ActionScript 1/2 :: Exporting MovieClip In Different Frame?
Mar 15, 2011
I am using Flash CS3, and creating a game in AS2. Is there a way I can make a movieclip export in another frame other than 1st? Such as frame 3? I had to uncheck all of the movieclips exporting in frame 1, but now they don't work. Is it possible to export them in Frame 3?
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Mar 9, 2010
I have some fairly large movieclips in the library which need to be dynamically loaded at runtime. I don't want to export them all in frame 1, because that would slow down initial loading of the movie. I tried putting an instance of each of these clips later in the timeline where they wouldn't normally be encountered. When I then tried to load one from the library dynamically, I was able to successfully get an instance of the movieclip, but its currentFrame property was 0 and I couldn't see anything on the stage. As soon as I enabled "Export in frame 1", it worked properly. Does this old trick of putting an instance on the timeline somewhere no longer work in AS3?
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Jun 23, 2003
Anyone might know why a movie I'm attaching with 'attachMovie ' method screws up my preloader? During the preview my preloader disappeared. So I clicked off the 'export in 1st frame' check box and suddenly my preloader shows.
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Sep 30, 2009
My website has hundreds of flash graphs that are all being updated automatically via web services and external xml. My boss wants to publish a book now and the publisher needs the graphs in vector format. My problem is that the flash graphs first load data, then draw the charts dynamically.
Is there any solution to export the SWF after it has loaded my data and preserve the dynamically generated graph? Some graphs have a drill down feature that is only accessible after there is user interaction. These sub-graphs are important to capture in that moment.
Screen shots are not vectors, so they will not work.
I basically need to find a way to export a swf frame after its done loading.
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Apr 29, 2010
I am making a site in flash and trying to add a preloader. I followed some steps from this [URL] and it says to change the AS settings to export classes on frame 2. This makes the preloader work but now I cannot see any items added to the stage from the library. In my init() function I tried adding gotoAndStop(3); but that doesnt do anything. [URL]The main file is Test.fla. The code that adds the objects that I cannot see is in and the objects that I cannot see are menuBG, menuBGL, menuBGR, menuBGB, shader, grid, and imageStatus, or anything that is imported from the library.
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Jun 19, 2005
is it possible to use attachMovie without exporting the MC in the first frame.because i tried to do it so i wouldn't have problems preloading, but when i uncheck export in first frame it doesn't show up at all. here is my code just in case it mattered.
i have five buttons 'b1, b2, b3, b4 and b5' and 5 mc 'words1, words2, words3, words4, and words5' being attached to an empty mc on root called 'holder'.
for (var i = 1; i<6; i++) {
_root.nav["b"+i].onPress = function() {
num = this._name.toString().substring(1, 2);
_root.holder.attachMovie("words"+num, "words"+num, _root.holder.getNextHighestDepth());
View 3 Replies
Oct 25, 2008
I made a thread about this over on ultrashock and nobody seemed to know the answer, so maybe Kirupa knows! It's like this, I've got a music file in the library of my flash, and I want to play it using ActionScript. So far so good, so I go into properties of the music file and check for it to export for actionscript, and export it to frame 1. But what I've noticed is that then the music file loads BEFORE the preloader, so the preloader doesn't show up in this relatively small flash until it's at the very end. Before that it just seems like the flash isn't working cause nothing shows up. But if I uncheck ""export to frame 1", the sound won't play at all! So what I'm wondering is how I export the sound to actionscript AFTER the preloader
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Apr 12, 2008
I am using a Flasloaded component called flipNavigation Works well but frame one is huge in my movie clip Been following Senolcuar's tutorial as below to ease my preloader [URL] But still get a an issue when publishing the movie as below
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Apr 20, 2010
I have several small movie clips saved in the library of myCS4 Flash.fla file, I want to make them available to dynamically add to the display list as children, based on the button clicks of the viewer. I can get it all to work fine via Symbol Properties > Linkage > Export for Actionscript. When the movie clips are set to "export for actionscript" from the Library, playback seems to hang on frame 1 until all of these exported assets have downloaded.
The big problem is that I have an ultra-simple but totally custom preloader/progress animation coded in a loop in the second and third frames, which kicks out to frame 4 and continues playback as soon as the download is complete. Because of this, the preloader has essentially become useless - because all that can be seen is several seconds of empty stage, until the vast majority of the bulky assets have downloaded. Then the preloader flashes onstage for just an instant, and disappears because the content is already up.
So, my questions are:
A) Is there a SIMPLE alternate method to load these library assets in such a way that it doesn't cause this major lag on frame 1?
B) Failing that, I suspect I may have to retool my preloader to run as an ENTER_FRAME event in frame 1. Is this worth the effort (can this potentially resolve the lag issue and allow for a meaningful preload progress animation, despite the lag from the asset export?)
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Jul 19, 2010
I have a lot of Flash files for which I need to export jpgs of their last frame. write a command for moving the timeline's playhead to the last frame, then exporting a jpg (at Full Document Size, 72 dpi, 96% quality)?
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Dec 28, 2011
Here is my code:
public function main() {
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, hurdlesReactToArrowKeys);
var loginScreen:dealerLogin = new dealerLogin
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Dec 6, 2005
How can I use a linked object without exporting it in the first frame? I'm asking that because I don't want to put an aditional load on the beggining of the loading progress...
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Jul 27, 2010
I'm unable to make it work :Flash exports the first frame in the SWF file as a PNG file, unless you mark a different keyframe for export by entering the #Static frame label.When publishing the fla, the png is build from the frame that is currently displayed in flash (if my timeline is at frame 3, frame 3 get exported)
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a large flash app (> 100k) w/ its own looping preloader animation in the first frame. This preloader should happily spin while the app loads. (For various important reasons, I can't use a separate SWF to load the app.)Bug:When I export the classes in a later frame, all of the preloader animation's simple timeline commands (stop, gotoAndPlay) stop working.Test:I can reproduce this in a very simple test:The red ball should stop (as seen in example 1) and doesn't (example 2).Question:Do any of you know how to get around this? I've been trying everything I can think of and haven't found a solution. If this is unbeatable, it seems the only real timeline preloader you can do is a code-drawn progress bar
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Aug 18, 2003
is it possible to prevent the exporting of embeded-font symbols in first frame? on my embeded-font symbols "export for as" is turned on and even if "export in first frame" is turned off my font symbol loads before firs frame.
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Aug 1, 2011
I would like to export a movieclip as a gif image. The movieclip contains a circle that fading from grey to transparent. So I wonder if it possible to export this movieclip as a gif to show it in for example photoshop and still have it fading from grey to transparent (not white!!).
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Apr 22, 2011
I'm working with Flash CS3 and I need to create an automated export. I know how to export a movieclip as a SWF file using actionscript
ActionScript Code:
myclip.exportSWF(folderTarget + "/" + DOMFileName + "_" + clipName+".swf", true);
This is how we save movieclip as JPG file,
ActionScript Code:, "picture.jpg");
What I would is to export my movie clip as an AVI file, I looked for a movieclip.exportAVI function but it seems not to exist. In fact, I just want to bypass this annoying process:
"File > Export > Export Movie... > Export Movie (Path & File Name)".
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Sep 16, 2011
i have a Flash CS 5.5 fla with a basic timeline animation. at the very last frame i put a keyframe with the only code being
nevertheless this movieclip doesnt stop at the end but loops infinitely.
the movie is exported as an SWC which is then loaded into another flash movie. however this does not call any functions in the movie nor does it interact with it, other than embedding it.
i have already tested this with the debug version of flashplayer to see if there are any exceptions, but no errors occur.
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Aug 18, 2009
I'm attempting to include a preloader to a photo gallery I have already.Each works fine separately, but when put together there's a problem. So, initially with "export to first frame" checked in the "convert to symbol" dialog box for each image and thumbnail I have, there is no problem except that the preloader is just about never seen since all the content is loaded in the same place. When I uncheck the "export to first frame" it gives me an error in the output box: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable image1 is not defined.
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May 16, 2009
how I access variables in a frame on the stage with code from a frame within a movieclip?(basically passing variables from a stage frame to a movieclip frame)
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Mar 26, 2004
i have a movie clip with a dynamic text field being animated...i have a text file with this in it
now how do i make the movie clip to first go from frame 1 to 10( last frame in teh movieclip) with the text time and then when the movie clip starts again it should say place and so on and so forth.. depending on how many textline variables i define in the text file?
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Sep 14, 2010
If I removeChild frame animated Movieclip, will it automatically stop running the frames inside it? Actually without calling mc.stop();
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Mar 8, 2005
I'd like my Flash site to be bi-lingual. What I have currently is a Flash movie with an empty Movie Clip which then allows users to go from movie to movie. The movies are all small movieClips that are loaded into the empty movieclip on demand. There is some video and text in each of the 30 movieClips.
Here is sample of code that i'm using to call up next MovieClip.
My solution for the bilingual version is to create a separate frame with the French version + video and then when user presses the French button they are directed to that frame. This way I could easily create the French text within the one movie. however i don't know the Actionscript code to call up a movieClip to play from frame 10, and not frame 1.
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Jul 16, 2010
i'd like to control MovieClip timeline witch contain several DisplayObject (like Sprite, Button, ...) these DisplayObject have Motion (AnimatorFactory). How can i do seek frame-by-frame the MovieClip Timeline and use the currentFrame to control all Motion child.
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Nov 25, 2011
This is an if stament on a frame on the root. I want to loop Carrera(a lenghthy movieclip) from frame 2 back to frame 1. (For testing purposes) This is the code:
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Jan 4, 2011
I was having trouble even knowing quite what to search for so I figured asking a question in a forum would be the best way to go. Currently I am making an application where I have multiple movieclips of equal duration on multiple frames. For example, movieclip_1 is on frame 1 and is 40 frames long. There is currently a scrub bar that scrubs through the 40 frames of movieclip_1. On frame 1 of the Scene there are also buttons with the actions to gotoAndStop on frame 2, frame 3, and frame 4. Frame 2 contains movieclip_2, frame 3 contains movieclip_3, and so on. The functionality of this is that it shows medical conditions progressing from different angles and when a button is clicked the display shows a close up of just that one angle. As expected, without any actions on the movieclips navigating from one frame to the next brings up the proper new movieclip but they always begin at frame 1. What I would like to be able to do is somehow have my movieclips know what frame they are on so when a button is clicked the application would go to that frame and open that movie clip to the same frame as the previous one that was just navigated from.
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Mar 27, 2012
I got a MovieClip filled with a lot of others clips... When I change de X or Y value of this first MovieClip the frame rate slows down for during 1 frame. For exemple... I created a counter that returns around 30 mseconds every frame, but when I do this X or Y change the return is around 400 mseconds... When I try to fill the first MovieClip with less information it goes faster, about 100+-200 mseconds...
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May 7, 2006
When you click a button I want my flash to go to the frame label where the movie clip is located, and then play a certain frame of that movie clip.
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Nov 6, 2006
1. I make a simple movie (call it movieClip) first frame has stop(); action, second frame has label playMovie, last frame has action gotoAndPlay(2); (so that movie not stop anymore2. Now I place movieClip on stage3. Question... what is code to make movieClip play frame label playMovie?
I already try to put many different type action in frame one of stage
this.movieClip.gotoAndPlay("2"); //NOT WORK
this.movieClip.gotoAndPlay(2); //NOT WORK
View 7 Replies
Aug 1, 2011
I want my MovieClip to play from frame 5 to frame 30 and then stop. How can I do this?
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