ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Box Scaling And Positioning Animation?

Oct 20, 2008

I am new in actionscripting,[code]...

Now once i click 1st button i want the box to move its position with an ease tween animation to [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Resize Onclick And Animation To Be Smooth?

Feb 9, 2004

I have a movieclip that I want to be resized when a button is clicked. I want the animation to be smooth as if it had weight though. I read the tutorial on this but I need something slightly different, I would rather it where I can just refer to a function that is set in another movieclip. That way I could easily refer to it again and just set the height, width, and if possible, x, and y.

And my second question, is how to keep the border of my movieclip that is going to be resized the same thickness. I want the inside to be resized but the sides to stay the same width but move to stay on the edge.

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Actionscript 3 :: Scaling And Positioning With Tweenlite?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a movieclip with the mesurements of a rectangle. When the application is launched the movieclip is being scaled before placed on the stage as following.

menu.width = 400; menu.scaleY = menu.scaleX;

this is a smaller size than the original. the position of the movieclip at this moment is in the middle on the x and top of the stage on the y. when i click iti would like to do a tween with tweenlite wich scales it to its original(bigger) width and height and position it in the center of the stage on x and y.

the problem is when i position it with tweenlite, it gets done according to its old scale and not according to its new(bigger) scale so the movieclip isnt placed in the exact center of the stage.

I tried to compensate by adding a bigger number on the position so it gets positioned in the right way. But when i click it again i would like it to rescale to its beginning scale and position so it would be very messy to compensate again. Is there any easier way to do this kind of tween?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Scaling/Repositioning?

Feb 19, 2006

I have an mc that i want to scale smoothly, see attached image that explains it...

heres my code

shrinkMap = function (target_MC:MovieClip, target_WDTH:Number, target_HGHT:Number, target_X:Number) {
target_MC.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (target_MC._width>target_WDTH) {


the different bits finish before each there a way of making each bit (height width and x) scale in proportion of each other so they all finish at the same time? I bet its something to do with what i divide the -= values by (currently arbitrary numbers like 20 or 5)

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Professional :: MC Motiontween With Smooth Stroke Scaling?

Mar 9, 2011

i have a MC of a circle with a stroke i motiontweened the circle to scale larger, but the stroke is scaling up there any way to maintain stroke weight when motiontween-upscaling a shape? just when i think i'm on a roll with this program, i'm stumped like every 30min.s,

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Way To Create Smooth Animation

May 28, 2009

All I want to happen is some text (6 words) animate in from the right hand side and slow to a stop in the centre of the banner. Simple.

The problem im having is the when the text animates on it tends to stutter and appear jerky whereas I need it to be very smooth.

Ive tried animating the text using basic frame tweening with easing and with various high frame rates.Ive tried various coding methods using tweening classes (both the inherit class within flash and imported 3rd party classes) which seem to improve the animation slightly but still with some random jerkiness.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmed Animation Not Smooth?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Menu Animation FMX

Feb 19, 2003

I have a menu in which when you click on a button, a rectangle moves up or down to sit behind the button clicked on (to highlight it). I was wondering how I can make the rectangle move smoothly as in the tutorial where the ball follows the mouse. Here is the code I have used:- Actions layer- Frame 1: currenty = -50; yto = -50; Frame 2: if (currenty == yto) { } else if (currentyyto) { setProperty(bar, _y, bar._y-10); currenty = bar._y; } Frame 3: gotoAndPlay(2); And for each button- on (release) { yto = -50; _root.contents.loadMovie("demopage.swf"); } With 'yto' specifying the location to move to.. This all works fine, I just cannot work out how to get that smooth springy movment as the the 'Mouse Follow with Easing' tutorial.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Smooth Animation For Photos?

Mar 13, 2007

I am trying to animate some jpgs that have been loaded inside a movie clip. i just want them to move horizontally. I have tried using tweens and also the onEnterFrame method with different frame rates but the animation is always juddery and not smooth.

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IDE :: Smooth 3d Animation Done With Flash 3d Tool?

Sep 2, 2010

Does anyone know how to smooth an animation like this one?URL...Or it has to be done with Papervision or AE to make it run right?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Button Animation OnRelease?

Jan 19, 2010

I've been following the tutorial "Creating Smooth Button Animation in Flash": urL...As with most menus, when the button is selected it needs to stay highlighted so the user knows which section they are in. The tutorial left this bit out.I've been unsuccessful so far. Can anyone help finish it?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Animation In MCs When Resizing Window?

Mar 23, 2010

I want to know how it's made the effect of smooth transition when the window is resized. I could make MCs get position through AS, scripting:

Actionscript Code:

But I want to know how can I make it moving smoothly when the window is resized.

Example: [URL]

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Make An Animation - Smooth Frame Fade-In ?

Jun 2, 2009

I can make an animation so the image fades in.http:[url].... the fade is not smooth. I did this by changing the alpha layer 20% every 5 frames. How can I make the fade smooth?

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Professional :: Make Smooth Animation For Images?

May 6, 2010

check this link this ppl just make smooth images animation [url] the images in the back ground "flash" work smooth and nice I try to make the same don't work the image look so stupid what is the way they use to make the image look smooth in motion ?

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Professional :: Smooth And Continuous Rotation Of Animation

Nov 8, 2010

im quite new to flash, and im just about to create an animation which will rotate continuously but my problem is that each time it ends its loop it pauses for a bit then loops again,

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Actionscript 3 :: Smooth Continuous Animation Without Jumps?

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to make simple continuous animation on y axis.

The problem is that the animation is not smooth!!! It has jumps and hiccups. It is hard to see in the beginning, but once you see it, you can't get rid of it.

Here is an example:


This particular code is pretty simple:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveRoad);
var deltaY:Number = 0;
function moveRoad(event:Event):void


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IDE :: Animation To Look Smooth, No Jumping Or Stopping, Want Continuous?

May 12, 2009

I really want to smooth the animation a little bit more.i want the animation to look smooth, no jumping or stopping, want continuous

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth, Slow Dynamic Text Animation?

Dec 22, 2009

I have dynamic text that needs to animate slowly across the screen but right now it jerks in 1 pixel increments as compared to the vector graphics accompanying it.

I've increased the frame rate, converted it to a bitmap, applied GridFitType, etc., none of which (or my implementation) seemed to work.

Is there a way to achieve smooth animation with dynamic text at slow animation speeds?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delay Timer To Make Animation Smooth

Mar 7, 2007

I have the idea of scripting animations, placing them inside a function, so then I can recall them whenever I want:
function eyesleft(){
one question is I need some kind of delay timer to make the animation smooth, otherwise the animations would be all jumpy. Set interval seems a bit jumpy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth Transitions - Make An Animation Which Interacts To The Overstates Of Different Buttons

May 14, 2009

I want to make an animation which interacts to the overstates of different buttons, but I want the animation to tween between the different states without reseting to a defaut when the mouse cursors off of the button. Another way of saying it is that I want the animation's instances to smoothly transition from one button to the next, no matter what order the buttons are cursored over.

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Actionscript :: Smooth Sliding Animation In Flex With Large Amounts Of Components

Nov 19, 2010

I have a component I created that works like a Viewstack but the next index component slides in from one of the four sides. I've got it working well enough that it's acceptable to use, but I want to make it more efficient.

Right now I'm using a Canvas as the base component, I create a snapshot of the current view using an ImageSnapshot (new Bitmap( ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData( this ) )), and I slide the new index on top of that image on index change.

I'm basically looking for suggestions on how to do this a better way. By taking the Image after the component loads, and after the slide happens, I've gotten the initial jaded moves down to a minimum, but we normally use this for transitioning grids so it's almost always slow on the first or first couple slides.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Random Tweening - Make The Curves Of The Animation Nice And Smooth

Feb 11, 2009

Im animating an around in 3d space with papervision and Id like to make the curves of the animation nice and smooth, if I put random values into the xyz and bezier values the turns are quite weird and erratic. Does anyone know of a way I can animate something around in smooth curves, but not have to create specific values for the tween?

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Professional :: Scaling And Moving Finished Animation

Apr 27, 2010

How do I scale and move a finished animation (with more than one simbols - do I have to group them or something since I don't wan't to touch the background?) without having to do it on every keyframe?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Infinite Jitter When Scaling MC With Text

Feb 8, 2012

I've searched around a bit but have not found anything that sounds like my issue, or a resolution to it so am hoping this is not unique.I have a movieclip with an image and underneath it some text.I have created a pair of eventlisteners to change the scale of the MovieClip on ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT, to 1.3 and 1 respectively.If I hover over and out the image part of the MC this is fine and works as expected.However if I hover over the text, the animation gets stuck doing ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Significant Performance Hit For Scaling A Vector Animation?

Feb 22, 2010

So, the actual act of scaling a vector object has a bit of a cost to the CPU, and so animating an object from one size to another has a significant cost -- but is there any additional cost for simply playing an animation that has previously been programatically scaled?

My initial thought was that if I took a character -- it's a little dude with a walk cycle, done in vector, and skooshed him to like 0.66 scaleX and scaleY then there would be some performance hit for even just playing his walk cycle in skooshed mode vs. playing it at normal size, but I can't manage to confirm my suspicion.

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Scaling Onstage MovieClip With "scaleX" Breaks Timeline Animation?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm scaling onstage MovieClips via AS properties "scaleX" or "scaleY", which kills any kind of animation the clips have within their container MovieClip, be it Classic or Motion Tweens. When I don't scale the MovieClips, they animate fine. I'm able to tell the clips to "gotoAndStop" on their own internal frames, and that doesn't affect their animation within their container clip. I'm referencing the clips via AS w/ their instance names defined in the IDE. I've also tried different clips and recreated them, getting the same behavior.

Is it possible to scale a clip via AS and still have it animate within its container timeline? Does applying an AS property to an onstage instance somehow dissassociate it from other timeline properties?

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Flash :: Scaling Onstage MovieClip With "scaleX" Breaks Timeline Animation?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm scaling onstage MovieClips via AS properties "scaleX" or "scaleY", which kills any kind of animation the clips have within their container MovieClip, be it Classic or Motion Tweens. When I don't scale the MovieClips, they animate fine. I'm able to tell the clips to "gotoAndStop" on their own internal frames, and that doesn't affect their animation within their container clip. I'm referencing the clips via AS w/ their instance names defined in the IDE. I've also tried different clips and recreated them, getting the same behavior.

Is it possible to scale a clip via AS and still have it animate within its container timeline?

Does applying an AS property to an onstage instance somehow dissassociate it from other timeline properties?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: No Resize/scaling A Movie Clip On The Scaling Stage?

Mar 11, 2008

I've search through all the threads with "scaling" and "resizing" and can't find the solution.

Basically I have a GUI element on a gallery that I don't want to scale, while the rest of the page is free to resize/scale.

I think I need to add a listener of some sort to the stage, but I'm not sure how to do this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Button Background Without Scaling Text?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm building some navigation that extends all the way from left to right across my SWF. When the window resizes, I'd like the nav buttons to get wider but not have the text on the buttons get wider.

The buttons themselves are rectangles with a vertical gradient and a stroke around the outside. I'm using 9-slice scaling so the stroke doesn't scale, but the middle (gradient) gets wider or narrower.What'd be great is to be able to select an object or layer and say "don't scale, even if the rest of this movie clip scales". Is there a way to do that, or will I have to do it via actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Movieclip Not Scaling But Repeating?

May 20, 2010

i have a diagonal movieclip that I am trying to scale along with the background video. The background video scales perfect, I am attaching the diagonal movieclip (br in the code as bottomright) with addChild
Instead of scaling with the window, it seems to repeat such as the image is displaying. this is the main section of the code that is doing the scaling
var br:mc_bottomright = new mc_bottomright();
//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))


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