IDE :: Website Logo Animation, Moving, Expanding Light?

Jul 8, 2009

I decided to make a sliding, growing flash of light slide from the right of the underline to the left then fade out.My brother has dabbled in flash and says that, using key frames, I could do something like have the light be a layer that I manipulate over a certain amount of frames. His other option was to make individual frames and just use flash as a frame organizer or gif animator.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Do A Lighting Mask To Have The Effect Of The Moving Gleam Across Logo

Jun 14, 2003

I have a logo I created for my webpage with FreeHand. I have finally learned how to do a lighting mask to have the effect of the moving gleam across my logo, but whenever I try to create the effect (using different methods even) it isnt' working correctly. Only part of my logo is being affected by the mask. I have tried all the things that I can think of to make this work. So far the only thing that has worked is changing the vector logo into a jpeg and plugging it into flash, but I really don't want to do that due to resolution and cleaness of the image. I am including links to the 2 files - the original logo as well as the masking .fla file that I have been trying to make work.


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Aug 23, 2009

I got an FLA from flashden and deserately need to customizing it. I am trying to make the Text dynamic (FROM XML) but I still want to keep the animation in the file. I have attached the FLA. I want the xml to have to options. One for the Main name and one for the subtext.

Right now it reads:
XML Website

I want the word advanced changed form one variable in xml and the word XML web site changed from another variable in xml. So it can read:
Great Website
Test Portal

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Get Logo To Appear Next To The Address When Website Address Is Typed In

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i have an movie clip instanced as "man" I have made him so that he has a Idle and Walk frame like this. He can also move left/right. (I also made him attack but that is irrelevant);[code]I need it to loop through the "walk" frames until i lift up the left/right key then go back to "idle" position. What happens is that it will go through the loop once and than go to idle even if I haven't lifted the key.[code]

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var playGraph = new Chart();
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Actionscript :: IDE - Moving To Frame 2 Breaks Animation

Oct 7, 2009

Let's start off by saying that I am the greenest of green newcomers to the world of Flash and Actionscript. I have created several animations based off of the great camera movement tutorial found here: [URL]Everything works great when I have my actionscript code in a single frame environment. However, I am currently trying to figure out how to create a simple menu/welcome screen that will allow the user to choose which animation to play before returning to the menu and choosing another. When I move my code to frame 2 (as I am trying to create my menu on frame 1), my animation does not work correctly. As I am so new to this, I'm afraid there are very basic concepts I do not understand and this is preventing me from effectively researching and troubleshooting this problem on my own.

Using the Kirupa racing example tutorial files, if I simply move the actionscript to frame 2 I see a continuous loop which seems to include the initial placement of the scene's components, but it doesn't stay in the frame to allow for any camera movement or to continue with the animation. This makes sense to me, as it is continuously looping between frames 1 and 2. When I attempt write this code on Frame 1: gotoAndPlay(2);, I simple see static images of the scene's elements (the tire and the car) and no animation. I had expected it to play as normally as it does when the actionscript is located on Frame 1. What basic concepts am I missing here and does anybody have any advice on how I should proceed?

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IDE :: Linking The Animation To A Website?

Apr 10, 2009

I'm trying to adapt a tutorial I found on this website entitled Complex Button Rollover - Rollout Effects The effect I am trying to achieve is instead of linking the animation to a website I wan't to be able to navigate to another scene. The bit of the actions I've been changing in the downloaded fla is this,

this.onRelease = function(){ getURL("","_blank"); }

To this,

this.onRelease = function(){
gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);

But this doesn't seem to work when I click it just seems to refresh the animation. I have got Stop(); at the beginning of both scenes.

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Feb 23, 2012

Is it possible to remain an on going animation on a child MC while moving the MC to the stage (same level as its parents)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Animation (like Moving Object Foward)?

Mar 5, 2012

I think to create an animation (like moving object foward) we can used frame to frame animation and also we can used actionscript tween class.And my question is, if somebody talking about 'timelined animation', which one is it? is it frame to frame? or is it actionscript? or is it both of them?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Complete Animation Before Moving Forward In The Movie?

Mar 13, 2005

[URL].. The preloader on this site seems to run through a complete animation before moving forward in the movie.

I am curious if there is something to how preloaders like this work. Does each animation happen after a certain precent is loaded (in this example, when the squares turn green) or are they just animations that have nothing to do with the actual preloading?

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Broken Tween Animation On Website

Mar 19, 2010

I am using some tutorial from lynda for making tween animation for my inspiration on making web site in CS4 but in my 2-3 project I have same problem. Sometimes my tween crash in middle of animation? Is this beacouse I have to much code in timeline?

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Flash :: Create An Animation To Website?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm writing a private website.I want to add an animation of a paper (which moves a bit in its conrners).I paln the user to add some text in the text area in that animated paper.My program will read the text and save it.The next time the user comes I'll show him this animated paper with the text he wrote.

1) As a newbie to animation. Should I use flasf? Is there a nice freeware and simple alternative? I saw this site but thought maybe someone can tell from his own experience

2) How can I include text area in an animated paper?

3) How can fill animated paper with the saved data later on ?

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Flash Animation Not Working On Website?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm building a website and decided I was going to work with a pre-built web template. Problem is, as I painfully found out, my host wants the file structure of the site a very certain way (html pages in the root directory, media-files folder, image-files folder, support-files folder following that). I had to go through the template and recode a good bit of it myself (only knowing HTML, while the site is written in HTML, CSS, Java, and Flash). I've gotten the vast majority of the site working now.. on my computer at least.

I went through the flash file and corrected the directories so it could find the background pictures it needs and saved the file. Now, when I hit CTRL+Enter in CS4, the preview comes up correction and works flawlessly. However, when I bring the file up in firefox, the flash animation is STILL missing the background images. Also, I need to move a related file to the flash animation into another folder, but when I do that the text disappears, even after correcting the directory in flash.

The template I'm working with can be found here : Click. The flash animation in question is on the mid-left side of that page, where you can click the arrow to proceed through 4 different slides. Also having problems with the logo of the site, where the text will disappear if I move the related file I was talking about (A text file).

Here are pictures of the problem:
No background: Click
No Background/No text (moved text file, corrected directory): Click
What I see in Flash CS4: Click
I've also tested the site in Internet Explorer, same problem. I'm guessing there's probably a simple fix for this, but being unfamiliar with flash I just don't know it...

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IDE :: Adding To Start Of A Website / Animation?

Jul 2, 2009

I have created a preloader which works fine when I test it.How do I go about adding it to the start of a website/animation?

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IDE :: Create An Animation For Future Website?

Nov 20, 2009

I am using Flash 8 and would like to create an animation for my future website.What I would like to do is the following:

I want to create an animated menu looking similar to the attached flash animation. The menu buttons will be a variety of 11 images arranged in an oval circle with the website logo located in the center of this oval circle. The mentioned oval circle should spin either left or right depending on which side of the animation the mouse pointer is located and stop if the mouse pointer is in the center/middle of the animation.

As the images move to the front (during the circular but slightly tilted motion) they should have a similar zoom in effect like the one in the attached animation and zoom out again when moving back into the background.

I am sure that this kind of animation is very simple when using Action Script but I am not such an advanced user to know what code I would need to write.

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Flash 9 :: Invert Mask - For Complex Camera Moving Animation?

Aug 26, 2008

I'm wanting to render this character as a flash animation (which i will create with swift 3d), could I make the walls of this corridor mask him so that only his head would only be seen as he walked through it, as below?I would later render the animation of walls as normal like so ..lkThrough.html (so that i would have a vector character walking through a bitmap corridor, you may ask why i want to do that, and that's because later on the character will be mainly animating on a still background and i'm trying to conserve download time for the Flash file).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Popup Menu - Trigger Animation Of Moving Object

Oct 4, 2003

I have a sliding menu at the bottom of my screen. When you mouse over the menu it pops up and as it does it triggers an animation of a moving object. The moving object starts "off screen", comes sliding in and comes to a rest in the middle of the menu. The object has buttons on it. What I'd like to do is when a user clicks the button it loads content onto the main stage. Then either after clicking the button or mousing off the menu the object animation will continue on it's merry way out of view (off the menu).

Everything works great except I can't get the button to work! I'm thinking it's a path issue since I've done lots of buttons. So the button is now here:
And I've got the AS on the button:
on (release) {
Is the button so buried that it's clicking options aren't available?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation - Clip Moves Along The Path But Can't See Any Of The Parts Moving?

Nov 16, 2003

I have a lizard movie clip that contains a bunch of moving parts. I have placed this clip on the stage and then did a motion tween along a path. The clip moves along the path but you can't see any of the parts moving.

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