Actionscript 3 :: Find A Tight-fitting, Axis-aligned, Bounding Box Of A Rotated Ellipse?

Jan 16, 2010

The AS3 getBounds function returns a rectangle that is not fitting tightly to a rotated ellipse. Instead it returns an axis-aligned rectangle based on the bounds of a rectangle whose width/height corresponds to the max/min diameter of the ellipse and follows its rotation.

Stack Overflow Q/A about the math of ellipses and bounding boxes

Based on this I took a stab at coding a solution in AS3. So far I have been able to produce a rectangle that fits perfectly along the x-axis, but as I rotate my ellipse it acts very weird along the y-axis. Rather than alternating between 2*r_min and 2*r_max while rotating, it alternates between 2*r_min and 0. My best guess is that I have done something wrong when solving the differentiated t for gradient -> infinity...

Here is an example from my code:

var r_max:uint = 45;
var r_min:uint = 20;
var rot:Number = ellipse.rotation * (Math.PI / 180);
var t_nil:Number = Math.atan( -r_min * Math.tan(rot) / r_max);


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ActionScript Code:


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function convertToIso(pointSent:Point) {
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May 17, 2005

I want to draw a ellipse using a function that looks like this :


This function creates a circle but I want to create an ellipse knowing just the center , right distance and down distance like in this figure : figure mcClip is the movie clip. the center and the distances I take from a input text.

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Flash - Trig Equations To Create Ellipse

Feb 13, 2011

I am working with this function that moves an object around a center point in a perfect circle and am trying to modify it to move it in an oval shape that is 1/2 as high as it is wide?

Basically, I have a set speed
var myVelocity:Number = 0.25;
Then I calculate my Sine and Cosine based on the speed
var myCos:Number = Math.cos(myVelocity);
var mySin:Number = Math.sin(myVelocity);

Then I figure the distance of the the object from a fixed center points along each axis and
var x1:Number = myBall.x - centerX;
var y1:Number = myBall.y - centerY;
var x2:Number = myCos * x1 - mySin * y1;
var y2:Number = myCos * y1 + mySin * x1;
myBall.x = centerX + x2;
myBall.y = centerY + y2;

I have another function that figures x and y based upon myBall.x = centerX + cos(angle) * radius; that is easy enough to modify the radius to become an ellipse, but is there an easy way to mod the one above to become an ellipse? I want to do this to be more efficient with the code and reduce the number of math function calls

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ActionScript 2 :: Tween Around Ellipse From Different Start Points

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I have 7 movieclips on stage I want to tween around an ellipse from different start points. I am having lots of trouble doing this. I used a circle formula at first and then divided the y value by the width of the ellipse over the height. This sort of worked but after every rotation the y value was a little of. That code is:

this._x += (Math.cos(angle * Math.PI/180) * radius);
this._y += (Math.sin(angle * Math.PI/180) *radius)/1.54;

I also have trouble finding the angle of the start point, if it is off they won't travel in the same ellipse but they all have different starting angles.

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Jul 18, 2011

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i have tried with 0x0000FF, 0.5 ); position.x, position.y, 10, 10 );;

but it doesnt draw anything at all.

how to draw graphic primitive on Image object ?

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