Scaling Onstage MovieClip With "scaleX" Breaks Timeline Animation?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm scaling onstage MovieClips via AS properties "scaleX" or "scaleY", which kills any kind of animation the clips have within their container MovieClip, be it Classic or Motion Tweens. When I don't scale the MovieClips, they animate fine. I'm able to tell the clips to "gotoAndStop" on their own internal frames, and that doesn't affect their animation within their container clip. I'm referencing the clips via AS w/ their instance names defined in the IDE. I've also tried different clips and recreated them, getting the same behavior.

Is it possible to scale a clip via AS and still have it animate within its container timeline? Does applying an AS property to an onstage instance somehow dissassociate it from other timeline properties?

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Flash :: Scaling Onstage MovieClip With "scaleX" Breaks Timeline Animation?

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Is it possible to scale a clip via AS and still have it animate within its container timeline?

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this._x -= 5;

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var timer:Timer;
var direct:String;


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Attachments: Picture 1.png (99.0 K)

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//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))


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hotspot.x *= scaleFactor;
hotspot.y *= scaleFactor;

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function replayMovie(event:MouseEvent):void


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Control A MC Onstage From Within Another MC?

Jun 21, 2009

I want to control (i.e. play) a movieclip that's located on the stage from within another movieclip. The structure is basically like this... Stagemovieclip (mc)stop scriptanimationmovieclip (bt2)actionscript layer (code below)button (bt)the code within bt2 is:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Movieclip Animation Within Another Movieclip Animation

Aug 23, 2011

I have an enemy movieclip.Inside that movieclip I have a motion tween so it moves around on the stage, then inside that movie clip I have an animation of his feet moving so it looks like he is walking as he moves across the stage. Also in that same animation of him walking is an image of him laying down and dying on frame 6.I just have the walking animation looping as the playhead gets to frame 5 so it won't show him dying.So what I want to know is how do I make it so when my hero shoots him with a bullet..the enemy goes to that dying image on frame 6 and stop.I can already make it so the bullet will kill an enemy if it is just movieclip>inside movieclip.But I don't know how to make the code communicate to make it work when its movieclip>inside movieclip>then inside that movieclip.

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Set The Text Of An Onstage TextField?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm trying to set an onstage TextField instance's "text" property, while maintaining embedded fonts and its onstage appearance.Problem Encountered: Text doesn't show up when setting text via ActionScript on an on-stage TextField w/ embedded text.Workaround: Create and assign a TextFormat object:defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('Arial', 100, 0x000000, true, true);Annoyance: This defeats the purpose of styling text with the IDE.

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Apr 26, 2011

I am in the learning process. Working with FlashCS5 and AS3. if the issue appears to be too simple for you. Placed a movieclip(mcassessJohn) on the main timeline and moved to the frame labelled "johnFeedback" in the movieclip timeline using the following actionscript code.


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