ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Bitmap To PHP?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a variable called pasteData:Bitmap I want to send it to a PHP script on my website (the .swf will be on the same page) but I have no idea how to do this.

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Flash :: Use The CS4 Tool's On A Bitmap Image After Tracing The Bitmap Image And Applying My Settings?

Aug 7, 2009

Use the flash CS4 tool's on a bitmap image after tracing the bitmap image and applying my settings?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmapdata.hitTest - Bitmap 'emptyBitmap' With Bitmap Data Created

Feb 3, 2009

I'm cutting my teeth in actionscript 3 on a game that has a character running through a world. So, I have set up my Hit Testing by using the bitmap data hit test method, since I figured my world is going to be destructible - it'd be nice to update the level and then redraw it and have the character interact with the new change. (That works beautifully) I am however; a bit confused as to how I have my hit Testing set up. I've been messing around with it, and it works for now - but I'm not sure why.. currently, I have a character set up by using a class I built and using a series of animations I created. So, this character has a walking and falling animation, etc. This is a movie clip.

Then there's a bitmap 'emptyBitmap' with bitmap data created - however; I never really added this as a child to the character. This is sized to the dimensions of my character. My level is created as a movielip, then it's drawn to a bitmap - when the level movieclip is changed, the bitmap redraws, and that's how this updates.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The BitmapData Property Of A Bitmap And Pass It To The Constructor Of A New Bitmap Object?

Aug 20, 2009

I know the topic of "duplicating" movieclips is a hot issue with the new virtual machine. Luckily, I understand the implications. I only am [currently] interested in duplicating a Bitmap. See, I load an image from an URL using 'flash.display.Loader.load', which is a non-blocking operation in Flash Player.However,I may use multiple copies of the loaded image (which is reported to be a Bitmap, naturally) in the display list at the same time.Hence, I naturally do not want to load the image from an URL every time, because I don't want to wait for a non-blocking call to complete. Nor do I need to - I mean one copy is already loaded, so it should be possible to just "duplicate" it, right?

My idea is to do use the bitmapData property of a Bitmap and pass it to the constructor of a new Bitmap object. I have not tried the following in action, but I want to hear whether any of you did and if the following would not work, what would:


var original_bitmap: Bitmap;
var copy_of_original_bitmap: Bitmap = new Bitmap(original_bitmap.bitmapData);

LiveDocs mention that the BitmapData being passed to a Bitmap constructor is "being referenced", which to me might suggest it cannot be used twice? There is also the BitmapData::clone() method, which I am not sure is applicable here or not.I know this is a lot of talk instead of just trying this out, but I test so much Flash Player code daily just to see "what works" (which should be documented instead by Adobe),

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Flex - Function To Redraw Bitmap On Sprite Without Passing In Said Bitmap?

Feb 22, 2011

If I have a BitmapData that's already been drawn onto a Sprite. Is there a way to redraw the BitmapData onto a Sprites Graphics object without having to invoke beginBitmapFill and passing in the same BitmapData?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing From Bitmap To Bitmap Overrides Earlier Graphics?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm working on a game, and to keep performance good, instead of addChild'ing 50 new sprites to the stage every second, I decided to have each player draw to their own bitmap, and then to the 'master' bitmap. This introduces an issue though: the second player would override all data the first player has put into to bitmap...My basic debugging proof of concept:

// bitmap test

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Bitmap;[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copying A Rotated Bitmap Into A Bigger Bitmap?

May 9, 2011

I have a bitmap which has several frames (packed along the horizontal axis). In order to render them I copy it to the backbuffer (larger bitmap) as follows:

Actionscript Code:
public override function copyToBackBuffer(db:BitmapData):void{ if (active)  var drawRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle((currentFrame-1) * frameWidth, 0, frameWidth,


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Actionscript 3 :: Update A Portion Of A Bitmap With A Pixelbender Instead Of The Whole Bitmap?

Feb 17, 2012

In pure AS3, I have a pixelbender and a large bitmap. The pixelbender is configurable with a distance parameter to affect only a small area of the bitmap. The problem is that the pixelbender is executing over the whole bitmap. What would be the best way to update only the effected region of the bitmap? Given this config:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bitmap Font Text Drawn To Bitmap

Oct 8, 2006

Is there a way to write a bitmap font right into the bitmap being desplayed? Mabey better worded: myBitmap.draw(image, t) draws a picture is there a way to draw text? I'm stuck even if its just a work around in some way I would like to know... (the current work around i have in my head is writing it in a movieclip turning that into bitmap data and drawing it... esentially creating a prototype answering my question... but a built in way would be easier probably).

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Actionscript 3 :: Bitmap Too Big - Limitation Is In Bitmap And Loader?

Mar 30, 2011

In AS3, I am loading a png from a zip file (nochump's zip library through ByteArray to Loader). The png can be up to 45k pixels wide but only 120 tall. This creates a problem in flash, as images can only be ~8000 pixels wide. A possible solution would be to split the images into 6 columns somehow. This would probably need to be done in the ByteArray state, because the limitation is in Bitmap and Loader.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Bitmap Instead Of Export Bitmap?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm using Sandy to animate some objects in 3D. What I currently do to images which are EXPORTED in the library, I want to do to some bitmaps that I create using the DRAW technique. But it wont work :-(

ActionScript Code:
var bData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(myObject.width,myObject.height);


Sandy doesn't seem to treat the 'created' bitmap the same as those that are exported from the library.

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Actionscript 3 :: Create A Bitmap From Another Bitmap?

Feb 24, 2012

Letīs say I have a bitmap with 3 colors: red, green and blue (not mixed)

What if I wanted to make a bitmap of the red part of the first bitmap?

Iīd like to take the red pixels from first bitmap (and its positions), and make another bitmap.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Bitmap In Another Bitmap

Oct 13, 2009

I haven't worked very much with bitmap manipulation and I need to create an app that can find a bitmap (or a pattern of pixels really) in another bitmap.Are there other methods of doing it besides iterating through the pixels and using getPixel()?I'm of course looking for the most effective solution.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash OOP - Add Own Custom Property To The Flash.display.Bitmap Using A Public Static Method?

Jan 3, 2011

Is it possible to add my own custom property to the flash.display.Bitmap using a public static method? I'm trying to write a bitmap utility that does something to a bitmap, and stores a Number property onto it afterwards.


I'm still learning AS3.0 OOP, I think that this can't be done with this method. I think I have to make a new Class that extends 'Bitmap', add the prop there, and then in the make a new instance of that class, point to the target Bitmap, and run the method in the extended 'Bitmap' class (?).

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Flash - Bitmap Caching Or Using PNG?

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Flash :: How To Remove Bitmap

Oct 30, 2011

I have added a bitmap in movieclip using attachBitmap in my Flash Actionscript 2 project. Now i am having trouble to remove bitmap that is created once. If anyone can give idea how can i do this.

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Flash :: BitMap Eventlistener Not Working?

Jan 1, 2010

I am trying to add an event listener to my BitMap. Tile extends gameProps, which extends BitMap. I try using addEventListener. That doesnt work. but the Adobe docs say that Bitmap has an addEventListener object.

package {
import flash.display.BitmapData;


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Flash :: Bitmap Re-sizing Without Being Told To?

Nov 23, 2011

I'm trying to make an online TCG and I'm starting out by creating the table and card stacks. I've set it up where I have a table which holds stacks. The stacks hold cards, and the cards hold a front and back image. Really simple. So I thought. For some reason, the card is re-sizing to fit the screen. Even though a trace shows that the width and height are correct. Here is an example:n all reality, it should be about the height of the white box with the "A" in it, in the top left hand corner. The only place where I explicitly set a width and height is setting the table width and height. The table, Stack, and card are all sublasses of the flash Sprite class. Since there are 4 seperate files for the example above, if someone would need to look at the code,

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Flash - Tween Large Bitmap Without Lag?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm using a 3800x3000 bitmap as a background of a game.

Now, I first show the whole bitmap - the landscape -, and than zoom in at the characters. I'm using TweenMax from GreenSock, but even with this advanced tween class my bitmap doesn't move and scale smooth.

I'd like to work with smaller bitmaps too and scale them, but than I'll lose the quality, and I can't blur the bitmap to hide the quality loss, since there's a terrain in the bitmap too, and I don't want to blur that.

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AS3 :: Flash - Get Bitmap From Movieclip With Mask?

Feb 1, 2012

This work:

var a:BitmapData = new BitmapData(640,480);
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(a);


How can I draw in my Bitmap just the visible part of a MovieClip that uses mask?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bitmap Smoothing In Flash?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm doing a simple bkend admin using php for the client to upload images to be displayed on their flash website. ideally if they upload at the correct size, no problem, but sometimes they don't. So my problem comes in when the uploaded images are very big. When they are scaled down, the smoothing makes no difference at all.

I was wondering if there is a work around?

import flash.display.*;
loadMcListener.onLoadinit = function(){
var bitmap = new BitmapData(mc._width,mc._height,true,0x000000);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Bitmap And Import It Into Flash?

Oct 25, 2009

Is it possible to get a bitmap and import it into flash, but then change it so that all of the white has a 0% alpha?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Bitmap Scrolling?

May 25, 2010

I have read all over the internet, but could not find any solution.I have large bitmap background (800X600), which I need to scroll. When I scroll it, it becomes "jumpy", pixels shifts, all lookes blurred.I've tried dozens of stuff:Playing with pixelSnapping.Setting cahes. Blitting Bitmap firstly.Adding smooth.Cutting background into small 100X100 pieces and putting them together.Setting crazy FPS.using scrollRectAnd all different combinations.Am I trying to do something unavailable from start? Is flash rastor enginze that limited, that my only choice is to use vector graphics for scrolling smoothly

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Cut Bitmap In Pieces

May 14, 2011

how to cut a bitmap image in particular pieces specified by user. I want to create this in as3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stuck On Flash Bitmap Loading

Mar 10, 2010

I am using Flash CS3 and Actionscript 2.

So I have inherited this flash project which when completely published is basically a tutorial video for software. It is set up such that there is one large movie that loads other flash movies via actionscript (I guess).

The project was supposed to be designed so that it would be easy to make translated versions, so all the software UI items (File menu, tool box, etc.) are cut into pieces and in the library. In theory a person could go and just switch out the library graphics and presto, you have a French version instead of English.

While all these elements are in the library, you can never actually see them on the stage in Flash. When you publish the project, all the items are in place. I have hunted through the actionscript and don't see the images called up.

Does anyone know how these images are being called up into the actual final swf?

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Edit Bitmap, Remove Background In Flash CS4?

Sep 16, 2009

I tried to drag in from Photoshop a layer with an image and transparent background, but it turns white in Flash, so I imported the image from psd. However, the black background is interfering with the placement of the image. In OLD flash, there used to be a magic wand and the ability to select areas of the bitmap and delete, but it seems that the feature is now missing or hidden in new flash.  I turned the image into bitmap and I don't want to trace it, because it is a photo. So, without tracing, how do you now edit the image as I'm trying to do?

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Professional :: Pasting From Flash Cs5 To Illustrator / Bitmap?

Oct 20, 2010

I have just moved to CS5 and have found that an important part of my workflow has been compromised as a result. Whereas I love to use Flash as a drawing tool and move elements from here to illustrator, then from Illustrator to Photoshop as a shape layer - I have found that Illustrator CS5 renders everything that I paste from flash as a bitmap.I note that there are several options inside Flash to determine how it imports Illustrator files, but I cannot seem to find similar options within Illustrator to change how it deals with objects pasted from flash.

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AS3 :: Flash - Copy Custom Shape Out Of Bitmap

Dec 3, 2009

I have bitmapA which is rectangular. I have a crop area I want to copy...

However, the bitmap is at an angle from the crop.

How do I copy a section from a bitmap that isn't a rectangle laid outon the x, y, axis??

Or copy custom shape?

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Flash :: How Does ScaleX/scaleY Work On Bitmap

Jan 26, 2010

I'm using a Bitmap cache that stores down a few Bitmaps. I called scaleX/scaleY on some of them, but the next time I retrieve from the cache, the Bitmap is screwed up. How does scaleX/scaleY work with Bitmap?

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Flash :: Accurately Draw Rotated Bitmap?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a container with masked bitmap in it. The scale and rotation of this container changes at runtime, and I need to draw the masked bitmap but cannot figure out the appropriate matrix calculations to do so.My code works correctly to reflect position, scale, offset for centering without rotation. When rotated, the angle is correct but the positioning is incorrect - I believe because the dimensions change when the rectangle is to compensate for this in the positioning - here is some code:

// Adjust the transformation matrix to account for the position of the container
var tMatrix:Matrix = _imgContainer.transform.matrix;
//Offset for container


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