ActionScript 3.0 :: Exporting Classes On A Later Frame: Breaks All Nested Timelines?
Jul 14, 2009
I have a large flash app (> 100k) w/ its own looping preloader animation in the first frame. This preloader should happily spin while the app loads. (For various important reasons, I can't use a separate SWF to load the app.)Bug:When I export the classes in a later frame, all of the preloader animation's simple timeline commands (stop, gotoAndPlay) stop working.Test:I can reproduce this in a very simple test:The red ball should stop (as seen in example 1) and doesn't (example 2).Question:Do any of you know how to get around this? I've been trying everything I can think of and haven't found a solution. If this is unbeatable, it seems the only real timeline preloader you can do is a code-drawn progress bar
I am making a site in flash and trying to add a preloader. I followed some steps from this [URL] and it says to change the AS settings to export classes on frame 2. This makes the preloader work but now I cannot see any items added to the stage from the library. In my init() function I tried adding gotoAndStop(3); but that doesnt do anything. [URL]The main file is Test.fla. The code that adds the objects that I cannot see is in and the objects that I cannot see are menuBG, menuBGL, menuBGR, menuBGB, shader, grid, and imageStatus, or anything that is imported from the library.
I'm aware that ActionScript 3.0 is designed from the ground up to be a largely object-oriented language and using it means less or even no timeline code in Flash documents.I'm quite experienced with OOP and am comfortable writing classes. However, since I mostly use Flash for animations, I hardly ever need to write ActionScript code other than for preloaders, subtitles, quality controls, website links and so on. In fact, I still set my Flash movies to use AS2 to this day because I'm used to gotoAndPlay()/gotoAndStop(), AS2 preloaders, subtitles, quality controls and even getURL(). Of course, I really want to move on now that practically everyone's on Flash Player 9 or 10 and now that I've dabbled with other OO languages like Java, C# and Objective-C too.
I'm a complete newcomer to AS3 and am not very learned with AS2 either. Considering my current use of ActionScript, are there any cases where it's still OK to use very simple AS3 code in the timeline instead of moving code to a class, especially since moving to a class might mean unnecessarily increasing the number of LOC from 4 to 40?
so, a blendMode seems to break on a nested movieclip in FP10 when you change a 3d propery of the parent clip? rotationY, rotationZ, etc...Example here (sorry, not enough posts to actually link):
We are migrating to AS3 at my job and I have run across a weird bug (???). I use the same basic class structure for most of my - document class. handles preloader and sometimes XML loading, - the class that handles all menu buttons, - handles all the pages, game content, whatever.I created a game with this basic structure and published the SWF. Everything works great.Now, I built a website with this same basic structure and when I try to load the game SWF, it throws a bunch of runtime errors - it seems to be confused by the fact that the class names are the same.Each SWF works fine by itself. It only crashes when I try to load one into the other.
I should mention that both the game and website have identical package structure (because they are for the same client, duh!).Is this a flash player bug or am I doing something wrong? I went through the website and renamed all of the classes and it fixed the problem, but my concern is that we may have to load SWFs in the future that we didn't create. What if they have a similar issue? Unlikely, but possible.
I was asked to update some information on a certain project. The weird thing is that whenever I try to export the movie from Flash (I work with CS3 Professional), I get errors. Before even changing anything. All of them are reporting MovieClip not being recognized ("The class...... must subclass flash.display.MovieClip since it is linked to a library symbol of that type" (and a few SimpleButtons too). There is a total of 57 errors. All the classes import and extend MovieClip.
Now I'm pretty sure this doesn't have anything to do with the code itself, since this project was already published and tested working as it is. I tried adding Class paths in the preferences menu but this didn't seem to help.
I'm trying to build a simple FLEX application. Unfortunately, I get '1131: Classes must not be nested.' errors even with the simples MXML .... the error pops out at the mx:Application openning tag: (I'm using PureMVC if it's important)
Let's start off by saying that I am the greenest of green newcomers to the world of Flash and Actionscript. I have created several animations based off of the great camera movement tutorial found here: [URL]Everything works great when I have my actionscript code in a single frame environment. However, I am currently trying to figure out how to create a simple menu/welcome screen that will allow the user to choose which animation to play before returning to the menu and choosing another. When I move my code to frame 2 (as I am trying to create my menu on frame 1), my animation does not work correctly. As I am so new to this, I'm afraid there are very basic concepts I do not understand and this is preventing me from effectively researching and troubleshooting this problem on my own.
Using the Kirupa racing example tutorial files, if I simply move the actionscript to frame 2 I see a continuous loop which seems to include the initial placement of the scene's components, but it doesn't stay in the frame to allow for any camera movement or to continue with the animation. This makes sense to me, as it is continuously looping between frames 1 and 2. When I attempt write this code on Frame 1: gotoAndPlay(2);, I simple see static images of the scene's elements (the tire and the car) and no animation. I had expected it to play as normally as it does when the actionscript is located on Frame 1. What basic concepts am I missing here and does anybody have any advice on how I should proceed?
I have created a simple class to change the color of a movie clip on the stage. The movie clip that I want to change the color of has 3 other movie clips nested inside of it. Here is the structure of the Movie Clip
I'm an intermediate AS2 coder starting to use better OOP practices. I have searched for the answer to this but have not found anything, perhaps because everyone else learned it a long time ago.It appears that classes which extend an MC which is contained inside a different MC do not run their constructor immediately after the containing MC is instantiated. Also this MC's methods are not immediately available. As a result I need to wait a bit, by using onLoad or another frame.Here is an illustration which I have made as slim as possible:
--Symbol with ID "ball", linked to AS2 class "Ball".
--Symbol with ID "box", linked to AS2 class "Box". This symbol contains an instance of "ball" which I dragged in there and gave an instance name "ball_0".
--Symbol with ID "launcher", linked to AS2 class "Launcher".[code].....
QUESTIONS: How can I fix this so that setB would work in the above example? I have found two workarounds but I wonder if there is another which feels less kludgy.
Solution A): As seen in the example, put into Ball an onLoad function (or maybe just its constructor) which then runs any initialization functions. As a result I need to store in the object some properties which the object can find in itself and use for initialization.
Solution B): Put the method call on a timeline frame after the frame in which the attachMovie is done.
At the heart of this question is, why can I set the ball's properties (as seen with setA) but not be able to call its methods successfully? On one hand, I can see that the thread is busy with the box's initialization and can't be expected to run ball's constructor right away, even though ball has been instanced. But on the other hand, I am actually calling a method of an instance which is obviously there, so shouldn't it have the common decency to do as I ask?
Bonus question is, is the fact that this does not work a bug in Flash AS2 or is it perfectly to be expected due to some CS common sense which I lack?Another bonus question is, is this a harebrained way to use Flash AS2 classes—linking symbols to AS2 classes which extend MovieClip (or which are subclasses of classes which themselves extend MovieClip), and using attachMovie to instance all of these MCs except the one "Launcher" which is the only thing on the .fla's stage? It's a cornerstone of my architecture so I'd like to know if this is utterly daft.
In my project I have to classes that inherit the MovieClip class. Then I create a movie clip and in the library I click on linkage and I set on AS2 class field the name of the first class. Inside this movie a create another movie clip and I set his AS2 class to the second class. The problem is, when I run the file the properties of the nested movie clip are not available for the parent. What a mean is that in the constructor of the first class I cannot acces the methods of the nested movie clip. Somehow I need the nested movie clip to be initialized first and then the parent.
I have 3 frames each with a movie clip called map_mc. Each different map_mc have different objects that call the CollisionDetect class. Heres whats happening. objects from frame 1 will start freaking out when I goto frame 2. How do I remove only the event listeners from objects only on frame 1?
I have been trying this.currentFrame but the problem is that all the objects are inside map_mc on the first frame so no matter what it will always be 1. On the other hand MovieClip(root).currentFrame will always give me the current frame but wont tell me what the objects frame is relative to the stage.What I want to do is have something to this effect:MovieClip(root).this.currentFrame would output that this object is on frame 1 and MovieClip(root).currentFrame will tell me that the stage is on frame 2 so I can remove the listeners accordingly.
For some reason I can't get this nested set of functions to work, it executes the first tween and the tween invoked after motion of the first is finished but it doesn't ever get to the third!
ActionScript Code: var t1:Tween=new Tween(p1,"rotationY",Strong.easeOut,90,0,50,false); var t1x:Tween=new Tween(p1,"x",Strong.easeOut,-900,0,50,false); t1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH,onMotionFinished);
I am trying to create a gallery. I am having a problem coding the document class for a menu window ("galleryPane"), which is to be called into the Main class at runtime. In particular, I am encountering problems dynamically creating the thumbs container. I want the thumbs container to be accessible from both the galleryPane class and the Main gallery class [the galleryPane class will need to control thumbsContainer scrolling properties, and the Main class will load content into it].
I have an empty movieclip in the .fla library (with a class name of "All_thumbs" for exporting purposes). In my galleryPane class, I have created a new public instance of this (called "thumbsContainer") and have added that within the nested structure in the menu. However, when I call it in a later function to manipulate its movement, the undefined term error is thrown and I cannot understand why. Here is what I have in the galleryPane document class.
I have an problem whereby I have created a Frame by Frame dancing human figure and now I want to move it across the screen as well as scale it using a Tween.
I have spent quite some time slightly adjusting the upper arms, forearms, hands, legs etc and creating a new keyframe for each movement. All the movements are all in one layer... ie the forearm doesn't have it's own layer etc. I am running the animation at 24fps so there is quite bit going on.
I now realise that I should have created a symbol/movie clip from the first image I created and then scaled and moved the image first before animating it's limbs but I only realized that after hours of work and I would hate to start all over again.
So basically what I have is a dancing human figure in the one spot moving it's arms and legs and I want it to move across the screen and become larger by scaling it using a Tween. I could of course re-edit each keyframe by slightly scaling and the slightly moving the figure but that will take quite some time to get right as there will be a fair bit of trial and error doing it that way.
Anyone might know why a movie I'm attaching with 'attachMovie ' method screws up my preloader? During the preview my preloader disappeared. So I clicked off the 'export in 1st frame' check box and suddenly my preloader shows.
My website has hundreds of flash graphs that are all being updated automatically via web services and external xml. My boss wants to publish a book now and the publisher needs the graphs in vector format. My problem is that the flash graphs first load data, then draw the charts dynamically.
Is there any solution to export the SWF after it has loaded my data and preserve the dynamically generated graph? Some graphs have a drill down feature that is only accessible after there is user interaction. These sub-graphs are important to capture in that moment.
Screen shots are not vectors, so they will not work.
I basically need to find a way to export a swf frame after its done loading.
I am using Flash CS3, and creating a game in AS2. Is there a way I can make a movieclip export in another frame other than 1st? Such as frame 3? I had to uncheck all of the movieclips exporting in frame 1, but now they don't work. Is it possible to export them in Frame 3?
is it possible to use attachMovie without exporting the MC in the first frame.because i tried to do it so i wouldn't have problems preloading, but when i uncheck export in first frame it doesn't show up at all. here is my code just in case it mattered.
i have five buttons 'b1, b2, b3, b4 and b5' and 5 mc 'words1, words2, words3, words4, and words5' being attached to an empty mc on root called 'holder'.
for (var i = 1; i<6; i++) { _root.nav["b"+i].onPress = function() { num = this._name.toString().substring(1, 2); _root.holder.attachMovie("words"+num, "words"+num, _root.holder.getNextHighestDepth()); }; }
I made a thread about this over on ultrashock and nobody seemed to know the answer, so maybe Kirupa knows! It's like this, I've got a music file in the library of my flash, and I want to play it using ActionScript. So far so good, so I go into properties of the music file and check for it to export for actionscript, and export it to frame 1. But what I've noticed is that then the music file loads BEFORE the preloader, so the preloader doesn't show up in this relatively small flash until it's at the very end. Before that it just seems like the flash isn't working cause nothing shows up. But if I uncheck ""export to frame 1", the sound won't play at all! So what I'm wondering is how I export the sound to actionscript AFTER the preloader
I have a few questions I am hoping to get a few clear answers to. I have been looking around the web and in books for the last few hours and I can't seem to get an answer that is clear, at least not clear to me Question1 If an external class such as a document class is used, you cannot simply access a nested movie clip that has been dropped on the stage from the library using dot syntax, is this correct? Example:
I am using a Flasloaded component called flipNavigation Works well but frame one is huge in my movie clip Been following Senolcuar's tutorial as below to ease my preloader [URL] But still get a an issue when publishing the movie as below
I have several small movie clips saved in the library of myCS4 Flash.fla file, I want to make them available to dynamically add to the display list as children, based on the button clicks of the viewer. I can get it all to work fine via Symbol Properties > Linkage > Export for Actionscript. When the movie clips are set to "export for actionscript" from the Library, playback seems to hang on frame 1 until all of these exported assets have downloaded.
The big problem is that I have an ultra-simple but totally custom preloader/progress animation coded in a loop in the second and third frames, which kicks out to frame 4 and continues playback as soon as the download is complete. Because of this, the preloader has essentially become useless - because all that can be seen is several seconds of empty stage, until the vast majority of the bulky assets have downloaded. Then the preloader flashes onstage for just an instant, and disappears because the content is already up.
So, my questions are: A) Is there a SIMPLE alternate method to load these library assets in such a way that it doesn't cause this major lag on frame 1? B) Failing that, I suspect I may have to retool my preloader to run as an ENTER_FRAME event in frame 1. Is this worth the effort (can this potentially resolve the lag issue and allow for a meaningful preload progress animation, despite the lag from the asset export?)
I have a lot of Flash files for which I need to export jpgs of their last frame. write a command for moving the timeline's playhead to the last frame, then exporting a jpg (at Full Document Size, 72 dpi, 96% quality)?
How can I use a linked object without exporting it in the first frame? I'm asking that because I don't want to put an aditional load on the beggining of the loading progress...