ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Keyframes In An Mp4 File With H264 Codec

Jul 28, 2010

I have used the following properties in the meta data handler for finding the keyframes, but returned nothing:

var kfPoints:Object;
for (var propName:String in metaInfoObj)
if (propName == "keyframes")


How can I find keyframes in an mp4 file transcoded with an H264 codec?

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Jan 31, 2012

Right now I am working on an AIR 3.2 application which lets you stream a video to a Flash Media Server and saves it on a hard drive.This sequence works fine with the standard Sorenson codec but I want to use H.264 for my videos. I found lots example c ode and implemented it in my code, but when I record a video of myself I am unable to re-watch it afterwards.I found how to implement a H.264 encoding in a realeyes blog post here. My code is here.It saves the video as a .f4v file, but my browser (I've tried the latest versions of both Chrome and Firefox, with the latest Flash) and also VLC are unable to load the video. I also used a program called Movie Player which is able to open the file but can only show the first frame and the audio. Neither am I able to upload the video to YouTube because they do not support the file extension.Here is an example video file it saved: H264Test1.f4v.My question is: How do I stream and save the movie with a file extension that I am able to re-watch while using the H.264 codec?

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<smil>  <head>  <meta base="rtmp://live" />  <body> <switch>
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play_btn.play_symbol_txt.background = false;
isPaused = true;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Flash :: Get GPU Acceleration For H264 In An Adobe Air Fullscreen App?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm toying with an Adobe Air app that plays quite large movies. I want to run it on a 1920x1080 display connected to a Mac. Unfortunately, the movies tend to stutter and I'm betting that happens because I'm not using HW GPU acceleration for H264 playback.

Most of the player code is ported (aka copied) from a web player I built and which runs very smooth on the Flash Player from the browser. So the code shouldn't be the problem.

In the Flash Player, to use GPU acceleration in a fullscreen mode, you have to set the Stage.fullscreenSourceRect property. However, this doesn't seem to work in Adobe Air...

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H264 Video Driven Flash Sites

Mar 11, 2010

i stumbled accross the following website: URL...As you can see, the site is driven using a hd video. the user can interact with the site by performing little actions with the mouse. I guess this is simply accomplished by seeking through the video using the mousemovements as offset.What i would like to know is, how are videos like this encoded ? How big is the video behind a site like this ? Is the HD content streamed from the server ? What compression would you recommend for similar quality ? Do you guys know a tutorial/article that deals with constructing "video driven" websites like the one above ?

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Flex :: How To Find A File In System

Apr 14, 2010

I am loading data from one sample.xml file using http service. the xml file will generated by jsp and it is saving in one proper location like(d:/programfiles/some.xml).now when I first time login to application i need to check whether that xml file is present or not. How can I check?

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Regex :: Find The <%@ %> Line In The File?

Sep 5, 2010

I found there is a bug in this highlight editor: [URL]

The following ASP.Net code can't be highlighted correctly

<%@ Page Title="<%$ Resources: XXX %>" Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="utf-8" %>

The problem is about the regular expression, how can I find this whole line by regular expression?

I am using the RegExp from ActionScript3

The main challenges are:

The <%@ %> instruction may contains another <%$ %> instruction in its attribute, just like the one above The <%@ %> instruction may have a line break in it, just like the following.


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