Professional :: Cannot Find .FLA File?

Feb 15, 2012

Yesterday I was working in an exhaustive animation when the computer turned off. When I turned the PC on again there was a message about a recovery file. I opened the recovery file: it was the animation I was working with. I finished my work and closed the recovery file. Today I was looking for the file I was working with and I can't find it: Flash gives me just the original file not the recovery file.

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Professional :: Find Link To External File?

Oct 20, 2010

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Aug 18, 2010

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var loader:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('loader', 1);var obj:Object = new Object();var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();mcl.loadClip("external.swf",loader);mcl.addListener(obj);
obj.onLoadInit = function(mc){    trace(mc._width);    trace(mc._height);};
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Jun 8, 2010

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Aug 18, 2010

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Dec 19, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find The Last Modified Date Of The File?

Jan 31, 2009

Im working on a project where files are being loaded using the URLloader in flash as3. I need to be able to find the last modified date of the file that is being loaded, unfortunately the files may not always be on the same server as the flash app, so it may not always be possible for me to add a line to the file that has the last modified date, that could be read easily in flash. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to retreive this information, I know in air you can use URLLoader.httpResponseStatus which allows you to get the http headers and find it that way but it doesnt appear to work in flash.Id like to try to do this with out having to call on javascript or php to find it, since it would then require 2 connections per file i believe to be able to do everything I need 1 to get contents in flash, and one for either javascript or php to find the last modified date, but if I have to that seems to be the only option I can come up with.

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Nov 24, 2007

Here's an unexplainable problem, at least for me... I'm trying to use Edit --> Find and Replace in Flash CS3 to replace a line of code that occurs in many frame scripts throughout the FLA, but when I click "Replace All", it says "No items found". I'm sure everything is set up correctly in the Find and Replace window:Search in: Current Document, for: Text, and I'm sure I'm typing everything correctly. I have "Frames/Layers/Parameters" and "Actionscript" checked below, and everything else unchecked.

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I recently purchased a macbook pro from eBay which had Flash CS4 already installed on it, but which didn't come with the original documentation or CDs that would have had the serial number.  The seller said he would send along the appropriate numbers when he tracked them down, but he never got back to me again.  I'd like to upgrade to Flash CS5 now, so is there any way I can find the serial number through the software itself?  I've seen similar threads to this one elsewhere in the forums and the most promising answers have involved people locating truncated numbers in the software and asking Adobe to decrypt them.  Unfortunately, I can't even find these truncated numbers...

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Aug 10, 2010

I installed a Flash template that has a "Read More" button which is used in several locations of the site.  The button corresponds to a single symbol called "button_more" and another symbol within that symbol called "area_more".  It's a "Movie Clip" type of symbol, not a "Button" type symbol. 
What I'm trying to figure out is where would I find the link to the page where that button points to - it points to different pages of the site depending on where it's located.  For example, in the About Us section it links to a page that has more details describing About Us.  In the Services section it links to a page that has more details describing Services.  So the same symbol is going to different links.
I checked the Properties of the symbol and it doesn't have any option for a link. (I guess it's not really going to a link, but to a different frame in the timeline)  But where would I find exactly where each button points to in case I want to edit one of them in the future, or create a new button with a new link?

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Oct 25, 2010

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Professional :: Can't Find Rewind Behaviour In Tutorial?

Oct 27, 2010

working through the tutorial to familiarise myself with basic terms and concepts. I have been working through the behaviours section, assigning behaviours to the video buttons in the example. I've done the play and pause, but when I try to assign a behaviour to the rewind button, there is no rewind behaviour listed in the embedded video section of the add behaviours function. I am using education version 7.2.

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