ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Text To Rotate

Aug 19, 2009

I'm having an issue embedding a font to rotate 90 deg. Below is code that works. My library has a Font item. The name is "test" and the font is "Arial".

ActionScript Code:
var myFont:Font = new test();
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(myFont.fontName, 15, 0x000000);
var sideBarText:TextField = new TextField();


My text field appears sideways just as I want. My question is, how can I accomplish this WITHOUT having a prebuilt item in my library? I want to make it dynamically like: var myFont:Font = new Font(); or something, but can't find how to do it.

Is this possible? The reason is, all my info will be loaded in from an XML and I want the option to change the font from that, ie "Tahoma, Arial, Times, etc"

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LOL in a happy, rare accident, I discovered the answer myself. Page 432 of the Flash 8 Actionscript Bible says, "Aside from just allowing text to look the way you want it to look, embedded fonts actually enable your Textfield objects to do some things they wouldn't otherwise do. For example ... a TextField object that uses device fonts (nonembedded fonts) cannot be rotated nor can you change the alpha. But once you embed the font, you can do both of these things."

How: (for dynamic or input text objects) clicking the Embed button in the Property inspector.Note, this will increase the size of your swf. Just embedding the lowercase and uppercase letters from a-z of one font increased the swf filesize from 3-9KB.

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loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {


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function rotate3d(evt:MouseEvent):void {
home_mc.rotationX += 10

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So this code works fine in terms of rendering and formatting text:

PHP Code:

var ss:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
var H1:Object = new Object();
H1.fontSize = 24;


But the fonts are not embedded. If I want to reduce the textfield's alpha or rotate it or some such operation, I need to embed the fonts.

If I uncomment tf.embedFonts = true; then the text disappears.

So what's the next step? I'm familiar with various ways of embedding fonts --using fontName with a Library font, or embedding using the Flex SDK in FlashDevelop. But I don't know how to approach either of those in the case of text formatted via CSS.

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My goal it so be able to rotate the text.
package com.ryancanulla.airforandroid.view {
import com.ryancanulla.airforandroid.model.MainModel;
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[Code] .....

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[Embed(source='//lib//fonts//Tahoma.ttf', fontName='_Tahoma', embedAsCFF="false")]
private var embedString:String; // added for embed font
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titlefield.embedFonts = true;
titlefield.stylesheet = sheet;

but it does not work. if i comment out the embedFonts the css works fine but the text is very aliased. and because as3 does not support the embed font property within css i am in a bit of a predicament!

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function aleatorio(min, max)
var _loc2 = true;


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Oct 30, 2009

I've developed an application which uses a couple of variations of the same font throughout.I have embedded the relevant font in to every single text field throughout the application (using the embed dialogue box).However whenever I change the text in code, the font is displayed differently. I have even tried setting it to embed every character from the font in to the field, and I have also added the font as a library component and exported for actionscript. It looks like it is losing its weighting.

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Aug 4, 2010

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Sep 3, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Fonts Into Project And Displaying Text

Nov 1, 2010

I have been trying to embed a font into a project I am working and its just not happening. I am having 2 problems first I am trying to embed a font that I do not have installed on my machine (Helvetica Neue Bold), I do have a copy of the otf file though. As far as I know what I have tried should work however when I run the swf I only get Times New Roman. From the enumerated fonts I can see the font has embedded but it just wont show. Secondly if I replace the Helvetia font with one I do have on my machine (Arial for example) the text displays with the correct font but if I then set embedFonts = true the text disappears.

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rendering Html Text & Font Embedding

Jul 9, 2004

I am having trouble rendering text that has html tags. I has to do with the font embedding options.I am passing a string to a field text variable (same thing happens for fieldname.htmlText) and here is what happens:let's keep it simple and say I pick Arial as my text field font.

1) If I don't embed any font outlines for that text field, the text field displays the string correctly (with the html right formatting) since my system has Arial installed.

2) If I embed the font outlines:[code]

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