ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Tweening External SWF Via UILoader

Nov 18, 2011

-Actionscript 3
-Flash CS5
-TLF Text

Having trouble getting this to work. I have a UILoader encased in a Movieclip (there's a semi-transparent background behind the loader). I have this UILoader set via AS3 to load an external SWF.

All this is in the same folder. Basically, I wanted to compartmentalize a website I'm doing of my favorite hobby (Gaming).

It all works...until I add the Fade In/Out Tween. Then the only thing that Fades In is the movieclip; the page does not load and results in this "issue" (not error):

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property name not found on fl.transitions.Tween and there is no default value.
at mainSite_fla::MainTimeline/pageOpen()


I pretty much can guess what the issue is. The page hasn't loaded and thus for some reason the tween prevents the UILoader from pulling in the SWF. But I have no clue what to change to get it to work. If I put the Load part (.load and it's var) inside the FadeIn function then the page loads successfully...only Tween gets "hung" at about 50% fade in. And since this is just the 'main page' that will end up loading all the other pages on top of it. I can't just embed the movieclip I want to tween into this FLA Project; something about a multi-meg website...

Here's the Code of the Tweened Open/Close:

//Tween System
var tweenFadeIn:Object;
var tweenFadeOut:Object;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening UILoader Loading External SWF?

Nov 19, 2011

-Actionscript 3-Flash CS5-TLF Text-onlyIs this even possible? I see tutorials on tweening a UILoader that's loading in and external image, but I have not found anything on actually tweening a UILoader that's loading an external SWF.I've attempted to and all I get is a migraine.This is what I have so far; and it works exactly as I want it to:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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but1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadsSWF);
but2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadsSWF);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize External Images Loaded Into UiLoader?

Aug 18, 2011

Please help I've been researching this topic for like 2 days straight and it is driving me insane because I can't seem to find a specific answer for what I'm trying to achieve and I know it can be done because I've seen end results on the web. Here is what I'm doing:

1. I created a simple museum gallery with 3 portraits hanging on the wall
2. Inside the museum portraits I created 3 different uiLoaders with a black background
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3. Inside each uiLoader will be a loaded external image via a URL
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using An External XML File For Animation Tweening?

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I'm quite fond of the "Copy Motion as Actionscript 3.0" feature. I think it's pretty neat. However, the XML-based animation only works when the XML variable is in the code. I'm trying to make it so where I can place the XML-based animation tags in an external XML file, and then load it into the application. I prefer to have it this way as opposed to having the XML tags hardcoded into the app.

Here is the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Motion duration="30" xmlns="fl.motion.*" xmlns:geom="flash.geom.*" xmlns:filters="flash.filters.*">


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When watching the animation, the first word (web) looks fine, on the second word (design) the tween fails on the last couple of frames of that clip (the blur filter disappears), the third word (and) is OK, and on the forth word (development) the blur filter is not applied to the last 16 frames of that clip.I broke each animation into its own MC thinking that was causing the issue, but that didn't fix anything.

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Flash :: Motion Tweening In CS4?

Nov 22, 2009

I tried to refresh my little flash knowledge -- but I stumbled upon a problem with the new Flash CS4!
When I try to make different blur or alpha effect on one keyframe I got after making the motion tween -- Flash adjust the other keyframe as well (got the same reaction on both keyframes as if it was the same instance of movie clip -- and not as in old flash; the keyframes created separated or independent instances)
The only thing working for me is when I move the movie clip out of the stage on the first keyframe -- and it correctly move its position.

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Flash - Tweening A Filter In An Array?

Oct 26, 2011

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var btnArr:Array = new Array(aBtn, bBtn, cBtn);
var gloArr:Array = new Array();
var glow:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0x00aaff, 0,
12, 12,


I have traces set up which seem to show that until I declare that Tween all is going as expected, but the last trace there shows -1, and when I check the values of each individual filter in the array they are all increasing and decreasing together.

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Flash :: Click The Menu The Event Listen From Uiloader And Text Field?

Dec 11, 2011

public class gallery_folio extends MovieClip
var image_xml:XML;
var xml_loader:URLLoader;
public var text_style:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Verdana",10,0x333333,"",null,null,null,null,"left");
public var _style:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Verdana",11,0x333333,"",null,null,null,null,"left");
public function gallery_folio()


when ever i click the menu .the event listen from uiloader and text field.I would like to remove event listener from above.Actually i want to create xml gallery .with lots of images

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The Standard/regular Tweening Within Flash?

Nov 20, 2008

I was following this tutorial. He uses the following line for Tweening:

Tweener.addTween(currentContainer, {alpha:1, time:FADE_TIME,
onComplete:function() { slideTimer.start(); }});

Instead of using this special designed class for Tweening, how do I use the standard/regular Tweening within Flash so I don't have to always include the .as file with my project? One other thing is, he uses something like this: intSlideCount = xmlSlideshow..image.length();

What are the two dots between the xmlSlideShow and image.length(); means?

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Flash :: Infinite Tweening Hue Loop With Tweener?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to infinitely loop a bitmap all the way through the colour spectrum using AS3, Tweener and its ColorShortcuts class. This doesn't loop back to the function "tween1":

function tween1():void {
Tweener.addTween(image, { _hue: 180, time:5, onComplete:tween2 } );
function tween2():void {
Tweener.addTween(image, { _hue: -180, time:5, onComplete:tween1 } );

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Flash :: Actionscript Tweening With Motion Blur

Sep 18, 2010

So i have several items on a page, each of which tweens out or in depending on a mouse event. So far i can do Easing on them when they are going out/in but how do i also set up a tween so that it blurs as the come in and out (motion blur) like the ones in the motion presets. I want to accomplish the same motion preset settings but with Actionscript.

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Flash :: Empty Space After Tweening Movieclip?

Aug 19, 2011

I'm filling arrays from a XML. These arrays have dynamic textFields inside them, and these textFields are childs of a movieclip.

I tween this movieclip, therefore making the array of textFields animate on the stage one by one. There are two sources of XML, one from an actual site, and another from a XML stored in the hdd. First i fill the arrays of textFields, and then animate the movieclip. I do this for the first one, then animate it, do it again for the 2nd one, animate it, again for the 1st one, animate it, so on so on.

myTween = new Tween(mc,"x",None.easeNone,sizeOfStage,0 - mc.width,mcSpeedAuto,true);

my tween ends at 0 - mc.width, the problem is, if i tween first the
"bigger" XML, when the next one which is smaller gets tweened, there's loads of empty space before it tweens the big one again (tweening whitespace?).

myTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish);

onFinish i clear all the arrays (otherwise the tweening of the 2nd one would still have information of the 1st one e.g: 1st has 25 fields, second has 10, 1st shows it's 25 fields, 2nd shows 10, and the 15 that were left from from the 1st one) and call the tween on the 2nd one. I thought that by doing this i'd be clearing all that white space too, apparently not. I think the mc.width just keeps the "bigger" value and always tweens with that, taking longer to end in the 2nd case. I've tried setting the mc.width as the sum of textfield width's everytime i fill the arrays, but this hasn't worked either

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Flash :; Approaches To Opacity Tweening Elements?

Mar 6, 2012

I'm working with a Flash (CS5) presentation, so I have a "Next Slide" button on my app. Sometimes, I want to be able to fade in certain elements when I hit "Next Slide".My current way of doing this:

Create a MovieClip from a Rectangle with an opacity tween from 100 to 0 (with ActionScript to stop() at first frame).Copy and paste the MovieClip over the place where I want it to fade in, and give the instances a unique name.Add actionscript to the relevant keyframe of the slide with just works fine when running. The only disadvantage is that once I have one of these rectangle MovieClips on my page, I can't see what's behind it, making it annoying to design the presentation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons Within MovieClips With Tweening?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a sliding drawer navigation going on... Click a tab, (comprised of a button within the MovieClip,) one panel slides out (via Tweening) and there will be information (and more buttons) on the panel body. Click the tab again and it slides back into place.

Basically, this worked in AS2. Really well. In AS3, all I've managed to achieve is... no more crazy looping. The buttons don't work, though, and the tween animation doesn't happen without the button code. I'm fairly certain that my scripting is just bad and I'm wondering if anyone has ever done a navigation like this in AS3, before.

I've attached the Fla file... If someone could look it over, fix the code or just tell me what I need to do to make it work, that'd be great. A once-over of the layout and you'll know what I'm trying to do.

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Classic Tween Vs Tweening?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm new for AS3. I have some question about the classic tween vs AS3 Tweening.

I tried to compare the swf file size of both.

the first one i make an animation with the classic Tween.

the second one i make an animation with AS3 Tweening.

before, i thought the script tweening one will much smaller than the classic tween one, but after i compare both, the AS3 Tweening one has bigger file size.

So my question is, 1.will the file size bigger if i use action script to move the object?

2.then what's the advantage to tween the object using AS3 for a flash website? can I compress the filesize(i'm trying to build a full flash site)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Tweening By As 3.0 Jumpy Animation

Nov 19, 2010

on the begining i was testing it on the free serwer over here url...and it was ok.but after couple changes i achieve very wierd jumpy ugly effect. url...if You will right click on the link and open in new will act very bed.and again it is ok with version 1 but not with version 2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Cannot See Any Tweening Between When Tween Two Symbol

Dec 1, 2010

I am a flash user who used old version in the past and purchased new flash CS4 professional come with Adobe design premium recently. Now my problem is when I tween two symbol I cannot see any tweening between. I have created keyframe1 and insert my graphic, then converted to symbol. Then I click on F6 at timeline 50 and create motion at middle. But I only can see the effect at keyframe 1 and key frame 50. I cannot see any slowly tweening effects at all. Do I did something wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Tweening A VERY Large Image

Mar 6, 2011

I am working on a project for a client, and our designer has created a very large (7000px wide by about 600px high) image, which is split up into several 'screens'. The image is one long continuous image, so can't really be 'chopped up'. There are left/right arrows on either side of the scene which, when clicked, go to the next screen and play a short animation (basic movieclip fades/movement etc) for that screen.

My problem is that the panning left and right is starting to get a bit jerky - most likely Flash not being able to cope with tweening such a large image. Is there an easy alternative to using tweens in this case? I'm using TweenLite (AS3). I am happy to provide an SFW/FLA, but only in private to an experienced developer, hope thats ok.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Tweening Between Frames Not Working?

Mar 10, 2011

There's two frames and I created a button in frame1 that it will tween its tint from grey to red color(using tweenmax) whenever mouse over and out. It will go to frame2 when the button got clicked, and on entering frame2 the button will remain in red color. Also in frame2 I set the button will return to grey color and it will return to frame1 when the button got clicked. The button works fine for the first round as it change its color and switch the frames. However, it didn't remain in red color for the second round I clicked it (It still responsed to mouse over and out).

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Flash :: Tweening MC Slow Movement With Tweener, Even With Smoothing?

May 13, 2011

I think that Tweener is not using fractions of pixels on x,y movement, but that exactly what I need. I read about rounded parameter (default:false), that would round pixels, to reduce problems with text, but I want to slowly pan an loaded image, so I don't want to use a rounded value. My code:

var bmp = Bitmap(loader.content);
bmp.smoothing = true;
Tweener.addTween(loader, {x: 20.0, time:10, transition:"linear"});

Image smoothing works fine, but it slides choppy. It looks like moving 1 pixel at seldom frames, not some fraction of px per frame. I'm considering that flash image smoothing has to deal with fraction of pixels. I searched over stackoverflow, and all I could find was about image smoothing, and not about x,y movement smoothing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Random Tweening With The Tween Class?

Jan 15, 2009

I'm getting %@!#!#!@I have a mc and I want to use the Tweenclass in it.I want the mc to do random things. I tried everything i guess, just not the right thing my last code:

PHP Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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