Flex :: Moving SWC To Libs Folder Breaks Project

Apr 20, 2010

I have a swc(degrafa) that I have been referencing externally in another folder on my computer. When I tried to move the swc to the libs folder I was no longer able to access the swc from my application.

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Flex :: Moving Libs From Root To /libs

Sep 1, 2010

righ now i'm using Flex 4.1 libs, when compiling Flex puts all used libs into the root of the application, however - i don't want them there, i want them to be inside Flex_root/libs.

Anyone a clue where i can change the lib location?

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Flex :: Flash Loader Demands Library Files In Folder Other Than Folder Where Main Project File Is?

Jul 29, 2010

i have situation in which i have some library projects, say


, included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory


, when i build the project it automatically place all the libs .swf in its "E:in-debug" folder, but when i debug or run the project it it gives loading error that


not found but i have those lib files on


what could be the possible errors.

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I have one Eclipse Workspace containing two projects. - The first is my actual library. - The second is example code for using the library.When I push this code to GitHub, I don't want two separate projects, I want the example code to go into an "example" folder of the second library.How and where would I do this? From Eclipse, GIT, or GitHub?Or is there a better way of including sample code in GitHub projects? (the example code doesn't actually need any version control)

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Actionscript :: IDE - Moving To Frame 2 Breaks Animation

Oct 7, 2009

Let's start off by saying that I am the greenest of green newcomers to the world of Flash and Actionscript. I have created several animations based off of the great camera movement tutorial found here: [URL]Everything works great when I have my actionscript code in a single frame environment. However, I am currently trying to figure out how to create a simple menu/welcome screen that will allow the user to choose which animation to play before returning to the menu and choosing another. When I move my code to frame 2 (as I am trying to create my menu on frame 1), my animation does not work correctly. As I am so new to this, I'm afraid there are very basic concepts I do not understand and this is preventing me from effectively researching and troubleshooting this problem on my own.

Using the Kirupa racing example tutorial files, if I simply move the actionscript to frame 2 I see a continuous loop which seems to include the initial placement of the scene's components, but it doesn't stay in the frame to allow for any camera movement or to continue with the animation. This makes sense to me, as it is continuously looping between frames 1 and 2. When I attempt write this code on Frame 1: gotoAndPlay(2);, I simple see static images of the scene's elements (the tire and the car) and no animation. I had expected it to play as normally as it does when the actionscript is located on Frame 1. What basic concepts am I missing here and does anybody have any advice on how I should proceed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Files Dynamically Outside Of The Project Folder?

Jul 31, 2009

I'm working on an image gallery in Flash that plays a slideshow of different images I have on my hard drive. I've got the basics of it working, but I'm still stuck on something. If my images are in the same folder as the Flash project file or a sub-folder of it, then it works fine. However, I can't figure out how to load images from some other folder. In my case, the Flash project is located at "~/Programming/Flash/Projects/slideshow/" and the images I want to load are at "~/Pictures/Gallery/". Using a normal path didn't work so I figured I could access them with a file:// path, but that doesn't work either gives me "Error #2035: URL Not Found"). Is there a specific way you have to format the file path in Flash, or is it just not possible?

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Copy Folder With Bunch Of Layers And Keyframes To Different Flash Project?

Apr 15, 2010

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Flash :: Create New Shapes In The Graphics Folder In The Library Of A Cs4 Project?

Jul 5, 2010

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How do I create new shapes in the graphics folder in the library of a flash cs4 project?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Exporting - .swf Doesn't Show Up And Cannot Be Found In The Project Folder

Feb 2, 2012

Me and my buddy is having a huge problem. It seems like we have hit a limit in how many assets (movieclips/sounds etc) that we can have in our library. We can export at the moment, but if we put in another cutscene or sound flash wont export. It shows the progress bar but when its done the .swf dosent show up and cannot be found in the project folder.

Does anyone have a clue on whats going on? We've been working on this game for the past 5 months (full time) and we'd be devastated if all our time and effort has been in vain.

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Aug 25, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving An Image From Flash To A Folder?

Dec 4, 2009

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May 31, 2009

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Java :: New Project Created With Flex Mojo's Archetype Throws Cannot Find Parent Project-Maven Exception

Jun 15, 2010

Maven 2.2.1 unzipped,M2_HOME set and repository altered to point to different drive location in settings.xml Flex 4.0:

Installed Created a multi-modular webapp project using flexmojo:

mvn archetype:generate

with following options



Parent pom has swc, swf, war as modules.

Dependency is war->swf->swc.

With parent artifactId of swf, swc, war set to swf, swc, test respectively.On executing mvn on test folder(for that matter clean or anything) I get this following error.

G:Projects est>mvn -e
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/test/swc/1.0-snapshot/swc-1.0-snapshot.pom


Looks like its trying to download the project from maven's central repository instead of building it.

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Actionscript :: Disadvantages Of A Flex Project Vs Project?

Oct 20, 2009

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Professional :: Cannot Import 'fl' Libs?

Apr 28, 2011

I am working in Flash Pro CS5 developing some mobile apps. When I try to import certain of the 'fl' libraries, I get errors. For example:

import fl.motion.MatrixTransformer; Gives the error: 1172: Definition fl.motion could not be found

When I type the import and get the autocomplete suggestions, the only fl libs available appear to be the following


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Flash :: Call Flex Project From Other Flex Project?

Sep 16, 2011

I have 2 flex projects which were create in flash builder 4.5.....how can i call one project from second??? the best would execute to the same window.... I'm interesting about both possibility (in browser and air too).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add The Caurina Folder To The Folder - Thumbnail.as To The Folder

Feb 5, 2009

Can I do this in AS3?

(1) add the caurina folder to the folder

(2) add Thumbnail.as to the folder

(3) add


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Use Compiled HAXE Swf's Swc's In Actionscript As Normal Libs?

Mar 5, 2010

Can we use compiled HAXE swf's swc's in Actionscript as normal libs? I have a swf compiled from haxe code (I can try to compile it into something else SWC for ex) I want to use it as lib in AS3.

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IDE :: Irridescent Custom Color Libs For Flash 8

Aug 26, 2009

I'm doing some GUI screens for sci fi / fantasy displays in Flash 8 and i really need some better color libraries, anyone know where i can find some irridescent / electric color pallets that will really stand out on the screen?

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Actionscript 3 :: Libs For Complex Animation Of Groups Of Objects?

Apr 3, 2012

Are there any libraries for animation groups of objects in as3? I need something like this: for example, I specify an array of images and creates the animation of all objects in the array - fireworks, the spiral vortex, 3D rotation, undulating, etc. Tweenlite and other libraries not fit, because there is no pattern complex motion.

I need to quickly apply complex animation paths to the set of objects.

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Php :: Use Line Breaks In Flex With String?

Jun 23, 2011

This is the MXML I have


None of them create a new line in flex they are both rendered to the screen. How can I create a new line with a php string?


but if I do name.text=data.string; it doesnt even though data.string has the exact same value;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving As3 Project Written In Flash Into Flash Builder?

Sep 25, 2009

I am having trouble transforming pure as3 projects written in flash into Flash builder projects.

I have a series of simple tutorials covering basic elements of actionscript 3. These were written in flash using the document class.

I would now like to switch over from using Flash to using Flash Builder.

Is there any way to import each of these working as3 files into new FB projects?

When I try to import using either "import > other > existing projects" or "import > Flash Builder Project" or "import > General > File system" I am not able to complete my import because (obviously) I am not importing a valid Eclipse project.

Is there no way to load a directory of AS3 into FB, set one of the classes as the "default application" and have FB build a new project around it?

I could create a new project in FB and then move the assets in manually, but I have over a hundred of these! It would be nice to be able to move from one environment to the other without difficulty.

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ActionScript :: Android - What Is The Difference Between Mobile Project And Flex Mobile Project

Jun 5, 2011

I am going to make an Arabic application using Flex builder 4.5. I have two questions that need to be answered What is the difference between ActionScript Mobile Project and Flex Mobile Project. (AS Mobile Project supports iOS and Android but I doubt about it!!)
Is Arabic support available in Flex Mobile Projects or AS Mobile Projects? I know TLF supports Desktop and web apps but does it support mobile platforms?

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Flex :: Richtexteditor - Does Not Handle Line Breaks In HtmlText?

Jun 28, 2011

I store the htmlText property of a RichTextEditor in the database.I retrieve it in another instance and I want to show the user the first line of it as plain textSo I let Flex handle the conversion by using a function like this

var editor:TextField = new TextField();
editor.htmlText = htmlTextFromDb;
var converted:String = editor.text;


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Flex :: Prevent Line Breaks Between Words And Punctuation In UITextField?

Aug 3, 2010

I am rendering html in a Flex 3.x UITextField. The problem I am facing now is that when punctuation is at the end of a word, it can sometimes be wrapped to the next line.

For example:

That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger ,so I became a developer.

This seems like a bug in the algorithm to me. Is there a workaround?

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