Actionscript :: IDE - Moving To Frame 2 Breaks Animation

Oct 7, 2009

Let's start off by saying that I am the greenest of green newcomers to the world of Flash and Actionscript. I have created several animations based off of the great camera movement tutorial found here: [URL]Everything works great when I have my actionscript code in a single frame environment. However, I am currently trying to figure out how to create a simple menu/welcome screen that will allow the user to choose which animation to play before returning to the menu and choosing another. When I move my code to frame 2 (as I am trying to create my menu on frame 1), my animation does not work correctly. As I am so new to this, I'm afraid there are very basic concepts I do not understand and this is preventing me from effectively researching and troubleshooting this problem on my own.

Using the Kirupa racing example tutorial files, if I simply move the actionscript to frame 2 I see a continuous loop which seems to include the initial placement of the scene's components, but it doesn't stay in the frame to allow for any camera movement or to continue with the animation. This makes sense to me, as it is continuously looping between frames 1 and 2. When I attempt write this code on Frame 1: gotoAndPlay(2);, I simple see static images of the scene's elements (the tire and the car) and no animation. I had expected it to play as normally as it does when the actionscript is located on Frame 1. What basic concepts am I missing here and does anybody have any advice on how I should proceed?

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package testing
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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-view license plate

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var playGraph = new Chart();
var playPart1 = new Part1();
var playPart2 = new Part2();


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Aug 3, 2009

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Android :: FPS Slowing Down Significantly When Using Frame By Frame Animation

Apr 3, 2011

I am developing a game for the Android platform using flash cs5 and AS3.

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It's a 20 frame animation and my FPS in flash is set to 24

What I have tried:

png's on each frame |
gif's on each frame |


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Aug 26, 2008

I'm wanting to render this character as a flash animation (which i will create with swift 3d), could I make the walls of this corridor mask him so that only his head would only be seen as he walked through it, as below?I would later render the animation of walls as normal like so ..lkThrough.html (so that i would have a vector character walking through a bitmap corridor, you may ask why i want to do that, and that's because later on the character will be mainly animating on a still background and i'm trying to conserve download time for the Flash file).

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