ActionScript 3.0 :: Fitting Images Perfectly To Pie Slice?

May 20, 2009

1: I have a pie chart which takes values from xml and as per the xml data draw pie chart.

2: I need to add images to some or all pie slices.

3: If I am going clockwise direction and I have reached slice number 3 ,then the image to be added to that slice have similar orientation to that pie slice.

4: I have loaded the pie images and made its bitmaps and then added it to some array say pieBitmapArr.

5: Now I need to add this bitmaps to individual pies.

6: Further the overall dimension of pie image and pie drawn doesn't match.

7: And when I use addChild method to individual slice ,all the picture arrange themselves at the top left i.e. 0,0 position of the stage.

8: I want the image to exaclty fit on pie drawn but I am not able to do it.

9: Further I have used but also it doesn't yield anything,just blank pie.

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'width', '100%',
'height', '100%',

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ActionScript Code:


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private function publishVideo():void{
_publishingVideo = true;
_ns = new NetStream(_nc);


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if (myTarget[i] is String) {
trace("prop is string");

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Stack Overflow Q/A about the math of ellipses and bounding boxes

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Here is an example from my code:

var r_max:uint = 45;
var r_min:uint = 20;
var rot:Number = ellipse.rotation * (Math.PI / 180);
var t_nil:Number = Math.atan( -r_min * Math.tan(rot) / r_max);


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Data Integration :: SendAndLoad XML Request That Works Perfectly But Inside Of Any Browser It Stops ?

Sep 20, 2006

I have a simple sendAndLoad XML request that works perfectly on 95% of the computers I have used. I have check crosssite stuff and everything i can think of. Its not browser specific ,os specific, or flash version specific. On these computers I can run the same flash file on a standalone player and everything works flawlessly but inside of any browser it makes the request for the XML file and stops right there. After a while like 10 minutes flash gets tired of waiting and returns not found. I can navigate to the xml file via the same browser. Upgrading Flash doesn't help.The only thing consistent is it only happens to windows computers. The requested URL is the complete URL. I have changed this and still the same.IE or Firefox still the same. Version 9 player in both. I have montiored network traffic and see the request made and maybe a response but flash has moved.

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Dec 13, 2010

I'm working with a video in Flash where I am capturing each frame and testing the color of a single pixel. I'm using it to determine when a white/transparent background changes to be a color. The following AS2 code works flawlessly when I preview it in Flash and on my desktop in the browser (the direct SWF and placed inside HTML using SWFObject) but as soon as I upload it to my server it fails and produces "FFFFFF" continuously regardless.

this.onEnterFrame = function()[code]..........

There is no difference in the files; they are both pulling from the same video source (hosted on an Flash FLV server).The only difference is one set of files is hosted on my local computer and the other is hosted on my web server.

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
xspeed -= power;[code].....

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.slice() To Copy An Array?

May 25, 2009

I am trying to use .slice() to copy an Array of Loaders (each with a jpg loaded in it), as follows:
newArray = oldArray.slice();
and it works, but the problem is, any changes I apply to one Array applies to both, as though .slice() had just copied a pointer to the same Array, but I was specifically told that .slice() would not exhibit that pblm. Before I just go back to loading the same images twice, is there something special about Arrays of Loaders or something else I might be missing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slice() Does Not Seem To Be Working?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to use slice to remove an element of an array and it does not seem to be working.I have an array in a class called singleton.   It is global and persistent and once instantiated I just get the instance of it  

_singletonInstance = Singleton.getInstance();

I also have another class I instantiate when I need to add or remove an element from that array in the singleton object.I can add to the array when I call this function:

public function add():void
Since the TimeCell0_mc_25 is index 4 it should be removed in the second list after add. but as you can see it is still there.

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This may be a bit of an easy question for some, but I'm having difficulty understanding what,9) does. What is this name slice bit about?

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Actionscript :: Slice Last Few Characters?

May 9, 2011

How do I remove the last 4 characters in a string?


Answer: slice(0,-4)

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9-slice Scaling Doesn't Work

Sep 18, 2009

I've made a rounded rectangle with a gradient fill and another rounded rectangle over it with a transparency to create kind of a glossy effect. Both objects are part of a symbol in the library of the FLA file. Then, I activated the checkbox to create a scale-9 grid, and the Export for Actionscript checkbox in order to add this symbol from AS3. Next I made sure that every rounded corner was completely included in the slices on the edges of the grid. Well, no matter what, the object is scaled as a normal graph: the rounded corners appear bigger and deformed.

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Professional :: 9 Slice Scaling And Text?

Sep 2, 2010

It seems 9-slice scaling in Flash CS5 is a little half-baked. If you create a symbol containing text and vector graphics, only the vector graphics is scaled according to the 9-slice scaling contract. For example, consider the following symbol:

Sure, the vector graphics are scaled according to the 9-slice contract, but what are we supposed to do about text? And just in case you're thinking "convert the text to vectors/raster"... unfortunately no... I don't have the option of converting the text to a set of vectors or a raster because its content will have to be dynamic.

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Flex :: Slice XMLList Instead Of Array?

Feb 2, 2011

How would I get a range of items from my xmllist similar to the slice method for an array?

I am trying something like this:
var tempXMLList:XMLList = new XMLList();


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