Flash :: BitMap Eventlistener Not Working?
Jan 1, 2010
I am trying to add an event listener to my BitMap. Tile extends gameProps, which extends BitMap. I try using addEventListener. That doesnt work. but the Adobe docs say that Bitmap has an addEventListener object.
package {
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.events.*;
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public function restoreMenuItem(evt:Event):void
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[Code] .....
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function addRemoveEventListener(num:Number){
var tempArray:Array = _model.btnArray;
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Feb 3, 2009
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Aug 20, 2009
I know the topic of "duplicating" movieclips is a hot issue with the new virtual machine. Luckily, I understand the implications. I only am [currently] interested in duplicating a Bitmap. See, I load an image from an URL using 'flash.display.Loader.load', which is a non-blocking operation in Flash Player.However,I may use multiple copies of the loaded image (which is reported to be a Bitmap, naturally) in the display list at the same time.Hence, I naturally do not want to load the image from an URL every time, because I don't want to wait for a non-blocking call to complete. Nor do I need to - I mean one copy is already loaded, so it should be possible to just "duplicate" it, right?
My idea is to do use the bitmapData property of a Bitmap and pass it to the constructor of a new Bitmap object. I have not tried the following in action, but I want to hear whether any of you did and if the following would not work, what would:
var original_bitmap: Bitmap;
var copy_of_original_bitmap: Bitmap = new Bitmap(original_bitmap.bitmapData);
LiveDocs mention that the BitmapData being passed to a Bitmap constructor is "being referenced", which to me might suggest it cannot be used twice? There is also the BitmapData::clone() method, which I am not sure is applicable here or not.I know this is a lot of talk instead of just trying this out, but I test so much Flash Player code daily just to see "what works" (which should be documented instead by Adobe),
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Mar 3, 2007
I am trying to load data using flash remoting from a mysql database via php using amfphp, i have an event listener that waits for a combobox to be used and changed, once it does, the data in there should be sent to the backend part of the system via flash remoting using PendingCall and once done should retrieve the data and place it into a second combobox. but it doesn't work.
var sectionListener:Object = new Object();
sectionListener.change = function(){
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Feb 12, 2010
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Dec 17, 2010
I'm loading images via a URLRequest and Loader classes and I want to manage the image when the request is complete. The example below doesn't fire the event when it is complete. The same code would work find for a URLLoader, but not a Loader object. Basically the image loads and the event listener is never fired. Can anyone tell me how to get an event to fire when Loader finishes loading an image.
var imageReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.google.com/images/nav_logo29.png");
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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May 19, 2011
Not sure if this is the best option but thought maybe if I could use an eventlistener that would save some time. I am loading an XML file once a second and want there to be triggers if specific values are in the XML so far I have this:
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Jan 29, 2012
Problem is that I can't remove Event.COMPLETE event listener and when I call the loadData funtion twice or more, it works 2 times or more. Sorry for my bad english and worse explanation but I need to fix it today and I don't know what to do.
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Mar 15, 2012
This is my code in Flash/AS3, in main class.
if(findObject == true){
// I want to remove this ENTER FRAME
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Jun 14, 2011
I just started using TLF text and it's interesting. I have this issue however. I made an swf to demonstrate the problem and you can try it here: [URL] But this is the problem: I have an input textfield (type input) and output textfield (dynamic not selectable) and eventlisteners on the input fields. It seems like the TLF does not register the enter-key. Try it for yourself via the link above.My code is:
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Feb 22, 2011
If I have a BitmapData that's already been drawn onto a Sprite. Is there a way to redraw the BitmapData onto a Sprites Graphics object without having to invoke beginBitmapFill and passing in the same BitmapData?
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Dec 29, 2010
I'm working on a game, and to keep performance good, instead of addChild'ing 50 new sprites to the stage every second, I decided to have each player draw to their own bitmap, and then to the 'master' bitmap. This introduces an issue though: the second player would override all data the first player has put into to bitmap...My basic debugging proof of concept:
// bitmap test
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Bitmap;[code]......
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