AS3 :: Flash - Copy Custom Shape Out Of Bitmap

Dec 3, 2009

I have bitmapA which is rectangular. I have a crop area I want to copy...

However, the bitmap is at an angle from the crop.

How do I copy a section from a bitmap that isn't a rectangle laid outon the x, y, axis??

Or copy custom shape?

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Flex :: Copy Something As A Pastable Bitmap In Flash?

Feb 23, 2010

How to copy something as a pastable bitmap in flash?

So I have simple mxml project - empty page with a panel on it.

I want to be able to select some region on my panel and copy it somehow as bitmap pastable to photoshop, word and other programms.[code]...

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Flash - Making Bitmap Copy Of MovieClip

Apr 19, 2011

I am developing a Paint Application is AS3. What I am trying is to basically mimick the MS Paint. I am using vector graphics to implement tools like pencil,line,curve and bitmap to implement bucket tool,spray and eraser. But I faced a problem. While its possible to draw bitmap over vector its not possible to draw vector over bitmap if every drawing is in the same layer.

So the idea that I have is to make it into two layers
Top layer where the vector drawing is done.
In the bottom layer layer after each vector drawing on MOUSE_UP a bitmap copy of the top layer is made and kept on the bottom layer. Keep the top layer fully transparent so that bottom layer is always visible.
Things like flood-fill(bucket tool), spray and eraser will be directly applied to bottom layer.
After each vector is drawn on MOUSE_UP the top layer will be cleared but everything will be visible because it has been re created in the bottom layer and the top layer is full transparent.

My questions are: Is there any flaw in my logic. How to make a bitmap copy of the movie clip on top. I tried but maybe I am stupid it does not work. The name of the MovieClips are topLayer_mc and bottomLayer_mc. What is need to have is to have a function to create a bitmap copy of topLayer_mc on every MOUSE_UP of pencil,line and add it to bottomLayer_mc. I mean create a bitmap copy of topLayer_mc on every MOUSE_UP of pencil, line and add it to bottomLayer_mc. A function will do.

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Flash :: Copy To Bitmap Loaded In Sprite From Loader

Feb 25, 2010

I want to load an external image (dest) and display it on the stage, and i want to load another image (src) which will not be visible. When i hold the left mouse button on the image that appears on the stage, then a function that start copies the src image to the dest will be invoked. Actually i want to reproduce the scratch effect on an image that hides another underneath. here is my code [ the copypixels function is triggered on mouse_move event for debug purposes ]

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.BitmapData;


Although the two images are loaded into memory and the first one is shown on the stage, when the mouse_move events triggers the corresponding handlers the copy does not work.

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Flash :: Copy A Masked Bitmap Maintaining Masking Transparency In Actionscript?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to find a way to copy a masked bitmap. I have a bitmap on stage, and a user drawn sprite that acts as a mask. I need to capture/copy the masked area bitmap, maintaining the transparency created by the masking to eventually encode as a png.

I could find no documentation on how to accomplish this using copyPixels(), or any other directions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copy Pixels In A Shape Other Than A Rectangle?

Jan 15, 2010

I have drawn something onto a bitmap. But I now want to copy pixels in a shape other than a rectangle (as specified by copyPixels documentation) how would i do it? pull pixels line by line or something?
works:      bitmapDatatemp.copyPixels(bitmapData, rectangle, new Point(0,0)); 
need:      bitmapDatatemp.copyPixels(bitmapData, triangleetc, new Point(0,0)); 

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Professional :: Bitmap Does Not Display When Copy Onto Stage

Feb 9, 2011

I am trying to paste a bitmap (any bitmap) onto the stage. I just get the box outline on the stage. I have imported several basic bitmaps into the library. I tried dragging and copying and pasting but I always just get the outline. I don't know if it means it can't be pasted or there is a setting to display it. If I copy the same bitmap and paste into word for instance I do see the image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Copy From Display Object

Aug 5, 2011

i want to use bitmap copy on a image that i loaded


Error : flash.display:BitmapData to an unrelated type flash.displayisplayObject. is there a work around that will remedy this?

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CS3 Importing A Bitmap Onto A Shape And How To 'fit' It

Jun 30, 2010

I've a circle that I want to attach an image to. The trouble is I want to centre it right where I want on the shape. When I select type=bitmap and import the gif though it is 'wallpapered' over shape automatically like a pattern and obviously this doesn't line up with the image properly. How do I get the shape and image to align (both shape and image are identical in size) in cs3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Bitmap Copy Of Movie Clip?

May 8, 2011

I have a movie clip with a bunch of importaed bitmaps and simple vector drawings. Does anybody know if there is a way to grab this whole mc, make a bitmap copy of it and place this copy somewhere else on the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Copy Bitmap Data And Store As Global Variable

Jun 27, 2010

I am having problem to recall the copied bitmap data to show on another private function which is difference from the private function which copy the bitmap process. I am new in AS3 so have no idea how do I make the copied bitmap data into a global variable..

Heres my snippet of code:-
private function export():void {
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(216.2, 468.29);
var a_matrix : Matrix = new Matrix() ;
[Code] .....

This is the problem I am facing, I need to separate the copying process and showing process because I want my flash to show the copied image later on...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ghost Copy Of Bitmap Image Showing Up In Corner Of Game

Oct 27, 2009

I have a solitaire game. There's a bug that only shows up in Windows, not Mac. When a player moves a card from one pile to another, a copy of the card image shows up in the left corner and stays there until the player moves another card. When the player moves the mouse over the image the image erases. Here is the game: [URL]

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Professional :: Ghost Copy Of A Bitmap Image Showing Up In The Corner Of Game?

Feb 26, 2011

There's a bug that only shows up in Windows, not Mac. When a player moves a card from one pile to another, a copy of the card image shows up in the left corner and stays there until the player moves another card.  When the player moves the mouse over the image the image erases.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ghost Copy Of A Bitmap Image Showing Up In The Corner Of Game?

Feb 5, 2009

There's a bug that only shows up in Windows, not Mac. When a player moves a card from one pile to another, a copy of the card image shows up in the left corner and stays there until the player moves another card.  When the player moves the mouse over the image the image erases.

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Shape Tween Bitmap Option Greyed Out?

Nov 11, 2009

I imported to library a jpg (of a book). I simply want it to "grow" abit. I converted it to symbol, placed it in a keyframe. Made a new key frame at the end. But when I try to insert a shape tween, that choice is greyed out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Image & Shape Object Into One?

Feb 11, 2009

I have an image, that will be dynamically loaded. I have some graphics drawing tools with which a user can draw something, which is saved on a shape object. Now what i want to make the uploaded pic & drawing pic into one pic. Actually it will be better if i can draw on the uploaded pic.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash OOP - Add Own Custom Property To The Flash.display.Bitmap Using A Public Static Method?

Jan 3, 2011

Is it possible to add my own custom property to the flash.display.Bitmap using a public static method? I'm trying to write a bitmap utility that does something to a bitmap, and stores a Number property onto it afterwards.


I'm still learning AS3.0 OOP, I think that this can't be done with this method. I think I have to make a new Class that extends 'Bitmap', add the prop there, and then in the make a new instance of that class, point to the target Bitmap, and run the method in the extended 'Bitmap' class (?).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseClick Through A Vector Shape Not Working When There Is A Bitmap Below It?

Dec 7, 2009

I have one class called Person that extends a Sprite. First i have a bitmap that i add to the sprite class: This bitmap is a transparent PNG. addChild(_imageBitmap); then i did some drawing in Flash that has the shape of this person and extended this to the SimpleButton. This way, only the edge or the inner shape is clickable. then i add this shape to this Person class too.


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Professional :: Shape Tween With Bone Tool On Bitmap?

Aug 22, 2011

I want to have shape tween animation with bone tool on bitmap image. Because shape tween animation supports only Shape data type, I converted the bitmap to that type (Bitmap -> Trace Bitmap). Problem is that trace command splits bitmap image into multiple shape fragments, so I can't use shape tween anymore.I tried to combine and group shape fragments, but it doesn't fix it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rectangle / Trapezium - Drawing Bitmap Data Into Shape

Aug 8, 2011

If I draw a rectangle or trapezium, how might I go about drawing bitmap data into that shape? I need to give a slight perspective to a loaded photo. Native 3D rotations seem to leave the bitmap really blurry, and a full 3D engine is too heavy for this project.

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Copy A Custom Tween For Multiple Use?

Jan 28, 2011

I've only now started using the new motion tweening and motion editor introduced in CS4 and I have a question. Say I have two MovieClips animating on the stage and I want their movements to be in sync. I've created a custom tween to one of the MovieClips and now I want to have the other MovieClip move with the exact same tween. Is there a way to copy the tween I created for MovieClip #1 and apply it to MovieClip #2? Or do I have to manually re-create the tween from scratch?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Draw Lines With Flash's Core Graphic Class But Attach A Custom Bitmap To That Line?

Mar 31, 2009


Are they just constantly adding MC's to the display list as the mouse is moved around? Doesn't that kill memory?

Is there a way to draw lines with Flash's core graphic class but attach a custom bitmap to that line?

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Php :: Flash HTTP Requests URL Containing RTMPE URL - Get A Local Copy Or A Copy With Content?

Oct 7, 2011

A web channel streaming service streams to a certain IP range, it only checks the IP in (channel number) and outputs an rtmpe stream URL, nothing else.How do I trick it to get my local URL instead of the one on their server? I have considered squid proxy, but is there some way to do it with a firefox plugin or greasemonkey script?

Edit:I will try to specify:It's a streaming service from an ISP and cable provider. They stream for free to people on their IP's. On their webtv page, which is called, there is a flash player. If you are not on an IP from their ISP, you can't stream anything but the test channel.When you try to change channel via. javescript:videoplayer_changechannel(xxx) it makes this HTTP request:


If you are on one of their IP's you will get an RTMP URL, like this:


This is what the flash player requests, and if it get's this response it load the channel requested. There is no HTML on the php page, just the URL. Note that the rtmp URL is static.If you are not on one of their IP's it will return a random sentence (something stupid, the programmers having fun).I wan't to trick the flash player into getting the right value, even though it's not on one of the ISP's IP's.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Copy Of MovieClip To Custom Stage

Feb 4, 2012

I have a custom menu with moviclip inside, I want to click in movieclip, and send to my custom stage a copy of movieclip: [URL]

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.text.engine.EastAsianJustifier;
[Code] .....

But I have this error:
TypeError: Error #1007: Tentativa de instanciao em um no-construtor.
at testeMenu_fla::MainTimeline/teste()
Here my .fla: [URL] My question is: how to convert a e:Event in MovieClip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filling A Custom Shape?

Jul 30, 2010

I have made an app that draws shapes using the lineTo method to create a pen like effect. I then want this shape to be filled like the bucket tool in photoshop/flash. I tried to use beginFill but it doesnt seem to work.

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Custom Shape Panel/form In Flex?

May 21, 2009

What I'm trying to do is to create a fancy custom-shaped login panel. It's functions and containing components should be pretty standard, just like in regular login panel - FormItem, TextInput, Validators, etc. I did some research and found that it is possible to create skins using Fireworks, however this does not solve my problem because it does not allow me to manipulate with panel shape. What would be the best way to do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate Shapes Within Another Custom Shape?

Sep 10, 2009

The idea is to fill some custom curved shape surface with generated circles with various radiuses. Look at attached image.

Well, I assume I know what approach I should use, but getBounds() will not work in my case, since the shape is not a square. So I think I need to get the 'targetCoordinateSpace' of a custom shape, but I don't know how to do that and I'm not even sure if that will work.

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Flex :: Strange Copy/paste Behavior In Custom ItemEditor Component Used In A Datagrid?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm turning to you folks for answers because this really blows my mind... Let me explain:I'm using a slightly modified spark NumericStepper as an item editor in a datagrid. I had to modify the original because for some reason it's values only went up to 10.So i extended NumericStepper like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:NumericStepper xmlns:fx=""


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Custom Shape Text Field?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a diamond shape movieClip and I need add a text Field in the same shape format.Now how to create a diamond shape text field?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Cursor Snaps To Shape Upon Clicking?

Oct 29, 2010

2 frames 2 shapes one moves to second frame other to first upon click with AS3 on second frame shape after i click copy of cursor snaps there and stay check attached file.

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