter effect (Daniel Skovli, Tutorial 36) using an external text that possible? and can I set the typewriter to run as soon as it's loaded without having to use a button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Typewriter Effect With Button To Load Next Paragraph?

Jan 19, 2012

i am creating an e-learning tutor which teaches music theory & each scene will teach a different subject of Music (such as a notes, scales, clefs etc).

I have a textbox on the stage which loads text from an external txt file.... and each time the user presses the 'forward_btn' i would like it to load the next paragraph of text but im not too sure of how to implement the next paragraph button.

ActionScript Code:
forward_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNextParagraph);
var myText:String;
var counter:int = 0;


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Professional :: Using Default CS5 Skin, Play/pause And Stop Buttons Disabled Until Going Fullscreen?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Typewriter Text Effect - String Not Displaying Completely

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import flash.utils.Timer;import;
var str:String = "Hello?";
var i:int = -1;var delay:int = 720%str.length;
var timer:Timer = new Timer(delay);
function gotime(e:TimerEvent){
if (i>=str.length){timer.stop();}}

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private function setLetter(n:Number)  {
var correctLetter:String = text.charAt(n);  var part1:String = text.substr(0, n); temp_text = part1 + correctLetter + cursor; 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Typewriter When Loading New Text?

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TextField.prototype.typeWriter = function(str, ms) {
var me = this;
var i = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play And Pause MovieClip With Sound Effect

Nov 16, 2011

I have a movieclip. And I try pause n play together with sound. But I can't do it. This my code in one frame just play pause movie clip without sound..

MC_play.onRelease = function(){;;
} MC_stop.onRelease = function(){

1. And must fill the sound in movie clip or in frame?
2. How I can play n pause the sound with code?

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Oct 21, 2010

I have a movieclip within the "over" section of my button, which contains both an roll over and a roll out animation. My problem is that I cant seem to get flash to play the rollOut animation.
I placed the following code in the button itself

on (rollOut) {  this.start_mc.gotoAndPlay("mouseOut");}
I tried setting up a function to find when the user rolls off the button but it didn't work either.

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Jul 11, 2009

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onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this._rotation += 5}

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Feb 18, 2007

I have an MC which plays when movie is loaded. I have a button which I want to use to stop the MC playback. Then when it has stopped, have the same button to make it play.

Well my code went like this:
if (roller.stop = true) {
btn.onRelease = function (){;
}} if ( = true){
btn.onRelease = function () {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play And Stop Flv Movieclip Imported With Flashcs4

Apr 16, 2009

1- I imported an flv video file with "file->import->import video" and then put the object on the stage on a precise frame ( 71 and 79 ). Around the object player I created a transparent button as wide as the stage (67-82) which clicked brings you to another frame(2).The problem is that this work is a site and if you click on the transparent button you see a frame with contents but the movieclip playing is still on and user still ear the music and experience the bandwidth slow down. What I want to do is something like: movieclipinstancename.stop(); to stop the movie playing.
2- I'm triyng to understand the best way to import or use a movieclip, using AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Nested MovieClip Play Once Then Stop

Nov 4, 2010

I have a nested movie clip (image sequence) that I use the code snippet from Flash CS5 to GoToAndPlay. The Movie Clip loops continuously. How do I get it to play once and stop. I've tried the snippet for GoToAndStop, I've tried stop(); in my 'Actions' layer. I've tried a stop(); in the last frame of my nested sequence. I've tried a stop at the end of the function but nothing stops the darn thing. It keeps going and going and going.

Here is my typical code that loops....
btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cd_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame);
function cd_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(1); }
btn4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ef_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame);
function ef_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(10); }

There are two(2) buttons on the page, basically and back and forward button, and the image sequence is nested in a movie clip in this case at frame (1) and another nested movieclip at frame (10). How can I make it play once and stop on the last frame of the nested clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Play MovieClip To Frame Number Then Stop

Jun 10, 2009

I have a movie clip that loads variables from an XML file. One of those variables is a number between 1 and 100. I have an movie clip file of a "speedometer" that has a needle. The needle is set with a motion tween between frame #1 and frame #100. The number in the XML file is, currently, set to "gotoAndStop" to the corresponding frame # in the speedometer movie clip. What I want to do is for the speedometer to "play" and THEN stop at the frame # that corresponds to what the XML is feeding it. All of this happens "on load". There is no "button" that activates it.

Here's the code I have for the parsing the XML into the speedometer. This is working. I just want it to "play" then "stop".
var SideGRAPH_01_01:XMLList=contentINPUT_01.StudentRptItemDetailDefinitions.StudentRptItemDetailDefinition.(@StudentRptItemDetailID=="5").(@Seq=="1").attribute("Value");
for each (var GRAPHElement_01_01:XML in SideGRAPH_01_01) {

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IDE :: Play And Loop The Movieclip OnRollOver And Stop It OnRollout?

Oct 19, 2009

I want to play and loop the Movieclip onRollOver and stop it onRollout.This is what I have so far on keyframe 1:

this.onRollOver = function(){
var loop:Number = 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play And Loop The Movieclip OnRollOver And Stop It OnRollou?

Oct 19, 2009

I want to play and loop the Movieclip onRollOver and stop it onRollout. It's simple. I know, but I have no clue.

This is what I have so far on keyframe 1:

this.onRollOver = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play And Loop The Movieclip OnRollOver And Stop It OnRollout?

Oct 19, 2009

I want to play and loop the Movieclip onRollOver and stop it onRollout.This is what I have so far on keyframe 1:

this.onRollOver = function(){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play MovieClip On User Click And Stop At Specific Frame?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 with AS3. I'm building a website for a friend the problem I have. When a user clicks on a button I want it to play a movie clip then stop at a specfic frame. I want all the buttons to play the same movieclip but go to a different frame.

The current actionscript I am using is located on frame 1 is:
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homebuttonClicked);
function homebuttonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void{
}about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutbuttonClicked);
function aboutbuttonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

This allows me to navigate to the right frame but does not play for obvious reasons, if I use the gotoAndPlay function its carries on playing to the end of the movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect The MovieClip Playhead That Is In Play() Condition Or Stop() In One Frame?

Feb 23, 2009

How to detect the MovieClip playhead that is in play() condition or stop() in one frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Making A MovieClip Play It's Frames, Then Stop On A Main Timeline Frame?

May 12, 2010

I am currently in the middle of making a "sniping" flash game. In the first level there are a series of moving targets which are also movie clips. Inside the movie clip there is a 7 frame animation of the target exploding. Inside that is a tween of the target moving up and down. And inside that there is a plain old button.

What I want to happen is when you click on the moving target it explodes and brings you to a new frame of the main timeline. (ex. Main Timeline frame #27) But I'm pretty sure it thinks I was to play the seven frame animation of it exploding and then go to frame 27 inside the movie clip, rather then frame 27 on the main timeline.

Here's what my AS looks like on the target (ActionScript 2.0 is what I'm using.)

on (press) {
on (release){

So how do I make it explode and then take me to frame 27 on the main timeline?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Movieclip Button - Click To Play, Click To Stop?

Jun 21, 2010

I am building a flash interface and I would like a menu where it is hidden to begin with (just a tab). You click the tab to expand it, and click again to collapse it. I've made a movieclip with animation of the menu opening up and closing, but I can't seem to work out how I'd go about making the movieclip open and close properly.

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