Flash :: Animation Not Waiting For An Eventlistener Before Moving On?

Feb 23, 2012

var playGraph = new Chart();
var playPart1 = new Part1();
var playPart2 = new Part2();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A 3-dot Waiting Animation?

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I want it to go until three dots "..." and than start over again until I manually stop it later in my program. I tried many stuff including arrays and surrendered.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waiting For Animation To Complete?

Nov 15, 2007

I'm using a custom class to lay out a background consisting of square tiles picked at random. These are provided to the class as an array of library symbols, and they are placed on stage with the attachMovie method.- These tiles are different animations that all end up in a solid colored square. When all the tiles have finished animating, the result will be a large rectangular shape that serves as a unified background for content like text and graphics, so I't simply a sort of fancy build animation for the background.

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public function TiledBackground(target:MovieClip,


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Moving A Symbol Without Recording The Path Animation?

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All I would simply like to do is reposition images and symbols with out the movement and animation.

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Actionscript :: IDE - Moving To Frame 2 Breaks Animation

Oct 7, 2009

Let's start off by saying that I am the greenest of green newcomers to the world of Flash and Actionscript. I have created several animations based off of the great camera movement tutorial found here: [URL]Everything works great when I have my actionscript code in a single frame environment. However, I am currently trying to figure out how to create a simple menu/welcome screen that will allow the user to choose which animation to play before returning to the menu and choosing another. When I move my code to frame 2 (as I am trying to create my menu on frame 1), my animation does not work correctly. As I am so new to this, I'm afraid there are very basic concepts I do not understand and this is preventing me from effectively researching and troubleshooting this problem on my own.

Using the Kirupa racing example tutorial files, if I simply move the actionscript to frame 2 I see a continuous loop which seems to include the initial placement of the scene's components, but it doesn't stay in the frame to allow for any camera movement or to continue with the animation. This makes sense to me, as it is continuously looping between frames 1 and 2. When I attempt write this code on Frame 1: gotoAndPlay(2);, I simple see static images of the scene's elements (the tire and the car) and no animation. I had expected it to play as normally as it does when the actionscript is located on Frame 1. What basic concepts am I missing here and does anybody have any advice on how I should proceed?

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Actionscript 3 :: Moving A Child MC To Stage But Remaining Its Animation?

Feb 23, 2012

Is it possible to remain an on going animation on a child MC while moving the MC to the stage (same level as its parents)

If by using removeChild and addChild again the animation will not be consistancy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Animation (like Moving Object Foward)?

Mar 5, 2012

I think to create an animation (like moving object foward) we can used frame to frame animation and also we can used actionscript tween class.And my question is, if somebody talking about 'timelined animation', which one is it? is it frame to frame? or is it actionscript? or is it both of them?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Complete Animation Before Moving Forward In The Movie?

Mar 13, 2005

[URL].. The preloader on this site seems to run through a complete animation before moving forward in the movie.

I am curious if there is something to how preloaders like this work. Does each animation happen after a certain precent is loaded (in this example, when the squares turn green) or are they just animations that have nothing to do with the actual preloading?

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IDE :: Website Logo Animation, Moving, Expanding Light?

Jul 8, 2009

I decided to make a sliding, growing flash of light slide from the right of the underline to the left then fade out.My brother has dabbled in flash and says that, using key frames, I could do something like have the light be a layer that I manipulate over a certain amount of frames. His other option was to make individual frames and just use flash as a frame organizer or gif animator.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Popup Menu - Trigger Animation Of Moving Object

Oct 4, 2003

I have a sliding menu at the bottom of my screen. When you mouse over the menu it pops up and as it does it triggers an animation of a moving object. The moving object starts "off screen", comes sliding in and comes to a rest in the middle of the menu. The object has buttons on it. What I'd like to do is when a user clicks the button it loads content onto the main stage. Then either after clicking the button or mousing off the menu the object animation will continue on it's merry way out of view (off the menu).

Everything works great except I can't get the button to work! I'm thinking it's a path issue since I've done lots of buttons. So the button is now here:
And I've got the AS on the button:
on (release) {
Is the button so buried that it's clicking options aren't available?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation - Clip Moves Along The Path But Can't See Any Of The Parts Moving?

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I have a lizard movie clip that contains a bunch of moving parts. I have placed this clip on the stage and then did a motion tween along a path. The clip moves along the path but you can't see any of the parts moving.

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Professional :: Shape Tween Animation Errors & Disappearing Hints Moving From Mac To PC CS5?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading Swf File Into An Existing Flash File - Script For Waiting It To Play Until It's Fully Loaded?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a flash file that is 1.5mb in size. As it takes about 6 minutes for someone on dialup to load this file, I have created a smaller swf file and loaded the larger one from it but I don't want the larger one to begin to play until it's fully downloaded. How do I set this up? I have set up the action script 2 as follows: loadMovieNum("top2.swf", 0);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remote Debugging - Message Appears In Flash Output As "Waiting For Player To Connect ..."

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I have installed the Remote Debugger, a couple of times, apparently without any problem. When I use the Remote Debugger in AS3, the message appears in Flash output as "Waiting for Player to connect ..." until the timeout. The debugger does not start, by itself. Neither, I can find the Debugger in any folder; like in "Program Files/Adobe/...... etc." It does not show up in the list of Programs, either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Waiting For XML To Be Loaded?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to read an XML file from a class, (I'm fairly new to OOP, I got the concept, how to use them and all), I want to do everything without having to break down my code to segments in a gazillion frames, so I work from the documentclass. I need to

1) load XML

2) wait for it to be loaded

3) Start working with the XMLdata

So I made a class 'queryXML' where I do all the loading, and in my Main class I setup the instance of queryXML and tell it what file to load. Now everthing runs fine, BUT i don't know how to wait in my Main-class until loading is done. My queryXML class holds a status variable and I have a method to check it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading XML - Waiting For Variable To Be Set?

Mar 13, 2010

The problem I have is that the amount of elements in my XML is variable, and I need to initially place objects on the stage depending on the data in the XML file. Both how many objects to place and their positions are in the XML file. I can't get it to wait until it's looked at the XML file before continuing through my code, obviously erroring when it doesn't know how many there are. It gets through all my code before finally coming back to run the function to grab the XML. I have tried putting setting a variable within the function, and a while loop outside the function waiting to that variable to be set, but it never happens if I do it this way.

var items:Array = new Array();
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleXMLLoaded);
loader.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));
function handleXMLLoaded(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waiting Until A Tween Has Finished?

May 3, 2006

I have this bit of actionscript that tweens a movie in position and scale. It then attaches a movie from the library.


_root.info._alpha = 100;
_root.info.slideTo(20, 100);


Whats the best way of waiting until the tween is complete before attaching this movie. Basically I want the attached movie to appear once info._x == 20.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waiting For A MC To Stop Before Continuing?

May 18, 2007

I have an animation stored in a movieclip.I have 5 instances off this mc stored off the stage. Whenever the user enters a wrong response, one of the mc's play a walk animation and a person 'walks' onto the screen. After moving 80 pixels, an if function in the onEnterFrame deletes the onEnterFrame.However, if the user enters more then 5 wrong answers, the persons start a new animation. The problem is that if the user gets a question wrong before the person has finished moving - the person stops and does the new animation.

Thus I was hoping to use setInterval after a check to see if anything is moving. Yet it doesn't see to work. My traces show no delay between the interval trace and the trace after the interval.Here is a section of my code; basically when k = 6, the fifth person has been called previously and the moving variable is a boolean set to true. But when run, there is no 20 second delay, it just says 'slow' then 'delay' and then kicks into the final animation.

if (k > 5){

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Not Waiting For Dynamic Content?

Jul 30, 2009

I am creating a site where it is loading dynamic images and text within the SWF. Currently for images I am using the loadMovie command. This works typically when I do not have images of significant size, however I am having trouble getting the movie to check up if a larger image needs to be loaded. Here is my current code below, it does not seem to be checking to see if the clip is loaded and simply ignores it if the timeline reaches the actionscript before the image is loaded. _root.generalVars.homeImg is a variable that I define outside of flash

//creating empty placeholder


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waiting Until Another Function Has Finished Loading?

Feb 15, 2009

i have an animation with a series of colored squares appearing and disappearing from the stage [URL]..except that the squares appear and disappear). Each of the squares fade in and out using Actionscript, with a custom method that animates its alpha property over time. I want to pick randomly every few seconds a square, to make it disappear and put a new one in its place, and my code is more or less like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Waiting On A Frame For A Random Duration?

May 14, 2007

I'm looking to pause on frame 1 of a movieclip for a random amount of time before playing frame 2 and the rest of the movie. This will thus repeat and the movie will play at random intervals.how to set this up in AS3 format. how do i convert this simple line of AS2 code into a working piece of AS3 code?

ActionScript Code:
Stage.showMenu = false;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waiting Before Executing A Command Line?

Jul 29, 2003

Anyone know how or have any ideas on how to tell flash to wait for a "x" number of frames or time before it executes the next line in the script?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Hold On Frame Waiting For Event

Jan 18, 2010

I am sure I will receive the beginner question of the year with this one: Just starting w/ Flash 8. Using AS2 to simply make a graphic (and its clickable area) proceed to next frame when clicked. When input : button.onRelease = function() { gotoAndStop(2) the movie proceeds to Frame 2 without a pause for the click event. I have tried a stop(); prior to the above function, but no action after click. Basically trying to understand why frame 1 with the event handler AS does not pause to accept the mouse click?
I apologize for such a basic question, but my eyeballs are bleeding from trying to figure this out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Waiting For Multiple Events Before Continuing ?

Jan 20, 2010

I have two problems:

1. Despite lots of searching/reading, i am still not sure how to listen for the end of a function in a child class from a parent class.
2. Building on question 1, I need some thoughts on best practices for halting execution until a number of events are met.

E.g. I have a class 'ContentBrowser' that instantiates a variable number of 'StuffList' classes. Upon instantiation of a 'StuffList' class an xml file is loaded for that instance. So I could have 4 or so xml files loading at once. What is the best way to wait until all the 'StuffList' instances have been loaded and parsed before continuing execution of my code within the ContentBrowser class?

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