ActionScript 3.0 :: Define For Buttons On A Different Keyframe?

Jun 29, 2009

This probably has an easy answer, but I seem to be unable to find it myself.On frame 1 in the Timeline (in CS4), I have this actionscript:
var clickAreaLink1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
btn_clickArea1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickArea_click1);
function clickArea_click1(event:MouseEvent):void

On a different keyframe, I have my button labled "btn_clickArea1." When I run the movie I get the error "Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."My guess is because the button is on a different keyframe than the actionscript. However, I have four buttons that will need to be constantly updated, so I want the actionscript all in one place to easily update them. Is there a good way to get this to work?

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in jist.have a MC that is a nav bar. It houses buttons. The buttons inside the MC do not respond to code ony the _root timeline or code defined specifically to them. What I am trying to achieve is the nested buttons calling on my dynamic text field and loading outside .txt files.I manipulate the buttons on the main timeline and get the effects i'm looking for but not inside of the MC.

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var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;


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var picNum:Number = 3; // could be any number
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var pArray = new Array();
var tArray = new Array();


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May 6, 2009

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In other words the .FLA file will have a series of labeled keyframes "frame_01," "frame_02," and so on the "next" button will have code in it that parses an xml file and inserts the correct frame for the deeplinking.

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var clipArray:Array = [one_mc, two_mc, three_mc, four_mc, five_mc];
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defined using a specific syntax. Instead, you define events in your class by using the functionality of the EventDispatcher class to keep track of event listeners and notify them of events."But in some Adobe's sample files, events are defined as class properties or local variables in class methods. while we call the dispatchevent() method only one time for each event (By the way is it possible to dispatch a single event more than one time?) and do not use the event object elsewhere in the class, what is the advantage of assigning the event to a variable? specially to a class property, specially to a public class property, while we can define and dispatch the event in a single statement like this:this .dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE,true)) ?2. The AS3 Language Reference says :"You do not normally call clone(); the EventDispatcher class calls it automatically when you redispatch an eventthat is, when you call dispatchEvent(event) from a handler that is handling event

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Failing To Insert Keyframe

Jun 17, 2009

I've been manually creating a slideshow with flash (I like my final product better than the auto-approaches), and have reached a sort of odd situation.When trying to insert a new keyfram at fram 1675 of my animation, instead of a new keyframe, I'm getting my last keyframe's run (from 1650) extended to here.Is there a per-layer keyframe limit?And is there an FAQ that would cover this (fairly obvious seeming) question, rather than posting?

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Can't Add A Keyframe Without Clicking Timeline

Oct 13, 2010

I'm working with Flash CS5 and a Wacom Intuos3 tablet.  In my first time working with CS5, I set up my hotkeys on the tablet to what I normally have when I'm doing frame-by-frame animation in Flash. I have one button set to F6, which used to add a keyframe wherever my playhead was on the timeline. What I prefer to do is scrub to where I want the next frame using my scroll/strip and just hit the F6 button where I want a new keyframe.  But in CS5, what's happening is it's not adding any keyframes at all, but instead moving my playhead back to the last keyframe I edited.  What's going on?  I can't even scroll to where I want and add a keyframe without physically clicking the frame itself and THEN pressing F6.

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May 26, 2011

I've inherited a flash project @ work and I need to save a keyframe as it's own .swf file, but I don't recall how to get Flash to do just that.
The flash .fla file seems to hold multiple keyframes that need to be saved as their own .swf files, which are referred to in the Actionscript by name.
I've figured out the editing, but this business of keyframes i've forgotten how to manipulate.

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Professional :: Go To Previous Keyframe

Nov 2, 2011

I am making a simple project ,a so called "quizz" .SO as every questions has wrong and true answers buttons I am wondering how do I go to the previous keyframe.Let me be more clear. I have this "screen" with a button that appears only when you click the "wrong answer" on a question,the screen has a button that will lead you to the menu to start a new game,but I realized that would be very ANNOYING ,because if we are at question 30 [we pretend] it would be very frustrating to start all over again.So I am wondering what code do I need to write to the Screen with the "start over" button that leads to menu to make it lead me to the question I  Answered wrong. I want to say that I tried something like "on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("previous") ;} but didn`t work To be even more clear I will show you on this picture.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Script Twice In Same Keyframe?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm using a handy-dandy script that allows me to scroll a masked movie clip with ease. I ran into an issue, however, when I wanted to scroll two different movie clip instances � each with their own separate scroll bar � in the same keyframe. I tried giving unique names to all of the elements in the second instance, but it hasn't worked. A non-functioning example of what I'm trying to accomplish is attached. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Is Keyframe Or Not?

Mar 21, 2012

I am in the end of my development of a script that parses out large amounts of data from the timeline with AS3. This data is then used for an animation in corona. We have several of animations in the timeline, and we are splitting those by frame labels. That means that all objects are in place and often, there is no use of them and those movieclips is missing keyframes. My script parses out everything, but I just want the data thats has some value.

detect if a current frame in a layer is a keyframe or not? If not, get rid of data that we are not animating.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SwapDepth() With And New KeyFrame?

Dec 5, 2005

i got some trouble here that I cant seem to find a solution, well, I dont even know what happends here.

The goal: Make a puzzle-like with 54 MCs

What it should do:
- Come to front onMouseOver swapDepth(1)
- Go to back when onMouseOut swapDepth(-0)
This is working...

I cant seem to understand why my MCs are still appearing on another keyframe when I click the button "2"

Btn "1" goes to the puzzle. Btn "2" goes to an empty keyframe but there are some MCs that are still visible when they should not be.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Export Keyframe To Swf?

Mar 21, 2011

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Apr 16, 2009

I have a MovieClip with buttons inside that basically slides left/right based on mouse movement. Now everything works, I defined a hitTest for the MC movement but I need to reduce the zone where moving the mouse the MC slides.

here the code:

docWidth=1000;//stage width
dx=0;//speed holder


Now my problem is here this.hitTest(_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse,false)) I tried to change the _ROOT._XMOUSE,_ROOT._YMOUSE,FALSE with the instance name of another empty MC called hit_mc just to have a sort of a hit mask but didnt work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Define Attribute's Value From Function?

Jun 26, 2009

How could I define attribute's value from function. In screen i got "NaN"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Define In SVG While Avoiding The Use Of Masks?

Aug 17, 2009

i have a red rectangle. On top of this rectangle is a bitmapped (not vector unfortunately) pattern fill that needs to include some white/transparent pixels that should show the red color of the rectangle. How do you define this in SVG, if possible while avoiding the use of masks? The 'transparent' pixels keep coming up white instead of red.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Define A Package - Add And Use It In A Project ?

Sep 9, 2009

how i can define a package (please i need to know where i have to put the package folder to be ablae to use it) and how to add and use it in a project and any additional useful information

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